Not easy 2021: What new fines are awaiting motorists


Have a car in your property becomes all overlaid. Cameras everywhere becomes more, the control is tougher, gasoline is more expensive. Also new fines appear constantly. What to expect from the coming 2021 year?

So, the most important thing is - in the Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation there was a new norm of "violation of the requirements in the field of landscaping of the territory committed using vehicles". Now leaving uncomplete or abandoned cars will entail a warning or a fine of 1 to 3 thousand rubles. This was told by the Governing Partner of the Law Company "Position of Law" Egor Rynin. According to the lawyer, in the environment of commercials, this penalty has already managed to paint "fine for auto-hit." True, it is not clear to the end, which cars can be considered abandoned, so some time for some time in this question is definitely.

Also, the owners of the car will be punished for car wash in prohibited locations. That is, if you stop somewhere on the side of the sidelines and decide to wash the car, you can get to a fine up to 2 thousand rubles. For the stop on lawns, or travel to them will have to pay from 1.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Those who stopped or drove in kindergarten or sports grounds will need to fork out the amount from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

For the refusal to medical examination, the punishment also became severe. If at the moment of violation of traffic rules in the cabin was a minor, the driver will be fined 50 thousand rubles and deprived of rights for a period of 2 to 3 years.

It is not worth relaxing: new tightenings are waiting for us ahead. From the next year, for each day, the ride without a diagnostic card will write a fine of 2 thousand rubles daily.

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