Notes Thai Mommy: "Absolutely desert beaches are scary"


We decided so. I donate to the border itself with Burma, which is already Myanmar. It is three hundred kilometers from Phuket. There, on the Thai side, in the city of Ranong, take off the hotel. In the morning I am going to the neighboring state (one, because Stefan also does not even have a Russian passport). Quickly return. Nightly night at the border, and the next day we are going home, Phuket.

... The province of Ranong among the Russians, and in general the foreigners do not use much popularity. What is explained: there will be almost no information about it on the Internet. What is really strangely strange: After all, those who constantly live in Phuket, on Phui Pi-Phe and other nearby islands, in Ranong are every month - it is through the capital of the province, this small and provincial township, everyone goes to neighboring Myanmar. However, time to stay on a couple of days and inspect the sights, no one. And in vain ...

On the territory of the hotel where we settled - your spa with hot radon sources. Foreigners this wonderful place has not yet mastered.

On the territory of the hotel where we settled - your spa with hot radon sources. Foreigners this wonderful place has not yet mastered.

The road to Ranong was still more picturesque than from the window of a minibus chaiming "Visa Rass". Because we, without hurrying anywhere, boldly made races everywhere, where they saw the inscription "Waterfalls" or "Beach" or "Caves". And those turned out - literally after five or ten kilometers. True, in many caves, the entrance was closed to us - with a breast child there, of course, do not go. But absolutely desert beaches and stunning waterfalls are all the beauty - it was all. Although - here is an amazing thing! - On the coast, where not one person can be seen for tens of kilometers around, I ... categorically refused to swim. Scary! So we understand what we need, women: a lot of people - crowded, little - deserted ...

In Ranong itself, we literally found the very hotel that I read on the Internet. Noteworthy he is what. Right on its territory is a spa with hot radon sources. As soon as we dispersed the things in the room and descended to the pools, I understood: it seems that only two days in this place will be not enough ...

Continued ...

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