In the footsteps of the Viking: Such a different Sweden


The fact that on the world map there is a Swedish city with a difficult-acting name Malmo, most Russians learned from the Scandinavian series "Bridge". Although Teleproject Hans Rosenfeldt was extremely successful, the crowds of tourists to the main city of the region did not rush, because in the series Malmo appears the place extremely dark, and who wants to spend a vacation among ascetic new buildings against the background of the forever SIZOE Sky?

The reality in the meantime was completely different. The historic part of the city of Gamla Staden and the truth is small. There are only two squares - Stormorette and Lilla Tyji, but they represent the classics of the Scandinavian architecture: the very different color houses looking like boxes of chocolate chocolates. Add to this elegant urban hour of the XVI century, a fountain and cafes near which countless bicycles parked. The new district ribersborg is many times more interesting. First, there is a main local attraction - a swirling skyscraper of Turning Torso, built on the project of Santiago Kalatravala, and secondly, this quarter Malmo is a true embodiment of the concept of informed consumption and environmentally friendly. All houses are equipped with solar panels and charges for electrocarbers, washing machines - public, for personal consumes too much water and energy, well, about a separate collection of garbage and playgrounds for sports at every step and not worth mentioning.

Swirling Turning Torso Skyscraper - Home Local Landmark

Swirling Turning Torso Skyscraper - Home Local Landmark


Buy real estate in ribersborg anyone can not. The applicant for the purchase of an apartment is obliged to pass interview for compliance with the high requirements of the residents of the district: as they say, so as not to drink, did not smoke, and during the cleaning of the teeth, the water in the bathroom closes. No less interesting rules relate to the famous Turning Torso skyscraper. Although by and large, this is an analogue of an apartment building, to become the owner of the apartment in the tower, the name of which is translated as "turning torso", no one can: the city authorities only give them to rent. Tourists inside the skyscraper are also not allowed, but the only opportunity to look at the creation of Kalatravai from the inside - to book a penthouse in advance, which is located on the last floor of the building.

Cold? Hot!

Malmo is not called a Swedish resort, because it is the warmest city of the country, and it is famous as well as its sandy beaches. They are located in the Ribersborg area, and when you admire the long coastline, it immediately becomes clear why the name Malmo comes from the phrase "Pile of Sand" - as it is known, the Scandinavians in the settlements have always been given the most obvious items, avoiding complex metaphors. The best place to swim in the waters of the Baltic Sea, - the swimsuit of Ribersborn Kallbadhus, where the residents of the neighboring Copenhagen are like to visit. The wooden complex is standing right in the open sea, inward it in the boardwalk. Early a bathing in the distance to 1898, and although the storms raging in the Ereinsunn Strait repeatedly destroyed them, but the Swedes Ribersborn Kallbadhus were always restored, for the last time it happened in 1988.

Houses in Malmo are equipped with solar panels

Houses in Malmo are equipped with solar panels


Acknowledge when I was offered to visit the complex, I'm a little coward. First, the temperature of the water in this part of the Baltic Sea, even in August, rarely warms up to sixteen degrees, and secondly, in local rules to perform ablutions should be perfectly naked. The reason is again in the Swedish desire for ecology. True, the men's and women's zones are divided into the baths, and with representatives of the opposite sex you meet only in Hamam, where the steam is a rocker, which is why it is absolutely impossible to see a neighbor on the shop.

Swimming in Baltic is pure hardening. Initially, guests make a minute ablution in the pool, where cool sea water goes, then go to the sauna for warming up, and after bravely dive from the pier into the icy sea pulp. Next, swims alternate with a visit to the saunas and hamam, and each subsequent is given at times easier than the previous one. "We call it with a bathing in the style of Vikings," the girl Eva tells me, a native Malmo. She visits the Complex all year round, because Ribersborn Kallbadhus is open and in winter. According to Eve, even her eighty-year-old grandmother regularly bathes here and it is thanks to it never suffers. By the way, this ritual is useful not only for health, but also incredibly tones. After the jump in the ice water, the body seems to pierce a thousand needles, and when you are on land, you feel such a strong tide of the energy that the mountains want to turn.

The historic part of Gamla Staden. Multicolored houses resemble chocolate candy boxes

The historic part of Gamla Staden. Multicolored houses resemble chocolate candy boxes


As in ancient saga

The fact that the local population is tough body and spirit, once again convinced in the village of Foteviking. It is only twenty minutes away from Malmo, and reconstructors of Sweden, Norway and neighboring Denmark are sent here, in order to live in the same conditions as their distant glorious ancestors - Vikings. At the entrance to the village, they hand over mobile phones, clothe in historical costumes and are justified in wooden sinks, looking like Scandinavian houses of the IX century. A place for the village is also chosen not by chance: here in the bay of Fodwig on June 4, 1134, a marine battle took place, in which the future king of Denmark Eric Emun defeated the current King Niels. "Vikings are associated with raids and marine campaigns, but most Scandinavians were simple peasants, and our task is to recreate their daily life," the reconstruction of Peter, one of the country's inhabitants, tells me.

However, most of all foteviking resembles the community. There are no electricity and water supply here, but there are a forge and barn with grain. Recontstructors are sleeping in the sinks, hiding with deer or cow skoes. Responsibilities of the population Foteviking are strictly distributed. Everyone has its own job. Women are hand-made tank fabric, flour chalk and bake bread, men are kidding swords and cultivate the earth, and old people work for obsequators - declare ancient saga to schoolchildren who come here on a tour. Well, the art of possession of a combat ax - the main weapon of the Vikings - here we are mastering everything without exception, because in the Middle Ages, the women of Scandinavia had the right to inherit the land and perfectly able to stand up for themselves, remember the same camp from the TV series "Vikings".

Foteviking is traveling from Sweden, Norway and Denmark to live the life of distant ancestors

Foteviking is traveling from Sweden, Norway and Denmark to live the life of distant ancestors


By the way, to the question "What is more difficult: to wave a sword or grind a manual flour?" I have no answer. During the trip to Foteviking, I also tried both and I have to say, ten minutes of work on the manual mill are quite comparable to visiting the gym. Immediately it becomes clear where the scandinavian feminism is growing to the legs: you will not argue once again with such strong women.

Our advice to you ...

The easiest way to get to Malmo is to fly to Copenhagen Airport, and then take the train and cross the Erein Bridge. You will kill one shot of two hares: and save time on the road, and ride through the most famous Bridge of Scandinavia.

In Malmo, you will not have the need for cash money. The cards are taken here everywhere, however, keep in mind, when registering in hotels in a bank account, guests always block the amount equal to the cost of one night, it is done for insurance.

But in almost every city of tourists freely give bicycles for fast movement in the city.

Fika (FIKA) - a coffee pause, which the Swedes are arranged in the middle of the working day. During films, you need to drink coffee and there is something - so the Swedes are called chops and cookies

Fika (FIKA) - a coffee pause, which the Swedes are arranged in the middle of the working day. During films, you need to drink coffee and there is something - so the Swedes are called chops and cookies


While staying in Malmo, be sure to fict. Fika (FIKA) - a coffee pause, which the Swedes are arranged in the middle of the working day. During the fiction, you need to drink coffee and there is a cake - so the Swedes are called the sdob and cookies.

Another iconic place in the vicinity of Malmo is Kivik Musteri's apple farm, it is worth going to taste the cakes, juice and local cider - it is considered the best in Sweden.

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