Artem Tkachenko: "I'm getting tired of monotony and otovovukhi"


- Artem, I suspect, to offer the festival organizers to fly to Kaliningrad you immediately answered consent ...

- Sure. I was so glad that I asked only to buy us with my wife's flight tickets and pay for the hotel. I did not take money for the knowledge of the ceremony. I think it is necessary to come in my hometown.

- Rarely Mom yourself visit?

- once every six months - stable. And now we all go together, we look at the blocks of short films. We really like them. This is a limitless flight of directorial fantasy! So people are interested in thinking and express their feelings with such bright colors! Still movies - a great thing that leads to delight!

- This year you got a special one - in January you first became a father ... Felt some burden of responsibility?

- When I am with Tikhon, it is definitely me responsible. The son is now trying to get up, and it needs to catch all the time. Then he puts different items into the mouth, so you have to be alert. But without Tikhon, when, the more the wives and mom, I have no wife and mom, I am completely irresponsible. (Smiles.) I'm all the same as in youth, Rolling. In general, it seems to me that most men are and are. This is their children's essence manifests when they stay alone with them or with their friends.

- You grew without a father. What is it, without having a worthy example before the eyes, to become dad himself?

- Well, the question of what dad I think it makes sense to ask Tikhon in twenty years. I have one goal: to do everything so that the child is grew up healthy and happy, and later found a business for himself. And at the same time I do not have clear plans that in seven years I will give it to swimming, you will write down in nine to the football section, and twelve on Karate. I think we will observe his inclinations and all decide gradually.

- In your life, Silen Matriarchate: You were brought up by my mother, who, noticing the acting abilities in you, gave to the theatrical studio. Later, your first wife, actress Ravshana Kurkova, also sent you on the creative way, you were consulted about the scenarios. Eugene now also helps you in work?

- Of course, it is also an actress, "Pike" finished. And in my life, of course, women play an important role. However, like any normal man. I trust your beloved women.

Artem Tkachenko:

"I met with Zhenya at the concert at Garik Sukacheva. She was also an actress. And the beauty of me, of course, attracted. And then and kindness. " Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- I know that you met the future wife at the rock concert ...

- Yes, Garik Sukacheva. With beauty, she, of course, attracted me ... I basically are not indifferent to the beautiful. I adore this wide sandy beach at the Baltic Sea, where we are sitting now, high pines ... I ran myself on these dunes, I kissed here for the first time, I have a bunch of friends, my grandfather is buried ... I would never go from Kaliningrad if there was a job . But here only the theater ... And I am happy that I can now show my hometown to my wife, and then I will bring my son here, and it will be also barefoot on the sand.

- And what qualities of you are left next to her?

- kindness. She is a very bright man, and I appreciate it for it.

- With the previous wife, did you break up your friends?

- I can not say that we are familiar with your families, but we have good relationships. We congratulate each other with the holidays and do not say nasty behind your back. That is, they returned respect and gratitude.

- It is believed that men adhere to one female type; You are diametrically opposed to your wives, even externally ...

- It is some kind of nonsense about the type. I have always gave myself a report that I pay attention to different women. And on brunettes, and blondes. And, in my opinion, it's great that my wives are fundamentally different. (Smiles.)

- After a divorce in an interview, you have repeatedly recognized that they are absolutely not created for the family, love night parties and impatiently invested ...

- As for the night gulyans, there are already gought passions - now I want to sleep anymore at night. In general, the nature is unlikely to change, but to say that I am not at all created for the family, it's somehow too ... I'm definitely not loner. It happens rather: when I with my own, then a family person, and when one, then, I do not feel as such. We, creative people, like no other tired of monotony and households. True, when I start to miss, it is undoubtedly remembering his wife, about his son ...

- You do not impress a person concerned about the material, however, you have already acquired an apartment in Moscow and did repair there, right?

- Yes, only in the summer we remove the cottage in nature and go back to the city only to the cold. And I, by the way, is pretty home, I love the comfort, delicious food. Completely, I am preparing, by the way. And now, when I need to take care not only about my mother, but about my son, about my wife, about the mother-in-law, that is, about a big family, I can not think about finance. I am obliged to earn not only for myself, but also for them.

- Somehow you said that you love and know how to rest. What does it mean?

- I can relax, be a hospitable owner. We regularly come to the cottage to give us twenty people, we fry kebabs, we go to swim on the river, play badminton, joke, ...

- What's new to wait from you at work?

- At the Moscow Film Festival in the competition was the picture "Small Moscow" Waldemara Krstec, where I starred with the Light Hodchenkova, Dima Ulyanov, Lesha Gorbunov. And again, this director called me in his film "Photographer", thriller about the serial killer, where Alexander Baluyev, Tanya Arntgolts, Alyona Babenko, Marat Basharov were my partners.

- You choose only full meters, serials do not complain?

- Depends on what. I am at high quality material, intelligible stories, classroom directors and tasteful operators. If all this is in the series, then why not.

- You had a very loud start, and now you went to some kind of plain ... You are not from those who tactically builds a career?

- acting in demand - a wave-like process in which there are lifts and decals. To this it is better to quietly approach. And then I am busy not career, but professional work. Samoreclamp is not mine. As a child, I readled by the novels of Jack London, and his heroes brought a dedication in me. I am not sure that I fully own this quality, but in fundamental issues, it is very stubborn. I am achieving my own.

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