Barbie is no longer a girl: how will it affect children


Foreign psychologists are now adhere to a consecutive opinion on a controversial issue - children must determine how to be attributed to. In order to assist the younger generation, Mattel, which has the right to the Barbie brand, has released a ruler of six dolls with different shades of the skin. Each of them are included two wig - male and female, as well as a whole wardrobe from skirts and trousers.

In a press release, the company stated that this series of dolls is "free from labels" and is inspired by children's requests. According to the manufacturer, they worked with the "loyal team of experts, parents, doctors and, most importantly, children" during the creation of the series.

In Russia, these dolls are unlikely to be popular. Children try to choose dolls, on physical signs resembling them or their ideal idea of ​​themselves. According to statistics, about 70 thousand Africans arrived in Russia from the 60s to the early 2000s to Russia. In comparison with the total population, it is too small, so the dark-skinned dolls are likely to lie on the shelves of stores.

Regarding gender neutrality, the situation is similar: Russian children do not even think about how to be attributed to themselves. The Society has so far adopted the formulation "Well, you're a girl", "behave like a boy" and so on. As an element of the game of a doll with a replacing hairstyle can be interesting, but the principal difference between the male and female or gender-neutral doll, children will not be noticeable.

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