5 cases when water brings harm


Case number 1

You can not drink water immediately before bedtime, because in the middle of the night you will have to wake up to run into the toilet. Whether you can easily fall asleep or swear until the morning insomnia is not known. In addition, when we rest, the kidneys work more slowly than during the day. In the morning you can see in the mirror your own face.

Sleep without load

Sleep without load


Case number 2.

It is impossible to drink water during intensive workout, as you can "overdo it" with water, which leads to a washing from the body of electrolytes. This, in turn, can cause headache and nausea. In addition, the amount of fluid in the body additionally loads the heart.

Water and food together are not useful

Water and food together are not useful


Case number 3.

It is impossible to drink with water with sharp food, because the burning in the mouth provokes a substance called Capsaicin. It is possible to "pay off", for example, milk, and water will only spread it on the oral cavity and esophagus.

Do not drink from the crane

Do not drink from the crane


Case number 4.

You can not drink dinner with water, you can earn an indignation. The reason is that during meals we have actively produced by saliva, in which the enzymes needed for proper digestion are contained. Drinks The amount of saliva reduce.

Drink after training

Drink after training


Case number 5.

You can not drink too much water. The excess amount of fluid in the body leads to the washing of sodium and the turn of the unpleasant consequences of this process. In abuse of liquid, hyponatremia disease develops. It can cause: cramps; confusion of consciousness; dizziness; Depression.

Do not overdo it

Do not overdo it


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