How to protect yourself from a cold


Hygiene. Most often, we are ill because of viruses that are transmitted not only by air-droplet, but can also get into our body through the mucous membranes. Therefore, on returning to the room from the street, you need to wash your hands with soap. And this applies not only to the house, but also the office.

Wash the nose. Before leaving the house, the nose is better to lubricate oxoline ointment. Returning home, rinse well, well, and rinse the throat. It is best to make a salt solution or a special spray bought in a pharmacy.

Wet cleaning and venting. In a dangerous season, diseases need to be used as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning. Wipe not only the floor and open surfaces, but also handles, switches, keyboard, telephones, consoles. In a water bucket, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Do not forget about the humidification of the air. Dry air contributes to breeding viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the humidifier will be very useful for autumn.

Aromatherapy. Some essential oils can help fight viruses. Butter lavender, lemon, geranium, melissa, tea tree, eucalyptus will help to disinfect the air in the room. You can use the aroma or drop a few drops into the spray and spray on the room. Instead of oils, you can grind several pieces of garlic and put a saucer with him in the room.

Food. In the diet, it is necessary to include fruits rich in vitamin C are oranges, grapefruits, tangerines. Be sure to drink chicken broth, there is a natural yogurt for breakfast, prepare 2-3 times a week low-fat meat. It is better to abandon fatty, saturated meat broths, sweets, white bread and fatty dairy products. Power must be balanced and full. You can cook a vitamin mixture: walnuts, lemon, raisins, dates and honey. Keep in the refrigerator and there is one tablespoon in the morning.

Tea. Skip several lemons through a meat grinder and add honey to taste. Hold the mixture in the refrigerator and add to tea. Good in tea to add currant leaves or raspberry, lip. Brew in the thermos of rosehip and drink 2-3 hours before sleep. One glass on the day of the ragger of Rosehip will help strengthen the immune system, calm the nerves and normalize the pressure.

Apple. Experts recommend to eat in autumn every day one apple. It is believed that the fruit contains all the substances needed to maintain immunity. Apple needs to be necessary with the skin, which contains antioxidants.

Baths for legs. If you snapped legs outside, then at home, it is best before bedtime, to make a warm feet warming bath. Rig mint, chamomile or sage and pour a decoction in the bath. Herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is useful for the skin of the feet. After the procedure you need to wear warm socks and lie down in bed.

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