We begin Aquadiscoteku: 4 ideas for the construction of an inexpensive pool


The pool is something on rich ... Of course, you will need accumulations for organizing a recreation area in the backyard, but this task is for sure by the average person. We will not look at the options from luxurious hotels and get rid of unnecessary functions like hydromassage and water heating, and here is the cost of the personal pool forces. Womanhit translated the material of the English-speaking resource of the Popular Mechanics, which tells about the stages of the construction of the pool. And then we show the options selected by us, the design of this recreation area. You are ready?

Types of pools

There are three main types of underground pools. In the order of popularity, this concrete, vinyl and fiberglass. Concrete pools are manufactured by individual order and can have almost any size, shape and depth. This option is most durable, but also complicated: the installation takes 3-12 weeks. But, unlike other types of underground pools, concrete pools can be reconstructed, enlarge and updated.

Vinyl swimming pools are made of preformed flexible plump, which is inserted into the dug hole. It is attached to an enhanced frame of steel, aluminum or corrosion-resistant polymer. The overwhelming majority of vinyl basins have a rectangular shape, but some manufacturers have options for L-shaped and arbitrary shape. It is best to choose the thickness of the walls at least 20-30 mm, otherwise they can be easily damaged. The construction time of the pool with vinyl facing is usually 1-3 weeks.

Fiberglass pools are molded at a factory into one giant bowl, which is installed in a dummy pit with a crane. As a result, fiberglass pools can be installed much faster than the pools of other types - sometimes you just need 3 days. Fiberglass pools have an ultra-voltage gel coating, extremely durable and stained stains. And, unlike concrete pools, fiberglass is a non-porous, therefore it is formed less algae - you do not have to often buy a cleaning agent. The main minus of these pools is a standard form and the need to drive a tap to the site for its installation.

All three types of pools are concrete, vinyl and fiberglass - available throughout the country. However, in certain regions, some types are more common. If the builders are more often installed by a pool of one type, probably there is a very good reason for it. Often it is connected with the local climate and soil type.

Comparison of costs

It is impossible to say for sure how much your pool will cost, as prices differ greatly depending on where you live, soil conditions, water circulation systems, as well as the type and size of the basin. The time of year can also affect the final price, since many contractors offer discounts on the pools, built in the offseason, when the business is slow. Generally speaking, concrete pools are the most expensive, they follow the pools with vinyl facing and fiberglass. However, the modern fiberglass pool can cost more than a concrete pool. For Russian realities, we advise the vinyl swimming pool - it is well withstanding the cold.

Rules zoning

Underground pools obey the rules for construction and zoning, so you must apply for building permission and get approval before any work can be started. Terms of construction and zoning differ from the city to the city, but usually you must comply with certain indents from the pool to the borders of other people's own possessions, their homes, wells, sewage networks and wetlands. To get a list of specific rules and restrictions, contact your local building department or zoning council.

Choosing a suitable place

The choice of a better place for the pool is also important as the pool itself. An experienced contractor can provide valuable information, but be sure to consider the following pool placement tips:

Solar zone: Use free solar energy by choosing a pool, outdoor for the sun and stayed away from trees. Such a location will not only warm water, but also reduce the number of leaves falling into the pool.

Without wind: The construction of a swimming pool in a windy spot significantly increases the evaporation of water, which means that you will have to add water to maintain the proper level. Strong wind can also make you feel uncomfortable after swimming. Create a windproof strip, building a massive board fence or put a row of thick bushes.

Select the zone on the elevation: Do not install the pool in the lowlands, as this can lead to the flooding of the pool with mud and garbage during periods of heavy rain.

Check out the electricity: the pool should not be located under the air telephone or electrical wires, or directly above the underground sewer lines and electrical cables.

In the visibility zone: if possible, build a pool within sight of the house. Thus, you can follow the swimmers even indoors - it is important if there are children in the house.

Circulation system

In the basin circulation system, both filtering and disinfection are used so that the water for swimming remains clean. The filter pump takes water from the lower stuffs of the pool, passes surface water through the automatic skimmer, and then skips everything through the filter before recycling back to the pool. Typically use three types of filters: sand, cartridge and diatomitis.

All three types of filters work well with proper installation and good service, and the experienced contractor will help you decide which filtration system is best suited for your pool.

Please note that before adding any chemicals for disinfection it is important to check water in the pool. Take the water sample to the local store for the pools for analysis or buy a set for self testing. Support a pH from 7.2 to 7.8. During long periods of very hot weather, be sure to check the water several times a week to maintain the proper balance.

Beware of budget violators

As mentioned earlier, the final price of the underground pool is usually roughly halved exceeding the cost of the pool itself. This is because the underground pool is much larger than the pit filled with water. Here is a list of items that are usually not included in the price of the pool: outdoor lighting, landscape design, tracks, terrants, fences, patio, hot tubs, outer sound system, coating for the pool, water testing kits, shadow design, garden furniture, canopy For equipment, storage cabinet, toys for the pool and additional external electrical outlets. Most likely, you will not need all these items, but remember them in the preparation of the construction budget.

Design options

We now turn to the most pleasant part - in front of you 4 successful basin design options.

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