Anton and Elena Khabarov: "Travel - a good reason to miss"


Anton Khabarov fell in love with his classmate to Elena still in Schepkinsky School and achieved her location, as he admitted himself, by all truths and untrue. Together they passed fire, water and copper pipes. They have always had a stormy relationship. But after twenty years of living and the birth of two children, they still want to spend as much time alone together with each other.

- Anton, Lena, what has changed in your relations over the years?

Anton: I believe that now they are much better than were once, because we admire the advantages of each other, but accustomed to disadvantages, and this is also important. Previously, Lena was offended by something, and now he understands that there is no need to point to the same thing for the hundredth time. Imperfections cannot be corrected, and they no longer annoy us. We hear each other. For example, Lena calmly refers to the fact that I am very tired, I can want to rest one. So, I went for a week to Armenia. And it happens to be one. This does not mean that we have cooled feelings. We love each other and experiencing a strong attraction. We just have a big degree of freedom in front of each other.

Elena: I can not even know what Anton city is, because he has a crazy film schedule, with moves and flights. Just now you think more about a friend than about yourself, and you do not annoy him. I can ask how are you, get the answer: "Everything is fine, I sleep." And when we only started relations, they were coined, and the connection was constant.

Anton: I remember how I lived in the village in the summer, and Lena - in Kaliningrad, and we really missed each other. There were no phones, and we wrote each other letters. I waited for the postman! If the letter was leaf for two, and not four, then I was very frustrated. Immediately answered, and we succeeded in about a letter per week, they walked for a long time. These letters still have stored.

Elena: When you have been together for many years, sometimes travel - a good reason to miss each other.

- Can you afford a light flirt on the side?

Anton: Sure. I can celebrate the beauty of other women, like Lena - Men. We can even discuss it. I have a familiar who totally controls his wife, but in fact it's all the illusion. To change, enough and ten minutes.

Anton and Elena Khabarov:

"Very charter, I can ride a break one. And Lena needs to be alone. This does not mean that we have cooled feelings. We love each other and experiencing a strong attraction"

Photo: Polina Bunny

- Lena, are you not jealous of Anton at all?

Elena: Jealousity may not be, this is a completely normal phenomenon. It is important that this does not turn into mania and did not spoil life or someone.

- In conflicts who usually take the first step to reconciliation?

Anton: The one at this moment is more psychologically stable, who has less wound and offended. But in general, I will leave the quarrel for a very long time. Although depends on the topic. We are doing repair now, we swear every minute and laugh immediately. Today I could not unscrew the plinth, well, I can't help, suggested Lena: "Let's call the brigade," and she replied: "Did you go crazy?! There are three bolts to unscrew. " Or she wants one lamp, and I am another. But I understand that the kitchen is its territory, but in my office I can do the way I like, and I love the light.

- And before the thoughts and shouts about the divorce or traveling for a while never reached?

Anton: We can scare each other in a strong quarrel that someone will leave, but not even on the day did not go. All this is said in the hearts.

- Starting to live under the same roof, did you understand that more is different people or similar?

Elena: It seems to me that we agreed on clean "chemistry", all other points of contact were found later. (Smiles.)

Anton and Elena Khabarov:

"When people live together and someone's bad, it's bad and second. Women are ready to go to a psychologist and solve problems, but no men"

Photo: Polina Bunny

- And what?

Elena: Family, children, creativity. We can communicate with some person, not to discuss it, but we almost always develop the same opinion about him. In professional matters, interests, tastes there may be differences, but we have the same attitude towards life. But not immediately it was, we came to this.

Anton: We like different actors, different films, performances, books. Although, of course, there are coincidences, there is probably fifty-fifty. But in general, having a common hobby and tastes are not necessarily. Now I have succumbn to Diving, Lena did the last dive with another partner. The main thing is that moral positions, landmarks in life, the concepts of bad and good we do not just coincide, and sometimes it seems to me that we are the same person.

- Did household habits differ very much?

Elena: Yes! You can dream of anything, but in real life - to be shocked by the habits of your beloved person. (Laughs.) Entering the relationship in a very young age, rarely who can be yourself, we continue to live with parental installations, even if we leave home, like me. While you come to something your own, time will pass.

- And what did Anton surprised you?

Elena: Anton has a very sociable family, the house has always been full of guests, conversations, songs under the guitar ... And when we fantasized, built plans for the future, I, roughly speaking, was warned that we will have a passage yard. But in the end it turned out the opposite. I just love guests, and Anton is absolutely closed in this regard. For him to collect the company is a specific feat. But I understand that when you work from morning to evening, the noisy party at home is not your option.

- So there are no surprises for each other now at all?

Anton: There are no global surprises, but the reaction to something can sometimes be unusual. We are still interesting to each other. When I see Lena makes yoga, each time admire her figure, her forms. She always seems sexually attractive. To look like it, you have to run, it is not just to lie on the rug. And I want to like it even more. When I'm not at home for a long time, I always bring to the hairdresser to take the same time to appear in front of it in the best possible way. That is, we will now show and seduce each other. (Laughs.)

- You have lived enough without children. I know Anton even jokes, what awaits, when they grow up and leave you ...

Anton: I still have little Lena. Many believe, including me, that she has three children: Vladik, Alina and Anton (laughs), because I also need an eye and eyes. I am happy if we have the opportunity to go somewhere together. But both of our children are desirable. I wanted a child, my son first, I already knew how to call him. I am a very conservative man, Lena is completely different. For example, I go to the same hotel for five years, and she says that it is already impossible. And I start to rest, as soon as I have tickets and reservations in this hotel.

Anton and Elena Khabarov:

"I love to open local designers everywhere that things were" live. "And I can walk in shoes for three years, if you didn't find others"

Photo: Polina Bunny

- You always relax without children. And they never asked to go somewhere with you, did not take offense?

Elena: Three years ago, we were all together in Georgia, and then after rested with Anton. We spent very well then time. Now Alina is ready to go somewhere, and Vlad, he is fourteen years old, no longer. Is that he will take it to the Maldives, he will not refuse, they say, I will suffer from you, parents. (Laughs.) But no one is lucky there. We need to be for some time only together. I have a friend, they also have a very good relationship with her husband, but it categorically believes that the children gave birth to her mother, so they are always resting to them all together. We just need to understand how you're better.

Anton: Children go to Turkey with a grandmother and with Lena too. Now I spent the whole month in Sevastopol, filmed the picture "Blood on the deck". Lena came to me with her daughter. And Vladik did not want, stayed with his grandmother, he had a girl at that time. (Laughs.) I did not force it.

- If you know about a girl, then you have a trust relationship with him?

Anton: I learned about it from Lena. Vlad is more sharing with her, because it is more often at home and closer to children. But the son does not ask the Soviets. He is now at that age when dad is not authority for him. And this is normal. This does not mean that he does not put me in anything, it just has his own point of view, and I am very happy about it.

Elena: We speak a lot of children, I try to ask them to ask everything. I believe that already in kindergarten must be communicated with them in normal language. Then then they will go with you to frank conversations. When familiar declare that ten years there is early to talk to the Son of Love, about the relationship of men and women, then I answer that in fourteen he will not tell anything.

Anton and Elena Khabarov:

"Why am I saying that you need to take care of your health and give birth later? Because when you figure out with your internal problems, you will not hang them on the child. "

Photo: Polina Bunny

- And with each other you can discuss everything?

Anton: There are things that I do not speak Lena, the coast of her, because I know, it will be unpleasant for her, such as some rumor, gossip about us. And about your serious experiences that go into neurosis, I tell a psychologist, I do not get it out. (Laughs.) And the Lena is there, and sometimes go to the pair. And so we are talking about everything, closer friends than we, we do not.

Elena: When people live together and someone alone badly, then bad and second. As a rule, women are ready to go to a psychologist and solve problems, and men - no, but when I said: "Anton, it is necessary, because it is already difficult for you, and me," he agreed. The specialist helps to solve stagnant problems, and the person begins to live otherwise and look at some things.

- Let's return to children. In principle, in the methods of upbringing, are you going?

Elena: Of course, we look in the same direction. Why am I saying that you need to take care of your health and give birth later? Because when you figure out with your internal problems, you will not hang them on the child. Anton is very hot-tempered. This does not mean that he runs on children, but where is it? Although he is working on it. I'm flashing too. But one thing when a woman shouts, and another - when almost a two-meter man with broad shoulders and bass. Just my mother is constantly necessary, "remove it, do it," and it may be on elevated colors, but for children it is already such white noise. (Laughs.) Son makes a comment: "Mom, well, why do you shout on me? Let's talk calmly. " And I think: "And really, what am I shouting?". (Laughs.)

Anton: Vladika has a transitional age, he checks the boundaries of its capabilities and often stands for them. Several times it makes the same mistakes, it is blocked in a situation, of which we must help him dig. I try to be with him in a dialogue, but I have both prohibitions and restrictions. Of course, sometimes I bend a stick, and Lena slows me, says it is a bust. Sometimes not even during my upbringing, and even before, when he sees that I will explode now. (Laughs.)

- How do children relate to things, to prestige, are you their balushet?

Elena: It happens, Vlad covers the wave, he says that he needs brand things, and at some point calmly wears the clothes of the nephew. I tell him: "You have a certain amount. You can afford a suite if there is enough money. " Now I made a site for speech classes, and already one friend asked him to help her, earn some money. And by the way, I do not like brands, I love to open local designers everywhere to be alive. And I can walk in some boots for three years if I did not find others. And Vlad I buy shoes every two months, and it goes in new sneakers to play football. Phones are also a sick topic. He declares that in the class of all iPhone, he also had, but he drowned him when he was tolerant. After that, I said: "No iPhone. He has accumulated money, but why does he need such a phone? We earn, but not on things. We will always want this, then - that, and so infinite.

- Lena, did you never suffer from the fact that the husband is more successful professionally?

Elena: Of course, I was tormented by me because I learned hard and successfully played all the main roles in the school. I was pinned with great hopes. But the career depends on many circumstances, and the woman also has the desire to engage in family, children. I worried, but I have already changed my mind, talked with you, passed a certain path. And now all actresses who go to the decree, I advise you to return to the scene rather, even if it seems to them that the child is still small. He will always be small, like a husband will always want to see you in the family. But if a person loves, he will get used to this and everything will understand. And if not, maybe you should not be together.

- Did you envy Anton?

Elena: I called it somehow differently, but if you dig deep, it is quite possible to name it is a professional envy. I asked Anton to help get to the samples, but it could not be a condition for his work. The husband builds his career absolutely separately from me. If you manage to do something together in the theater or in entrepreneurs, we never refuse it. We are very comfortable to play together. I starred with him in "Brother", but it was a long time ago. And during pregnancy, I was taken without samples into many projects, but I did not tolerate this period, lay in hospitals. Then I was very attached to the house and psychologically missed the moment. But I look at how Anton works now, other actors, this is hellish work. Perhaps I do not like this profession to so much to die on the site. I am now playing the theater now, entrepreneurs appeared.

Anton and Elena Khabarov:

"We earn, but not on things"

Photo: Polina Bunny

- Anton, imagine the situation that Lena Career has sharply went uphill and she overtook you ...

Anton: Become a star more than me, there is no difficulty in this. (Laughs.) This is not a coquetry. And megazvera? But why not? I will only be happy.

- Lena, and on the house you have enough?

Elena: I love things to know our places to have no dust anywhere. But I cured from such perfectionism (laughs), and at some point we had a household assistant. But when the children tell me: "Here it can remove in our room," I answer that they will remove themselves. Children should have at least some duties on the house. And I'm renovated by revenge, the plinth glued, shit, paint, drill my own. I hide the paintings and holder for bicycles.

- Do you do it because you love or because Anton does not do it?

Elena: Anton has spent so much time in the village in the village, he knows how much, and if necessary, he will do everything, but he does not like it, it is better to invite a specialist. And I like to dig a hole, and then think what to do with it. (Laughs.)

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