Glory: "I know my husband is always a mountain for me"


In the life of the singer of fame, a lot of things are happening: the youngest daughter is a schoolgirl, the oldest is a student, a tour of the tour for months ahead, and now also preparation for a large solo concert. But even when things are a lot, fame does not stop smile.

- Glory, this autumn began with you like all moms who raise schoolgirls. I know that your youngest daughter Antonina went to the second class. Does she study at some special school?

- Class at the daughter is ordinary, without any slope. Just a good school, good children. In our class, for example, learn the son of Zara - Maxim. And sama Zara and our dad toly - the most active parents. Since I am all the time on tour, and Toli has free time, then he comes up with creative evenings, it helps the class in everything. As for the choice of school, we were guided by its location. We live outside the city, on New Riga, so they chose a school that is closer to the house so that the child is not to wind through traffic jams.

Each concert singer tries to turn into a spectacular show.

Each concert singer tries to turn into a spectacular show.

Ekaterina Shlychkova

- Now children are very busy people who, in addition to school there are weights of loads. Does your daughter also?

- She is athlete, he is engaged in gymnastics, swimming, and she succeeds. Maybe let's go to volleyball if she likes it, because I myself in the past volleyball player. And I, of course, love team sports very much. The team raises the morale, discipline. As for artistic abilities, Antonina sings, dancing. Well, all this, of course, at home - we do not go to any special circles. She also loves drawing, modeling - in general, all that girls are engaged at her age.

- With your schedule, it is probably difficult to find the time to help your daughter do lessons?

- It is difficult, but it is possible when the breaks between the tours appear. For example, for the last year it happened once twice a month, and sometimes it was not for months. And this year will be the same: since October we have a schedule of concerts.

However, even outside the scene of Glory does not stop being a bright person

However, even outside the scene of Glory does not stop being a bright person


- Who helps you when you are on tour?

- Nanny, we have them two, and, of course, dad and grandmothers. And the elder sister, if there is free time, always comes to help. As for the help of the household, I and Mom always do all our house. I have never had a dishwasher, I do not understand what it is. I love to eat and wash the plate and saucepan itself, it calms me. And I love, as in Cinderella, when first everything is dirty, and then beautiful and glitter. And when you look at something beautiful, on what lies on the shelves, you begin to feel more comfortable. Therefore, I always clean my homes, myself with a vacuum cleaner, with a broom, with a cloth. Or in general, cheerleh - to arrange a general cleaning, wash the windows. This is also a good sport. At first, I was removed, then I sat down with my mother, poured a glass, sang songs, telly turned on. Generally class!

- As far as I know, now one of your main worries is to prepare for a great concert in Moscow ...

- It's true. Therefore, after the festive line at school, I immediately went to the studio, recorded new songs. I spend a lot of time in Studios now, at rehearsals. And recently, my new song "I'm tired of being strong", which everyone really likes, was waiting for it for a long time. What else happened? Of course, a couple of scandals on the topic that I have allegedly some kind of lover. But this is not true: Nikolai is my administrator, and a very good friend and a friend who always helps me and drives me at hand, because the "mother" is often tired. (Laughs.)

- A solo concert in Moscow is a serious event. Worry, do not sleep at night?

- No, I sleep at night. That's when there was a preparation for my first serious performance in the Kremlin Palace, I didn't sleep at night. Very nervous, worried, even much lost weight. Now I already know what to do. Studio, rehearsals, selection of groups, selection of dancers, make a cool video content, there will be a living sound, gorgeous suits that Sejse Alexander Arutyunov. Sasha is a very talented person, I am familiar with him from the very beginning of your career, that is, twenty years old.

In the chart of the singer not so much time on vacation. But if you leave, then in full program

In the chart of the singer not so much time on vacation. But if you leave, then in full program


- It is no secret that in front of an important event, the artists sit on diet, go to the gym. Do you also do?

"I usually want to do that, but I can't do it." But for this concert, I will try to lose weight slightly. So I will go on the scene slim, beautiful and exciting. In general, I do not like diet, although they can be helpful. I still love boiled sausage, my favorite herring, fried potatoes, all sorts of mayonnaise salads, borsch, harcho, pickle ... and very much salty, marinades. I can reiterate the jar. I do not know, maybe it is genetics, but in the morning I wake up completely inequate. And, of course, wobble with beer - why not? (Laughs.) But when you understand that you need to do something with the figure and face, you do. For example, after giving birth, two weeks sat on all boiled and green. And it helped a lot.

- What are your relationship with sports?

- I do not do sports, but I think it will come to this. In general, we walk a lot on foot. In each city on tour, if you slept and have the opportunity, we walk on foot for fifteen kilometers. Here were touring in the Far East, so we almost all the Far East bypassed with great pleasure. It does not matter that rain, snow, bad weather ... it did not stop us. Well, the scene helps, because on stage we are moving, sweating, and, of course, all this works in a plus to my body.


"The secret of our 18-year-old marriage is that my husband and I are rarely seen, so we always miss"

"Looking at you, it's hard to imagine that you already have an adult daughter who marked her age. How did you celebrate the date?

- noted to fame. Made a gorgeous photo session, hanged photos on the walls of the institution in which the holiday was held, there were beautiful concert numbers, a youth R'n'B-performer. They invited her classmates, friends, our relatives. Very cool: everyone danced, sang, having fun. Sasha was very beautiful, in a white dress. She was very worried - she wanted to be a princess. And this evening she was a real princess.

- Your daughter graduated from school with a gold medal. What is your influence?

- Sashuna learned well by itself - she didn't put anything in his head into her head, no one forced. It is probably in her dad, Kosta Morozov, who always studied well, knew mathematics perfectly. I would also study well if I studied. But in the nineties on Ryazan Avenue there was its atmosphere, it was not before studying.

- How does Sasha do now?

- She studied a year and a half in the Schepkinsky School in the acting specialty. But I realized that it was very hard, because all days from six in the morning to ten in the evening, we practically need to be there without the weekend. Therefore, Sashuna was transferred to Rudn to linguistics and studying in the third year. She has the ability, she speaks French perfectly and in English.

Spouse of Glory, businessman Anatoly Danilitsky, older singer for 28 years, but this does not interfere with a strong Family Union

Spouse of Glory, businessman Anatoly Danilitsky, older singer for 28 years, but this does not interfere with a strong Family Union

Natalia Mushchinkina

- Sasha has beautiful photos in Instagram, and recently, almost erotic pictures appeared, which caused a storm of discussion. How did you react to this?

"I like what kind of photos she makes, I have such a beauty." I myself wanted to be photographed: and so, and soak ... and I think, while all this can be shown, why not? Especially since it's all beautiful, aesthetic, there is nothing puffy and vulgar there. Sasha itself does not want to become a professional model, it is a small growth for this. Very worried in childhood, because the whole family is not lower than 177 cm - and my parents and grandfather was a two-meter. But the grandmother Yulia Alekseevna was with our little one. Sasha was worried that he would go to the grandmother, and it turned out. Sasha's growth is 165, therefore, of course, it is not suitable for the model. But for a singer or actress - why not?! She has a wide vocal range with me, has long been engaged in vocals, and now we even recorded a few songs. Maybe in the future and will become a singer, God forbid, I will help her.

- She probably already had a lot of fans?

- Oh, young people for us sick topic. We have a little man and good, but still with character. And of course, looking for itself the best: to be understood, supported, tolerated. This, of course, is very difficult, so while we are looking for.

Glory and Anatoly brought up two daughters. Senior Alexander - She was born in the first marriage of the singer - a student. And the youngest Antonina is studying at school. Both girls grow very creative, and glory does not exclude that Sasha will also devote himself to the scene

Glory and Anatoly brought up two daughters. Senior Alexander - She was born in the first marriage of the singer - a student. And the youngest Antonina is studying at school. Both girls grow very creative, and glory does not exclude that Sasha will also devote himself to the scene


- And if it suddenly says that it comes out to marry or even please the news that you will have a grandmother?

"I remember when I came to my mother and said that she was pregnant, she replied:" Well, what to do? " Give birth to!". Although I was then eighteen years old. Gave birth. Won which beautiful princess appeared. I will support it in all, she is a girl with his head and, I think, will not do this - early. Because I saw how hard I was, as she was not enough. It was a dramatic situation, we survived quite sad moments that remained in memory and never erased. Therefore, I advise everyone to give birth aged when you consciously want a child. Because when the child is desirable and by time, he is born healthy, happy, and everything is good.

- By the standards of show business, your marriage lasts a lot - already eighteen years. Probably your husband knows the secret to keep such an emotional woman like you ...

- Well, now, after eighteen years old, I can say that the secret of our marriage is that we rarely see (laughs), so always miss. Well, moreover, Anatoly is a very clever man. I have always suffered dyslexia - this is when the scattering, inattention, you can not focus, read poorly. Therefore, I always wanted to listen, and not read. And Anatoly gave me so much, told so much! He is a former diplomat-hindu, many years lived in India, knows the language and traditions, so I always wonder with him. When we sit with him somewhere in the restaurant on vacation, we always have something to talk about. I know that my husband is always a mountain for me - and this is probably the most important thing.

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