How to become successful in marriage after the unsuccessful marriage experience: specialist facilities


Divorce and repeated marriage will not surprise anyone today. Those times have long passed when the divorced woman was considered some kind of incomplete, disadvantaged, and looked at her with regret. Today, many successful women have a history of two, three, or even more marriages. But even today, the unsuccessful experience of creating a family first time still has a negative impact on a woman and, first of all, on her self-esteem.

One of the most important fears - concerns that the next marriage will also be unsuccessful. Women's married, especially young, if their marriage ended badly because of the wife of the spouse, begin with distrust to treat men, to the Institute of Marriage as such, and if the reason for the divorce was rooted in their behavior, they could not confuse himself that they could not Save family.

Meanwhile, statistics, and the personal experience of many women speak the opposite: the second marriages in most cases are stronger and more successfully. This is due to the fact that in the second marriage, the woman comes, as a rule, already in a more mature age and is responsible for choosing a separator, and to build relations inside the family. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid to enter into a new relationship with the man you like, and if everything suits, then make marriage with him, create a family again.

Ekaterina Zdan.

Ekaterina Zdan.

Men in the world is a lot, and if your previous husband or cohabiter did not meet your expectations, it's not worth this negative experience to spread to the whole half of humanity. People are very different, and just new relationships can open a woman's eyes to how many models of behavior and that, if you wish, they may well choose a man to become.

However, the key to success in the second marriage is to comply with a number of non-good rules. First, you should not focus on your past and unsuccessful experience of family relationships. Do not often remember your first marriage, albeit in a negative key. Former relations and ex-husband should not be present in your current marriage. This is the past, and let it stay there, where it is supposed, - in the depths of your soul, in her, so to speak, the museum part.

Secondly, in no case cannot compare the current husband with the previous one, again, albeit in a positive key. Otherwise, the husband will feel the constant presence of this invisible second or, more precisely, the previous man. The same is necessary to clarify the parents, other relatives, girlfriends: they should not in the presence of a new husband talk about his predecessor.

Thirdly, on the basis of the first sad experience of the marriage relationship, it is worth drawing conclusions, to understand that then the cause of conflicts, quarrel, misunderstanding, and try in new relations to no longer allow such behavior on both sides.

A new marriage is a new page of life, and it is necessary to understand that everything can be different in it: the new husband has other household habits, looks for life, culinary tastes. This must be taken into account and you need to build a new family, and not try to recreate the model of the old family with a substitute for the first husband in the person of a new man. At the same time, it is worth understanding that a new marriage is a chance to correct the situation, adjust your behavior, to contribute to your life what has not been made in previous relations.

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