Notes of Thai Mommy: "The border with Myanmar is affectionately called 'smelly"


The place where foreigners leave Thailand to quickly drive into the neighboring Myanmar and return back, is romantically called "smelly". Why - it becomes clear long before the entrance to the border. At first it seems that the normal person is not able to endure this fish. However, after five minutes, the smell is dulled in the queue on passport control, and another ten minutes and no longer pay attention to the local stench.

Even if you cross the border for the first time (like me), you should not worry. The algorithm is honed to the smallest detail, so you will be met, spend on customs officers, help fill in immigration cards, put on transport and send to Myanmar. For this, specially trained people are responsible.

Between the two countries, there are back wooden boats of dubious type and strength.

Between the two countries, there are back wooden boats of dubious type and strength.

As soon as you appear in "Skyushka", they immediately take you in turn. First you need to put a mark in the passport that you are serving from Thailand. After that, choose one of the numerous wooden boats, in which, in fact, the border intersects. The boats look not particularly reliably, however, in them, apparently, the immortality gene was built in: long-livers assure that they traveled to Myanmar and five exactly on the same ship, and ten years ago.

The cost of one trip to Myanmar and back depends on the number of people, which is clogged into one separately taken boat. If the company goes, you can safely be strained for 500 baht (in rubles - as much) at all. My mom had to pay the same 500 baht, but for two. When I traveled in proud loneliness, somehow persuaded to lose the price of up to 300.

The trip itself is approximately as romantic, how many and "port of departure". Imagine: You float on the water, which because of the garbage has long lost its original color. At least, the muddy liquid overboard the sea is not rotated by the sea. The worst thing is that in the course of the trip you meet kids who are happily splashing in this catchment.

The owner of our boat did not move to the customs point, only from afar waved our red passports.

The owner of our boat did not move to the customs point, only from afar waved our red passports.

During a small journey to Myanmar (this is about thirty-forty minutes) we make two stops. One - in the border point of Thailand, the other is already Myanmar. Externally, these houses on piles are little similar to government agencies. However, there are quite serious people on duty, some even with automata, so successful photos from these items are usually not obtained.

Some boats are approaching these houses, but the owner of our ship only waved from afar people in the houses by Russian red passports, shouted something on Thai and swam further.

The journey to Myanmar on the water takes minutes to thirty-forty.

The journey to Myanmar on the water takes minutes to thirty-forty.

... And here she, Myanmar, meets unique mud on the streets and stunning golden temples on the beauty. In the Saraike, where passport control is, we are in exchange for twenty dollars put markings about arrival in Myanmar. The hand of the customs officer was already ready to put a stamp about what we were leaving back when I suddenly informed him: "No, we still stay here in Myanmar." Meal scene ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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