Butterfly effect: with the new aroma from Kenzo you will "grow wings"


What do you think, what qualities of beautiful ladies the opposite floor appreciates the most? Kindness, reasonableness, sensitivity, the ability to listen and hear, sense of humor, sociability? Of course. But if you are not sure of yourself, it is unlikely to attract the attention of men to you. At least, the Creative Director of Kenzo Parfums Patrick Gage, who shot a new perfume's commercially shot.

The face of the actress and model Amber Anderson became the face of the seductive fragrance. .

The face of the actress and model Amber Anderson became the face of the seductive fragrance. .

"The finest quality of women is a recklessness!" - He says at all. This is the ability to follow their inner voice, sometimes trust intuitions more than common sense, do not adapt to "under the changeable world", and invent your own rules and laws. It is for such a woman who created an extravagant fragrance Madly Kenzo Kiss'n Fly.

Butterfly effect: with the new aroma from Kenzo you will

To create a bottle of the butterfly wing, the world-famous designer - Ron Arad is an extraordinary person, whose slogan: "No discipline." .

Playful, novely sexy, lightweight and air cocktail from music of lychee, pomegranate, jasmine and muscles can awaken in you what was too dreamed about what you did not even suspect. For example, the ability to extraordinary actions. Previously, you would never first have decided to invite a man to dance, and now it's worth it for you, isn't it? You have long dreamed of going to Peru and studied the culture of ancient Aztecs, and here suddenly took and bought tickets for another continent for the next holidays? Do not be surprised, it's just the beginning!

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