Pavel Bure: "There are no miracles"


- Paul, you can ask a question about your pedigree. Your Burea family was known as watchmakers, since the times of Tsarist Russia, do you have a desire now, when you left professional sports, continue the case of your ancestors?

"My great-grandfather, famous Pavel Bure, was the supplier of his emperor Majesty's courtyard and received a hereditary nobility for it. And, despite the fact that I was named after Him, I am not a relationship to watch business, and somehow there is no desire to do it.

- Maybe these are your brother Valery?

- Not. Valera spoke a couple of years ago in Canada on the "Ice Age" show, won him together with the famous champion Catherine Gordeva, now the brother lives in California, there has vineyards there, it produces beautiful wine. He seriously approached this business, lives there constantly, although it is interested in hockey. In the watch business, Valera also does not see anything interesting for himself. Maybe he will soon return to the coaching work, he has a huge experience, played a lot in the NHL, was a member of the matches of stars in the NHL. My brother and I broke the record in NHL - as much as the goals scored the brothers, in the amount, no one scored. We even killed the record of the Esposito brothers.

Pavel Burea with brother. Photo: Archive MK.

Pavel Burea with brother. Photo: Archive MK.

- You probably often revise your games?

- Very rarely watching. I do not like memories, I prefer to look at what is happening on the hockey playgrounds of the world now.

- Thought about their hockey team, who would you like to develop this direction?

- Of course I think. Specialists who played well and work fine, enough. But for me the main thing to create your team of like-minded people who will follow me, and this is an unprecedented process. Without a reliable success team will not be.

- Paul, ask you an unexpected question. Have you watched a popular film about Hockey "Legend No. 17"? Your opinion about him?

- Good movie. When we looked at him with Tatiana Tarasova coach, they appreciated him very high. In the film, truthfully shown traditions: as it was, and how it brings up young people. Director Nikolay Lebedev for this picture is a big respect from me.

- Why don't you yourself play movies yourself? You kinogenic and could very convincingly play ...

- As he said, glad that they began to make more films about hockey, but he himself was not ready to remove. I refuse proposals, there is no time for it.

- What are you doing now, you can learn more about your plans?

- In the near future I am leaving to work in the Krasnodar Territory, I will oversee the development of hockey, the center of this is Sochi. I have long communicate with the governor Alexander Tkachev. I liked his offer, liked the Krasnodar region refers to the development of sports. This is an interesting project in the field of youth youth sports. The ultimate goal is to create Club KHL in Sochi.

- Paul, and you do not think that the hot Krasnodar region, the city of Sochi and ice hockey - are these things are not quite compatible?

- As for the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi, I will give you an example. When I came to play NHL, there was one team, she was called "Los Angeles Kings", and everyone said: "How can this be - in the hot Los Angeles, where is Hollywood, where is the ocean, where the beaches and suddenly a hockey team?" And I saw what was done with this team as far as the level of this team and interest in hockey grew, although they competed with the Lakers team. A huge work was carried out, after that hockey began to develop greatly in California, other teams began to be created. I have experience and vision, because I myself observed it all. The main thing is that interest in sports is manifested. Krasnodar guys should wear skates and play sports. There are chances of all.

The bora plans to oversee the development of hockey in Sochi. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

The bora plans to oversee the development of hockey in Sochi. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- Sorry for the indiscreet question, and how are you with health?

- Well, like all professional athletes - ok! (Laughs.) Physical culture is health, professional sport is a part of the work that can sometimes lose health ... But I still become ice, I am a member of the Board of the Night Hockey League. This is a team of veterans, real legends of Russia, our famous hockey players: Fetisov, Casatonov, Yakushev and others, who allows health. The team contains several generations of hockey players, after training a boy washers collect so that not to find any.

- And you wanted your son to devote my life to hockey?

"I don't know, it decides to him - go to professional sports or not, but what he will be engaged in physical education, although he is just four months for sure. Now he is already swimming, makes his children's exercises, we are doing this every day and hope that he will grow up a healthy person, and whether he will go to professional sport - it will show time. In general, I think that that a person grew up healthy, he must have sports from childhood, optionally hockey, you can swim, mild athletics, all you like. The main thing is to enjoy. But in principle, for children you need to create as much as possible conditions so that they are engaged in sports.

"Your T-shirt at number ten in November will hang in a guest in an honorable place in the NHL Hall, in Canada. What do you think about this?

- I played under different numbers, but the tenth was the happiest and most of all for his career played under him. I am glad to this event, even more glad that the fans do not forget me, these are the most important viewers, because in hockey we are not playing for the owners and team managers, but for fans. Communication with them I carried through all my life. And what else think about this? I think that this is completely the merit of the Soviet and Russian hockey.

I wanted to thank all the coaches that I trained. When it all started in 1972, we called us lovers, said that we could not play hockey. There was some number of years, and we deserved the title of hockey powers of the world.

The tenth number became the most successful for Paul Bure. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

The tenth number became the most successful for Paul Bure. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

- You, probably, often at the peak of your glory asked, what qualities need to succeed in the profession? What will be your answer today?

- It does not matter what you do, be it sport, politics, business or art. The first principle is how much you put, so much and you will get. Especially at the initial stage, when you just start to create.

An important condition is hardworking, diligence, the ability to achieve small goals to move into large. Not always everything happens, it did not work - repeat again. Fell, hit - got up and went on. It is necessary to create a team of like-minded people who will follow them.

To succeed, you need a lot of qualities that need to be brought up in yourself from childhood. I was lucky, I got into the sports hockey school CSKA at six years, we had the strongest school. The coaches brought up these qualities in us, these are not loud words, without these qualities you will not succeed. There is no miracles, you need to put a lot.

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