Equality for autumn: diet and exercises that will lead the body in shape after summer


1. What exercises should you start your day?

Every day you need to start with exercises for posture and the cervical-collar zone, as this is the basis of not only our body, but also a person.

If the posture is not built, it will lead to the imbalance of the cerheth-collar zone muscles, their hyperthonus, and from here - headaches, reduced focus concentration and fast fatigue. It is not necessary to explain that in such a state to engage in the beauty of the body there will be no desire, nor the opportunity.

Therefore, I recommend to take a rule for the execution of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, stretching the chest muscles and the muscles of the neck, strengthening the muscles of the press.

2. What should I have for breakfast to get the charge of energy for the whole day?

I recommend a satisfying breakfast, but it is necessary to eat it no earlier than 30 minutes after awakening, and even better to drink some water in 15 minutes to launch the intestinal work.

Sacks with sausage, may and belong to a satisfying breakfast, but clearly not with the status "useful."

If it is important for you to easily and quickly eat, choose porridge, which can be cooked from the evening. They contain a complete set of nutrients required for breakfast. Only porridge recommend buying not fast preparation, but "long", but more useful and full-fledged cereals.

The egg is also a great option for breakfast, only I advise you to make a choice in favor of cooking, and not frying - in terms of cooking method.

Whole-grain bread will complement such a protein breakfast and due to the content of the fiber will extend the feeling of satiety.

The option of fashionable now fruit smoothies I recommend to leave for snacks, since after such breakfast you are quickly hungry.

How to bring the body in shape after summer?

How to bring the body in shape after summer?

Photo: unsplash.com.

3. What muscle groups do stop do, if you want to become the owner of beautiful legs?

In order for the legs to be beautiful, slim and at the same time harmoniously developed, it is necessary to work for several muscle groups at the same time: the front surface of the thigh, the back surface of the hip, the muscles of the leg and buttocks.

Moreover, in each muscular group it is necessary to carry out different exercises that all muscles would involve in the group.

For women, I highly recommend adding stretching exercises, as fixed muscles, semitched knees and an unstarted foot fitness will not allow the legs to look feminine and gracefully, thereby spoiling the impression even from the most embossed and taut legs.

4. To make the legs are tightened, what duration should daily exercises be?

It is very difficult for me to highlight the workout on your feet in a separate body. I believe that the harmonious body develops only when all the muscles from the top of all muscles are from the tops. All our body is a single system, all muscles are connected via deep myofascial chains. Therefore, if you want beautiful legs, just choose a suitable training for yourself for the whole body (it is desirable to combine power and aerobic directions) twice a week and add one full stretching training.

Do not abuse squats

Do not abuse squats

Photo: unsplash.com.

5. What leg exercises will help make more rounded buttocks?

What your buttocks look like, depends on many factors: the shape of the pelvis, the place of attaching the muscles to the bones, the number and place of the location of fatty sediments.

To which we can influence, it is on the state of the muscles that can make a beautiful any "fifth point".

It's important to know: If you work only on a large buttock muscle, dreaming of beautiful and tightened pope, then you will soon achieve the result. It is necessary to work together and on the muscles of the inner side of the hip and above the trained tendons. And, by the way, the case is not only in aesthetics. If you do not work out these muscle groups uniformly, then, training the buttocks, you can overload, for example, thigh flexors and get injured.

Neglecting technique - for example, the inability to keep the back of the straight, lack of a controlled trajectory of knee joints and improper breathing in the process of performing exercises - inhibits the result, and then all my life will suffer with sore joints.

The most popular exercises on the Internet for the buttocks are squats, and many hoped by performing only these exercises, to obtain the elastic buttocks. But with monotonous workouts there is an adaptation of muscle fibers, as a result of this, the muscles become immune to the same exercises, and an infinite increase in working weight is impossible, since human forces are not limitless. Therefore, it is important to alternate various exercises, add low weights (for example, gum).

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