Natalya Bondarchuk about the financial situation in the family of Grachevsky: "Caith means is simply no"


After the death of Boris Grachevsky, numerous follovers, of course, could not not discuss the issue of finance. Moreover, many have considered that the popularity of the director is equal to indispensable wealth. However, as it turns out, it is not so. The fact that Grachevsky did not possess large amounts of money, confirmed many of his friends. Directed by Natalia Bondarchuk, who knew the creator of "Yelasha" for more than 30 years, said why he remained almost without funds and what circumstances did his health.

- We lost one of the brightest people who never showed their problems: neither physical or others. He always knew how to enjoy life and delight other people. That is why it will be remembered for so long, that is why in my facebook literally a flurry of messages, "said Natalia Sergeevna. "When I wrote:" Our favorite Boris Grachevsky left, somewhere in heaven met with her mother. He sang about her songs, and she called him there. I called to no longer suffered - there was too much pain in recent years. He moved everything and always smiled, even in the hospital, from which he had no longer ... We would not be enough. Bright memory". In response to this publication 1200 likes and 183 comments came. Stunning. Each person wrote some wonderful lines about Bore.

- Have you seen yourself with him for a long time?

- We constantly saw him, the last meeting was in Nalchik literally in December. He was cheerful, gambling. But during a close conversation he did not hide anything at all. Once I asked him: "Boria, why don't you swim?" He replied: "I will unwind half a day, half a day - to collect leg. I can not". You know that he had cancer, he was treated in Israel ... And that's all the money that they appeared were sent to his treatment. It has hit the finance very much. He told me: "All money goes to treatment." And recently, in December, he told me: "Natasha, for the first time in 45 years I did not give funding for the 'Yerals". " I overlooked: "someone, and you, Borek, did not give?" But then we talked, and I told me that I was not given to the 100th anniversary of the Pope Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk on a documentary. He also complained, because he knew perfectly well what was not to get financing for me, which I was waiting for four months. What fails occur there in the ministry, I do not know. Who is to blame for this - I do not know. They send telegrams with condolences, but what is happening inside - I do not know. We are all in the pen. And the whole children's cinema reset. One of the few who was paid by these unfortunate money was just gracevsky. And, maybe because he was constantly paid, a crowd gathered around him, so to speak, haters and ill-wishers who did not want it. It is quite possible, they encouraged: why he was given this money every year, but we do not?

Boris Grachevsky and Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya

Boris Grachevsky and Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya


Understand, here there was also his position at Grachevsky, because he not only created these little films, but made it possible to shoot his cinematographers, who now suffer only losses. Each small film feeds the film crew: these are artists, and director. That is, thanks to Grachevsky and his "Yelash" many were afloat. Let them grab the hold of the pants, as we say, but at least it. And during the coronavirus, when we were completely canceled, cover up? I do not understand, I'm shocked. And it is clear that all this situation on it very negatively affected. Although he did not stop smiling, but the emotional background also affected his health.

- That is, Boris Yurevich did not work with a millionaire?

"From his loved ones, for example, Larisa Pretorius, I know that he was an absolute stray. He left nothing for later. Here the Kati funds are simply no. Yes, she is offered some dividends to make it on television, but she simply cannot. Maybe then she will tell about his love for Bore and about love Bori to her. This is, by the way, they themselves watched. All witnesses that it was a wonderful marriage, from which a wonderful boy appeared. Boria loved all his children. Yes, and Katya herself greatly grew during the time with Grachevsky. For example, she began to sing so! I also spoke Bore: "How the category sings!" He looked at me so triumphantly: "Well, work!" He also had a relationship. That is, she and the child gave birth, and the mistress is normal, and loves him. And for her, the loss of Bori is a catastrophe, I can't even say what. In my opinion, it is now in such a psychological state as if border. She does not go for any contacts. Need time. But to solve questions in a state of another person, and I'm sure this is director. I do not know about debts, but now, in my opinion, all debts. Cinema is costly art. This is not a blank sheet of paper where you write and does not depend on anyone. First, you need to get a receipt of some grant and support and only after that begin to do. But many take money in the hope that they will be given later, as this is also not always in a timely manner. Suppose you need to shoot in the summer, and you get the grant you fall.

- In your opinion, what to do the widow of Grachevsky Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya?

"The director of" Yelash "knows about the real state of affairs. And in order to be at least some hope that his business would not die in honor of Boris Grachevsky, maybe it is necessary to create a kind of assistance fund - to continue the films and to help the family. It is impossible to do any individual fees, because the money will all go somewhere. And do not specifically collect, because taxes will be strangled, etc. The director collaborated with Grachevsky for many years, they are very close people, he participated in the burial and so on. So these two people, director and katya, must decide who will still be a artistic leader so that it does not disappear.

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