5 ways to become more attractive


Method number 1.

Psychologists recommend to establish visual contact with the interlocutor, but the Teacher of the University of British University Nottingham Trent noticed that people in sunglasses look very impressive and attractive. This accessory makes the face symmetrical, and its image is mysterious. In addition, the man in glasses feels more confident, so it is easier for him to find a common language with unfamiliar people.

Glasses will make you prettier

Glasses will make you prettier


Method number 2.

Wear unisex style clothes. Studies confirmed that people combining the attributes of both sexes in the image of both sexes seem to be sexually attractive and talented.

Dress can spoil everything

Dress can spoil everything


Method number 3.

Choose your own fragrance. Studies confirmed that the smell of a person plays an important role for our perception. The British company Daz found out that women attract smells of gasoline, ink for printer and leather products emanating from men. And the opposite sex prefers to chosen to smell like a lipstick, a children's lotion and, no matter how funny, food.

Men like smell lipstick

Men like smell lipstick


Method number 4.

Studies have repeatedly proved that the path to the heart lies through the stomach, but as it turned out, not only in men. To enjoy a person, treat it with something delicious. Since childhood, food is associated with maternal care, support and calm.

Feed chosen

Feed chosen


Method number 5.

Get yourself a pet. Independent studies confirmed that people with dogs get more attention from the opposite sex. Scientists found out that a person with animals causes more confidence.

Animals bring together

Animals bring together


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