Roman with meal: 5 steps to beauty and health


Women are unique in all their manifestations. They are emotionally, passionate and from time to time are set in adventures. But because of its natural emotionality, they are constantly looking for support and support. They are waiting for approval from their bosses, recognition from colleagues, especially - confirmation of their exclusivity from a partner.

Wanting to be successful, beautiful and "good girls", we climb the bunch of obligations, which and five are difficult to pull.

In the morning, barely opening his eyes, we begin to plan: it is necessary to bring cleanliness in the house, you will not be late for work, and in the evening I meet a fresh and well-kept beloved husband. But life introduces its own adjustments: before going to the garden, the child rolled up, the shirt remained not to iron, and the dishes are not washed. How so - a good wife and mother must all be time and, preferably, do not shout on children!

Rolling fatigue, and after all the day began, and ahead of work ...

And here on the way there is "he" - a refrigerator, full of fast and cheap consolations. This friend will substitute the solid, smooth shoulder and the handle will give - you will open, and inside a lot of gifts!

Maria Scriabin

Maria Scriabin

So many years ago my own romance began with food, which was intended, like any novel - for entertainment. And then, unexpectedly for me, it turned out into a co-dependent relationship from food, "Bulcropolism", and then aggravated completely unpleasant diseases.

So, forced, I began to engage in disorders of food behavior.

My height is 170 cm, the weight is 67 kg, I am not a phytonish, but already not a barnier.

Let's answer a few questions:

1. Why do we start an affair with food?

It all begins with a sweet milk mother - this is an expression of love and pleasure from being, because without joy and warmth, a small little man is difficult to grow in this difficult world. We grow up, but the habit remains. And the easiest way to reset the voltage from liability, multitasking, uncertainty in tomorrow - eat a quick carbohydrate. Before it was smoking, but it seems to have won it.

2. Why is the consumption of fast carbohydrates equal to dependence, similar to alcohol and narcotic?

See how it works: Our body is so arranged that when you get a sweet / flour, that is, a quick carbohydrate, it causes instant insulin emission.

Meanwhile, the carbohydrate food is very sculpting the pH of our intestines, and then our blood. In the condition of the acid medium, cell receptors that are friendly with insulin become deaf and do not pass glucose, which the "per hand" leads insulin. Insulin becomes too much, it pulls more and more. Insulin resistance arises, which is known as pre-chicken diabetes.

Following the second type diabetes, a complete violation of carbohydrate exchange, liver operation, cholesterol rises, the blood clock occurs. As a result, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is raised to the maximum.

It is not true, it is very similar to the reception of the drug: for the moment of a minute of relaxation - a colossal threat to health.

Food dependence of akin to narcotic

Food dependence of akin to narcotic


3. What can we do to keep independence and security?

Step 1. Before putting a piece in the mouth, determine your need: What do I really need at this moment? Do I really need food? Or is it a means of fighting fatigue, uncertainty and taken overly responsibility?

Step 2. In each of us there is a tender surprising creature - our inner child.

When we are not confident in yourself, when something did not work out, our inner child suffers. He wants love and support and finds a simple solution - eat something delicious: candy, ice cream, burger.

But this is not love, but the likeness of love. When we, in response to stress, run themselves with candy, do we love yourself or still regret?

Step 3. It is necessary to reveal and fight with automatic thoughts. Below are their "hit parade", which I am based on conversations with my patients with disorders of food behavior:

- I know that it should not be, but I don't care if I don't happen bad if I eat a piece;

- I can not resist and do not eat it, I am weak and inappropriate;

- I have already ate what I was not worth it, so today I can not keep my diet;

- I worked so much, I want to relax, I can afford a dinner for dinner.

Replace the reception of harmful food on a massage session or a favorite book.

Replace the reception of harmful food on a massage session or a favorite book.


Step 4. Instead of automatic thought, create a creative balanced thought: How can I support my inner child except sweet eclair?

Take a pencil, draw a circle. Try to draw the sector in this circle, which displays the pleasure of food. Come up with three more similar sector. What do you like: massage, reading a book, a candle bath? Many girls came to the conclusion that in order to gain the internal balance, they are enough for 20 minutes to quietly drink tea in a cafe or to be alone with him in silence. It is possible that a hobby is suitable for you: scrapbooking, diamond embroidery, muscy.

It is important to find for yourself the case in which you can draw inspiration, create, and not destroy yourself.

Step 5. It is necessary to take your feelings, talking with you from the position of the wise parent. And before putting the "cookie" in the mouth, to say with its most vulnerable part that she actually wants to hear:

"I love you. I will not give you offense to anyone. You are valuable. You cope with everything wonderful, but you need a vacation. I'm with you, I will not give you to spoil your health, but I will help you find a functional solution. "

Find useful and delicious foods from which you can enjoy. Fruits, salads, seafood, flax flaks, chips made of natural apples - the Internet is really tasty and simple PP recipes. Looking for, feel: What does your body really want?

Every morning, get up with the thought, how to meet yourself after 5 years - slender, independent beautiful.

What are you? What are your thoughts? Who is next to you? What are you dressed in? How are you feeling?

And most importantly, as you will be grateful to yourself in five years - for patience, courage and love!

Write down these words and repeat them every day. This is your personal affirmation.

Believe in yourself, and everything will turn out.


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