Blake Lively: "I had four men, but I don't believe"


If there are among the many Hollywood actresses, which embodies the real American dream, then this is Blake Lively. Literally everything is possible by the blonde twenty-flying Blake: and working with famous directors, and a good marriage with handsome Ryan Reynolds, and an ideal daughter, and the second pregnancy, which became known quite recently ... However, Liveli itself assesses his successes and accomplishments. On how exactly, in an interview.

- Blake, I think every of your interviews begins with the words of admiration for journalists. Just not to note how you look gorgeous, seems to be tactless. So, you are just gorgeous! And by the way, it is true that you have no own stylist?

- Thank you. I love compliments very much. (Laughs.) And about the stylist - quite exactly! My mother was not only an actress, but also worked and the model, herself created himself outfits. And since childhood I was close to the trendy world, loved him and learned a little bit into it. And then, more than years, when many of my colleagues picked up stylists, I simply could not find that whose work would arrange me a hundred percent. Well, decided to independently select the kits, especially since the most young years is my main hobby. Agree, a rather strange idea is to pay someone for what it will instead to engage in your loved one!

- Please share our main rules for preparing for solemn events, on which you always look stunning.

- We are just a compliment day today! (Laughs.) We eat chicken pies before leaving - in secular parties are not very generous to normal treats. I always try to be moderate in the use of cosmetics, I love simple, natural styling. In general, I try to present myself only a mannequin who represents all these gorgeous dresses, and my main goal is not to spoil this design beauty.


The series "Gossip" brought Blake Lively world popularity

- Sometimes you shock the public with quite bold outfits, balancing on the verge of permissible ... are not afraid to become a victim of public condemnation?

- Many mistakenly compare me with my heroine from the series "Gossip". Once I fought with it, then surrendered and started to wear what I wore Serena van der Woodsen in the frame. Anyway, society puts the sign of equality between us, so why not use it? Somehow a rather provocative question about how many men I had, I honestly answered: four. The fourth, by the way, is my husband. This figure did not suit the journalists, they could not believe that Blake could be a modest girl.

- But you really, what is called, "stylish thing", a secular lioness, almost an American dream in the flesh ...

- I have a hurry to disappoint you: I'm not what I wear, I'm not my heroines of films. Usually, everyone really perceive me as a kind of stupid-pacifier, which is constantly catchingly laughing, sparkling with white teeth, and argues about the dresses. Frankly, I really love to laugh and blame your teeth, but only for one reason: I am happy. And happy because you clearly know your borders, your desires and goals. To know myself was my main task, and now I choose people suitable for me, suitable movies, suitable outfits, and all around makes me happy.

- Then let's talk about suitable people. Now it seems that you just with one of these are married. This is true?

- Well, what do you think? Of course it is. Ryan and I were friends for a long time, often faced various events, even filmed together in the film "Green Lantern". Only a few years after our friendly relations, we realized, and at the same time that we are completely definitely not just friends. It happened so naturally, so simple, but with a light that we both have no doubt: it is she, love.

Many consider Blake Lively by the embodiment of the American dream. The actress itself refers to this with irony

Many consider Blake Lively by the embodiment of the American dream. The actress itself refers to this with irony


- Well, how did the passion of two strangers suddenly broke out - is it all not about you?

- Why, very much about me! (Laughs.) One of the rules of my life is to try to avoid stereotypical paths, constantly study yourself. One day it was that I just looked at the man, he is on me - and all, we are already prisoners of love.

- You are still not ready to comment on your affair with Leonardo di Caprio?

- You are right, not ready. And I will never. I am a married woman, so it's just strange - talking about some other men when your only one, that is the same.

- Do you remember how you and your spouse worked together?

- I remember very well. I was familiar with him, but, of course, joint shooting is incredibly bringing closer. Then he opened as a man with an infectiously cheerful, charming, very alive, with a wonderful sense of humor. And, it seems, I fell in love with him as in the actor exactly on those filming - and already forever.

- Do you believe in marriage enclosed in heaven? Such a time and forever?

- I will do everything so that our union with her husband becomes like that. And if it does not come out - that ... it is very stupid to believe that there are "random", "extra" relationship. You know, women are often inclined to dramatize the moments of parting, to fall into despair, hysteria, indenting their former beloved things on what the light costs, to reproach them in the fact that they spent invaluable time. So I want to give them advice: look at the situation at a different angle! How did this relationship enriched you, as you grew up in them, wondered, obstacles, how much experience gained - is it possible to call such experiences "superfluous"? So parting is not a reason in order to play the tragedy. But in general, before meeting with Ryan, I was fine alone! The fact is that ababa what a man does not suit me, he must be lit, charge me with his energy. There are few such - and this means that you can easily be alone with you. Even more: until you learn to enjoy yourself alone, you will not become happy in a pair - this is the law.

- You are just a surprisingly happy person!

- In this question, my mother affected me. She is an extremely optimistic woman. Every day, while I lived with my parents, she left me notes and voice messages with different motivating expressions, the essence of which came down to one thing: "Life is beautiful!". Constantly I heard how she dies, sings, laughing. But Mom had not the happiest childhood, but when someone tries to talk to her about it, she assures that the past has passed, and now it is important to be happy every day. And you know, as they say, you have two ways: to live or die. And if you choose the first, it is worth understanding the priorities and understand what will make you happy. Otherwise it will come out that you have to exist in despondency and longing. Pretty dubious perspective, yes?

Blake Lively:

Blake Lively in the film "Century Adalin"

Frame from the film

- Are you close with mom?

- And with mom, and with dad. They raised five children, while kept energy, strength and time on smiles, which still give to each of us. And each of us is completely solid, a harmonious person - is it not an indicator of the success of my parents? From them I learned for life: if you are healthy, then you have no right to be weak. And yet: what around you is happening is your wines and your merit. No exceptions. When you take these ordinary, but effective rules, life begins to go in a new way. Try!

- Your daughter James is already a year and a half. In addition, you recently admitted that you are waiting for the second child. Maternity is one of those states that make you so cheerful?

- I always knew exactly what I want a big family. And he always felt like "Mommy" - nounted with the children of his sister. Therefore, when I had my own child, the sensations of the global change did not happen. Understand correctly: This is a malfunction. Perhaps the most intimate for every woman. To tell what now your world, after childbirth, is impossible in conventional words. Therefore, if you say purely technically, if you can express it, the changes are really a bit. I still devote the little things all my free time - now my baby, I still love them - led by my baby James, of course, is still full of maternal care and love.

- What about the second pregnancy?

- No doubt that I will be a large mother, I did not have. I was younger at my parents, so they were brought up not only from them, but also from her sisters and brothers. Children in the family constantly teach each other and affect each other. It seems to me that in alliances where many children, children grow more harmonious, whole, happy. So the second pregnancy is our joy!

- This year has become quite successful for you not only in personal, but also in career plan: I recently came out the thriller "Okmel", well, and the film of the brilliant Woody Allen "Soskaya Life" you presented with brilliance at the last Cannes Festival. Combine motherhood and shooting?

- And I do not think! I am removed on your pleasure from those directors who inspire me. Well, then, who will refuse Woody Allen, when he calls to his picture? And my colleagues for the frame I have an outstanding - Kristen Stewart and Jesse Aisenberg. But the family remains my first priority, and it was always.

Live Lively is waiting for the second child

Live Lively is waiting for the second child

Photo: Rex Features /

- Your filmography is a mix of copyright projects, high-profile shields and promising novel. Maybe you will tell you exactly what pictures are you the most interesting to act?

- Probably, my answer will not be a surprise for you: I like the roles in those pictures that are not as much as possible to my heroine in the "Gossip". Understand: I love this series with all my heart, he opened all the doors to me, made me famous, turned into the same "icon of style", which you said before. I remember how literally all fashion brands and high fashion houses began to offer me contracts - I am completely another young girl! So I am very grateful to the "Gossip", but I would like to remove from the image of a rich spoiled FIFA. In the end, I have grown. (Laughs.)

- Blake, and it's still hard not to ask: how do you feel about gossip?

- Not at all. This is the information you want to check, spend time, compare, analyze. So it is possible to work on the report, a book - but use the precious free minutes to get to the truth about some other people's people, I can directly ask myself, right? - that's bullshit. And it can be interesting only to teenagers. As for the wovers and rumors about me, I generally miss them by the ears, I do not look anything and do not read about myself. I myself am all the time, and why do I watch and listen about myself unpleasant? As a last resort, I can go look into the mirror.

- Do you like to cook?

- And I can, and love! Already four years have passed since the end of the "Gossip". And the environment still can not believe that I can go outside for the products, drag bags with vegetables and meat and make a wonderful dinner. Alone! Without governess, assistants and cooks! (Laughs.) I love to discuss food, create food, eat food - different: and high kitchen, and simple rustic recipes. A funny story is connected with this hobby. Somehow in New Orleans, I tried an amazing sauce - and asked the manager of the cafe to send me him home to try to recreate. He refused, saying that the quarantine service would simply not miss such a parcel. For sake jokes, I offered to sew a bottle of this sauce in a teddy bear and forward "smuggling". I remember how the manager with sincere indignation noticed: "I am not some kind of narcodyller to do this!"

- And how - with such a passion for food - are you manageable to stay in a great form? And by the way: how quickly did you come to the tone after childbirth?

- Oh, try to go like my on the high heels! It sometimes seems to me that the studs are well replaced by workouts in the gym. And so, of course, I go to classes, although occasionally - catastrophically lacks time! And even swim in the pool - the same part of the actor's work, right? Yes, and not only an actor - any woman. Honestly, I am very afraid to seem to someone rough, but aren't the ladies who should not strictly follow your appearance, isn't it a sign of our mind and wisdom?

- They say you assure your fans that I became an actress because of love for food ...

- This version is close to the truth! (Laughs.) I remember very well your admiration for the first job - I was delighted not because I would appear in the frame, not because of the stylists and the make-uprasons, no! I was creating awareness: on the set I fed free on the set! And sometimes it really seems to me that I can work for food.

Blake Lively is married to Ryan Reynolds. A year ago a couple became parents daughter

Blake Lively is married to Ryan Reynolds. A year ago a couple became parents daughter

Photo: Rex Features /

- Blake, back to the devotional discussions. Tell me, if you do not count Ryan, what can Miss Lively conquer in men?

- Do not count Ryan will not come out, because he is the main representative of the tribe of men who can conquer me. And most importantly in them in all - the desire to live and laugh. And it's good, from the soul! More (of course, as a victim of fashion) I like when a man knows how to dress well. Stylish husband - what else to wish?

- Good, Blake. You are so positive, happy and beautiful woman. Well, do you really have no dark sides, nor phobias or fears? Is this perfect picture and not a picture at all, and reality?

"I'm afraid to stop being honest with myself, to get to hear yourself." Do you think I'm an egoist? Well, it is quite possible, it is. But without sincere love, I could not really love all these wonderful people who fill my life - my sisters, brothers, my wonderful parents. My gorgeous husband, daughter and our future child. So there are no scary secrets and phobias. Truth. I am not afraid of old age and death, I am not afraid of excess weight and even cellulite. Just let me get to ice cream, eat everything!

- Let's go back to where they started, - to a fashionable question. Soon you will become a mother for the second time, I will cope on the 29th anniversary. How do your preferences change in clothes? When do we wait for a cozy black in jeans and sweaters?

- Do not wait - and do not hope! I physically feel that in jeans losing myself as a woman. So skirts, heels, dresses are everything you will meet me for a very long time. Of course, with age, I began to wear less calm kits. After all, I know that soon my knees will not be in better form.

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