Personal experience Shuni Meshcherykova: "How I lost 20 kg"


New Year's holidays remained in the past, and kilograms sent by us for the winter holidays in the harsh present. So, it's time to start active actions to combat overweight to meet the spring 2021 fully armed. The history of her weight loss with WomanHit shared a vocalist Absolute Soul Group Shoo Shun Meshcheryakov, which can be excellent motivation and an example for our readers. Over the past year, thanks to proper nutrition and training, it got rid of almost 20 kg and continues to work on themselves. Shuna does not seek to lose weight until the size of XS, but it feels great and no longer has harmful food habits.

Stage # 1. Awareness of the problem


At some point, gradually the resulting weight, which I did not notice, began to make himself felt. The constant state of fatigue, the complete absence of lightness in all actions. From a weight gain, at least I, the first thing that suffers exactly. It is as if it's hard to make a couple of steps, simple actions seem very difficult, procrastination begins and complete reluctance to develop and move to any goals in principle.

And of course, a terrible appearance. Not because completeness is ugly, but because it looked unhealthy. In my profession, the visual component of generally a lot means. I did not say that, but I think, in many ways this condition has negatively affected our participation in some programs and projects, as well as to the perception of our creativity.

Stage # 2. We begin to act

The first step to the slimming was going to the endocrinologist, that is, I tried to deal with this state from the point of view of the hormones and health status, and not just the right nutrition. At some point, constant control caused stress. Preparations (which will fairly be noted, helped to cope with some difficulties) gave side effects, so that almost all the time I felt not very. Therefore, at some point, the weight is not just returned, but also increased relative to the original state.

After time, I decided that it was time to take decisive actions. And here, as usual, it happens to me, and fate, which, as you know, gives us small tips and signs. In Instagram, one friend published information that his friend is gaining a trial weight loss. Usually, I ignored such information, telling myself that this is "not mine" and not what you need, but this time for some reason paid attention. Already on the same day, we contacted the one-coach, which later helped me go through the whole way and solve the problem.


Stage # 3. System

Oddly enough, the loss system was not some kind of unique, new or sensational, simple counting and recording of the eaten + daily dosage of physical loads. Without work at the limit and without starvation, interval, tablets and something like that. I was most likely motivated by the fact that every day we in the total chat were reported on nutrition, and I felt a kind of responsibility to the rest in the group. Therefore, everything worked. Later, they begin to motivate and give the power already obtained results. I want even better, even more, even more beautiful.

In addition, at some point you connect additional "help" in the form of massages, care, and everything goes even faster and more pleasant.

Stage # 4. Proper nutrition

When it is impossible to eat delicious and diverse food, I seem to be interested in nutrition in general. Therefore, it was difficult to eat too much and not too little. That is, when they prohibit complex sauces, delicious sweets and other joys, offering in return for a laundry chicken breast or vegetables on the grill, I would like to think subconsciously "Why is there anything, if it's not so tasty?". It is important at the beginning of the transition to proper nutrition to work with it that is precisely this question if you have the same problem.

Because starvation is not what helps to lose weight. Proper weight loss, after which a new form will continue for a long time, begins with food habits. The coach explained to us at the very beginning of the marathon.

Many of those who participated in the marathon, fell on sweet or simply harmful meals too often. It is better to do once in a lounge, consistent with himself, full-fledged Cheat Meal, enjoying his beloved harmful delicacy than several times a week to break through and nervously absorb the first dish on the eyes. The first week was the most difficult, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, the most interesting, because you are trying to try something new, this feeling of novelty distracts a bit from the severity of the process.

Stage # 5. Physical exercise

There were physical exertion, and they really helped not only to keep themselves in the form of physical, but also as if the mood and energy were sent. But these were not exhausting classes, everything is very dosed, home training.

Stage # 6. Difficulties

Always the most difficult thing is to start. Therefore, it was the most difficult. Further, it all depends on motivation and desire to really change the situation.

In terms of motivation, I love gross very much, but such a right phrase Artemy Lebedev: "How to melt yourself? In no way. Stay in L ** E. " We must all remember that only when we ourselves want something very much, we can embody it. In addition, your transformation does not need anyone more than you yourself.

Stage # 7. Result

I really liked the result. It became easier to live, walk, create, and so on. No matter how cool, an unhealthy state with obesity is very influenced by the mood, and our actions, therefore, in terms of creative and household ease, everything has changed. In addition, with such a not fast, and a thorough approach, the weight will not return immediately after the end of the marathon, the result holds for a long time and not weight is not going to return.

In principle, this is all food behavior - the habit acquired in the process. Now the use of juices, sauces, sweet - all this does not impress the impressions of the usual meal, but something out of a series of outgoing. I can not say that the process of weight loss is over, I am all the time on the tip of attacks, so to speak.

Stage # 8. Hold weight

Weight managed to keep even in quarantine. Of course, the New Year holidays, when everyone gives themselves more freedom, let them know themselves in the form of an increase in the figures on the scales, but now almost everything returned to the circles. Nevertheless, for this year I have plans to reset 10-12 kg to achieve your ideal weight.


Stage # 9. Soviets losing weight

The main thing is to start! Pull over the first week, then it will be much easier.

Believe me, the result obtained is much more pleasant than the taste of any, even delicious, dishes.

No one except you the result is not needed so much, so remember that this is your task and your responsibility! If you really want to change, you will find a way!

And one additional advice: in all good measure, do not leave the extreme to extremes. Thrust to a healthy state and do not get drunk too radical measures.

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