Cooking drinks for immunity


Turmeric with milk

Kurkuma is used to increase immunity, improve the operation of the circulatory system and on joint pain. It is important to remember that turmeric displays fluid from the body, so in the days of the reception of the drink you need to drink more water.

Turmeric with milk

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Drinks

Cooking time: 20 minutes

The dish is calculated on: 10 people (a)

You will need: 3/3 stacked turmeric 3/3 cups 1 cup of taste

Cooking method:


Curcum dilute in water, put on fire. On medium fire, cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The mixture should thicken and remind a paste.


The mixture is cool and removed in the refrigerator. It is stored until 30 days.


Milk the glass of milk and dilute in it 1-2, C.L. Paste from turmeric. Add honey. Instead of milk, the mixture can be breeded in warm boiled water. Drink 1 cup a day.

Cocktail with kiwi

In Kiwi, a lot of vitamin C, vitamins of the group in and potassium. Thanks to this, the cocktail is excellent prevention of infections, charges energy.

Cocktail with kiwi

Kitchen: Mediterranean

Category: Drinks

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Dish cleared on: 2 people (a)

You will need: Kiwi 2 Shrbanan 1 grade to taste

Cooking method:


Kiwi and banana clean from the peel.


Punch with a blender to the state of the puree, add some ice.

Lemon Kvass

Lemon Kvass enhances immunity, improves metabolism, has a positive impact on the work of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon Kvass

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Drinks

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Dish cleared on: 12 people (a)

You will need: Limon 2 stshar 6-7 tbsp. 30 Gizum 1 Spoon with Horomethive 3 liters

Cooking method:


Add sugar and put on the water. Boil.


Grasp the zest of lemons. Fruits cut in half, squeeze the juice, chop the flesh, removing the bone.


When sweet water becomes warm, add zest, juice and pulp lemons, raisins and yeast.


Leave kvass for fermentation for 2-3 days at room temperature.


Kvass is ready if the zest surfaced to the surface. Strain, pour on bottles by adding several raisins to each in each. Close with covers and remove in the refrigerator.

Tea with Rosehip.

Roshovnik's decoction is considered to be a gluing and multivitamin. Currant has an anti-inflammatory antimordatic and antiseptic effect. Such tea is not only strengthens the immunity, but is useful for gastritis, improves the work of the heart and the state of the vessels.

Tea with Rosehip.

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Drinks

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Dish cleared on: 2 people (a)

You will need: Rosehip 1 tbsp. Current currants 1 tbsp.L.Vode 2 Stacked to taste

Cooking method:


Rosehip and black currant put in thermos, pour 2 glasses of boiling water.


Insist about an hour.


Tea strain and add honey.

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