(Not) Professional: What to do if the beautician caused the harm


Probably there is no such woman who at least once appealed to the beautician even in a trifling occasion. However, going down to make the easiest peeling, few people think about what the non-accurant, and sometimes unprofessional actions of the cosmetologist can lead to. What to do if the damage of appearance is already applied? We tried to figure out.

All by law

First, you must remember that your relationship with the cosmetologist is regulated by law, which means you are right:

- You can demand gratuitous elimination of shortcomings.

- Require price reduction for incorrectly performed work.

- require compensation for damage.

That is why it is important to conclude a contract for the provision of services with a beautician or with a clinic. So you do not have to prove that you really get cosmetology services in this place.

There is a difference

It is also important to distinguish with cosmetic and cosmetology procedures. Cosmetic procedures include various peelings, massages, masks and other procedures that are directed to light therapy. But already in cosmetology procedures include injection and procedures aimed at serious changes in appearance.

It is also worth noting that legal measures are applied to cosmetologists who are applied to the cosmetologists, despite the fact that work takes place in the residential premises, not in the clinic. If you decide to contact a beautician at home in order to make a simple peeling, check the specialist documents to make sure its qualifications. If a beautician refuses to provide documents, you can safely abandon the procedure.

Always check the specialist documents

Always check the specialist documents

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

To whom you can turn

Unfortunately, the result does not always satisfy, which means there may be a situation where the conversation with a beautician does not specify, in this case we connect the clinic itself. Many experts recommend to conduct their own expertise, which includes photographs and analyzes that could confirm the error of the cosmetologist. Already with these data, you can contact the clinic with a complaint.

It also happens that harm is not limited to a burn after peeling or an allergic reaction to the drug. Procedures made by an inexperienced specialist can lead to irreversible changes in appearance. In such a situation, if the clinic refuses to take responsibility for his actions, there is a reason to establish a criminal case against a clinic or a specific specialist, but for this it is important to collect all the necessary evidence in the form of independent experts, photo / video footage and other necessary documents.

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