John Warren: "I still can not be called Russian and can no longer be called the Englishman"


In the distant 1980, 12-year-old John Warren suddenly realized that he had abilities to languages: the young Briton was perfectly and in two weeks spoke in Spanish. To stand out among the peers, John decided to explore Russian. As a result, love for the language has gross in love for the country. And at 22, a graduate of the University of Bristol moved to Russia. Now John Warren is one of the most popular leading on our television, which for five years has been talking in the show "Let's go, fight!" About traditions and national dishes.

"John, you came here in the 92nd year." At first they were engaged in business. Have you ever found with gangsters?

- Sure! After Moscow, in 25 years, I came to Rostov. Englishman. 1994. And announced that I would be engaged in the best product, which is in Rostov, - Sunflower seeds. Naturally, there were problems with bandits. I have come across many times. But I was afraid, since I am a foreigner. I could say: "I was yesterday in Moscow, there was a meeting with the Ambassador of the UK." And they did not touch me.

- And in the Cossacks you were not dedicated?

- Repeatedly! So it turns out that I am a Cossack. (Smiles.) Dima Dibrov very much wanted me to become the Cossack. I was dedicated to the Don, and in Kuban, and even in the Yakut Cossacks. I was given a checker at the wedding. After all, my first wife is a Cossack (Rostov journalist Elena Domrina. - Ed.).

- It is believed that a Russian woman from nothing can make a salad and arrange a scandal. Do you agree with this?

- Absolutely. I have it so, and many times. (Laughs.)

- Worldwide Russian women admire ...

- ... They are the most beautiful in the world.

Warren and his television team everywhere meet as expensive guests.

Warren and his television team everywhere meet as expensive guests.

- And economic?

- If these are those who know how to cook, then no. For some reason I choose those who do not know how to cook at all. And does not even eat. They are almost all the time on diets. But as soon as I start cooking, they get fat, and then - all, the end of the relationship.

- Do you have to sit on a diet too?

- I constantly limit myself in nutrition. Now too. Hungry, I want to eat, but I can not. I am 86 kg. I scored about ten kilograms from the moment I began to shoot "We will eat!". I really want to get rid of this weight, but it is really difficult. Even if you do not eat in the frame, you need to at least try. The graph is non-normalized. When you do not get enough sleep when you are cold, then I want to eat all the time. Especially every nastiness. And on trips, everyone refills me. I'm already saying: "Guys, stop!"

- Are you really before the program was a vegetarian?

- Yes, and it was hard to start eating meat again. And now hard. I will definitely return to vegetarianism. But I always ate fish, seafood. And once sometime I had my sausage shop, and in order to test the quality, I periodically put something meat and spoiled in my mouth. But this is nonsense, of course.

- How did you manage to persuade your ex-wife Elena let go of the Son at eleven years to study in London? For a Russian woman, probably, there is no greater tragedy.

- That's for sure. In England, if you can say, parents dislike their children. And in Russia - immobilize. Ten-Eleven years is a little age to leave mom. And Alex was very difficult. But it was necessary to go either then or never.

- And your mom, grandmother Alex, helped him?

- He lived at school. Every two weeks he had the opportunity to leave. Grandma went to him. My education was more cruel - now softer. But still hard, not for everyone. Alex there survived. He is well done.

John with his son Alex who studies in London. According to the TV presenter, now Alex has a bigger Englishman than he himself.

John with his son Alex who studies in London. According to the TV presenter, now Alex has a bigger Englishman than he himself.


- Son got English citizenship?

- He was born in England. And he is more Englishman than me. But he has Russian citizenship.

- And in Russian passport, Alex is recorded by patronymic?

- (laughs.) Alexander Jonovich. But in fact his name is Alexander Jam, because my dad Jam. We did not give him family names, as we were taken in England, they recorded initials in honor of the grandfather, and that's it. He is in Russian - Alexander, but in general - Alex. Not Shurik, not San, not Sashulya - Alex.

- And you have no Russian citizenship, although you have been dreaming about this for several years?

- I did not get. Recently, I joined the hole for the second time in my life. For the first time you do not understand anything. So cold and unusual that jumped up, shouted, and that's it. And in the second - this is consciously. And when I went out of the water, I said: "I have already become so Russian, give a passport!"

- You live in Russia for more than twenty-five years and know about our country more than any Russian. We say: "We have two troubles - fools and roads." Do you agree with that?

- (Laughs.) Like Tyutchev: "I don't understand Russia with my mind ..." In some places of Russia, I would add it to this. In some - men. I have a lot of Russian friends. And I see that in most cases a couple breaks up just because of men. They are unworthy of you. Mommies are growing so their sons. They fly out of the nest unformed. They do not know how to cook, do not know how to care for themselves, have never come across difficult situations. Therefore, they seek as soon as possible to find a woman who will take care of them, wash, clean and give birth. But I will make a reservation that in Russia not all the men are.

- We are talking to nine in the morning. Do you always get up so early?

- Out of habit - yes. I hope that in a week I can sleep as much as I want and when I want. While ten days. In fact, I sleep very little. Today I slept, for example, four hours. I need at least six hours, preferably eight.

- How does your morning begins: in English (with oatmeal) or in Russian (with sandwiches)?

- (laughs.) I drink coffee, and that's it. Lately, I try not to breakfast on trips. At home you need to cook coffee, cook the sandbroke is a whole process. And in the hotel you go to the hall - and there everything is: sausages-sausages, omelets, cereals, croissants, etc.

And I really like to eat delicious, and in this hotel room it is difficult for me to abandon the temptation. Therefore, I prefer not to go there. I look in advance that my schedule is scheduled. And if there are some tastings, then between them I do not eat, it is enough in the frame.

John lives in Russia for more than 25 years and during that time he studied the country along and across

John lives in Russia for more than 25 years and during that time he studied the country along and across

- We have such a thing as a zaple day. Do you have such days?

- If we translate from English, then we have this "potato on the sofa". I have such days. I am generally a lazy person, the master of Lurestania. But at home I have no TV and no entertainment. And if I am at home, then, most likely, tired of people, and I want to be alone. I love to read, watch TV shows, movies. I do not remember when the last time went to the movies, but I adore this business.

- What language do you read and watch movies?

- Remember, when the first foreign films appeared in Russia, then they were voiced by one beastful voice? But at the same time, English was always heard. It was very difficult to watch. I love to watch movies in the original: Russian - in Russian, American - in English. But if I go with Russian friends to the movies, then, of course, I will watch the "Harry Potter" in Russian, although it is strange for me. I am a philologist and love to listen as other languages ​​"work". I prefer subtitles, not a dubbing.

- You once said that in time you want to leave Russia to another country. Your opinion has changed?

- No, not changed. I think I will go. But I don't know when it happens. As you say: "How God will give."

- In 2014, at a meeting of a geographical society, where you performed, Vladimir Putin joked: to become Russian, you need to learn how to drink. Have you learned?

- Oh, yes! Although I understood well in this matter and before that. (Laughs.) After all, I lived in Rostov-on-Don six years, and therefore I can drink. And now often you have to do it on trips.

- Our expensive guests are celebrating bread-salt and a glass of vodka.

- for sure. Sometimes two or three times a day. It does not always fall into the frame, but we meet us.

- Have you to refuse?

- Not. A little breath.

- Can you call yourself Russian?

- Not.

- Is the Englishman?

- Probably not too. I still can not be called Russian and can no longer be called the Englishman.

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