You are accepted: what hobby should be mentioned in the summary


Preparing for an interview or simply making up a summary, a huge part of applicants misses the "Hobby" block (or "interests"), and very in vain. Today we decided to talk about the importance of your hobbies for career growth, and what they still should be silent.

Why you ask about hobbies

Each HR specialist has a whole list of criteria for which it defines a suitable candidate. Many people think that the impress of Eichar is as easy as friends, but it is not at all. The potential employer is primarily looking for features in you that will be a useful help for the development of the company.

Why do you need to write about your hobby

If some thirty years ago, the question of your hobbies would hear only from colleagues, today already at the stage of the selection the employer is interested in how you prefer to spend your free time. The creative approach in the end recognized the driving force even in the distant areas of the areas, and therefore, the more you know, the more chances that some kind of nonprofessional weakness are interested.

how your hobbies will help pass an important interview

how your hobbies will help pass an important interview


What a hobby should be to tell first

Despite the fact that Eichar is interested in your hobby, he does it not from idle interest - he is trying to understand what skills you possess and how to help the company will help. Therefore, your story should be built exclusively around useful hobbies. Consider in more detail.

Sport. You are active and able to quickly respond and not throwing halfway.

IT. An analytical mindset, in some cases, Eichar can suspect introvert in you, which will be a minus if you apply for a position that intends to actively communicate with people.

Board games. You are a team player who are able to develop strategies.

Carefully learn the requirements and, if there is time, make a list of your hobbies. Relying on the information known to you, dedule from each hobby an important skill that is suitable for quality work on the post you are applying for.

And if there are no hobbies

The most incorrect in this situation is to invent non-existent hobbies. Think again, after all, it is not necessary to "burn" by some kind of business, perhaps you just do not notice that some kind of activity brings you satisfaction, try to look into yourself.

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