Beauty without sacrifice: why long nails can be dangerous if you are driving


Long nails are definitely beautiful, but not practical. Probably, each woman will agree that already at the exit of the salon, problems begin, the reason for which nails become. First, at any time you can break beautiful marigolds, but the most unpleasant thing is that such nails can become a serious problem when you are driving. What exactly can go wrong? Here we are going to talk about it.

Hands on the steering wheel

First of all, inconvenience accompany women already in the cabin. Controlling the car requires concentration on the process, however, too long nails can not be caused by the accident, in some cases interfere with immediately reacting in non-standard situations, for example, if you need to sharply turn the steering wheel, the finger may unsuccessfully get started and the nail is immediately broken at a pressure. In such a situation, serious bleeding may occur, which will be very not on time, while you are tuning up or trying to leave an uncomfortable position on the road.

Be careful driving

Be careful driving


Plow salon

Smoothly arising from the first second paragraph. If you still broke the nail very unsuccessfully and started bleeding, then in addition to serious blood loss, you risk spoiling the surface of the car, especially if they are bright. In addition, nail fragments can also cling to soft material and break it. Do you need such victims?

Difficulties in the way

Even if you adapt to driving a car with superlinnal nails, another problem may occur. Just imagine that you are on the way away from the settlements and the more salons and fasteners in the next few kilometers are not observed, suddenly the car stalls and you need to solve the problem yourself. To understand the wires and systems of the car with nails that do not allow anything to unscrew and in principle limit the movement, then even pleasure. Especially in winter in a strong minus. Think about whether you need it.

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