Cute aggressor: when the relationship does not continue


As a rule, if it comes to toxic relations, we immediately imagine a man who behaves rudely into openly towards their own woman. In such a situation, it is rare to fix a person, and parting becomes inevitable. However, in the case of a passive aggressor living with you, it is not so easy to determine what is wrong. We decided to collect the main signs of passive, but all the same dangerous aggression on the part of the partner, which should be a call for you - perhaps you should think, and whether such relationships are needed?

A man leaves responsibility

Each woman in the shower hopes that man if not solving any problem, then at least will support that it is quite logical in any way, but the passive aggressor always shifts the responsibility of PA fragile shoulders, and it is distant. If such behavior is supported by accusations of your address, there should be no doubt - the partner "poison" your relationship, looking for a way to control you.

You can't climb him

Another marker of healthy relationships - you can always count on physical contact, but not in an intimate plan, but simply in the form of kisses and hugs. The toxic partner transforms any physical contact into encouragement - it will be drunk and to show off his insult on any tricks.

In healthy relationships there is always support

In healthy relationships there is always support


You do not understand - the partner is angry or not

The essence of passive aggression is that a person shows negative emotions in a hidden form, but not at wishes, but due to the fact that for open conflict, you need courage and some skills that passive manipulators do not have, because of what they have to restrain yourself and "poison" a partner as they can do it best.

Rough humor - our all

Most often mockery and sarcasm, which sometimes hurt very much, is the way to suppress the partner's self-esteem, and if you begin to be offended, a man will say that you just do not understand jokes - you will also be guilty. What is interesting, the man knows exactly whom this number will not pass, and always "breaks off" on who will not be able to repulse, or is closest, that is, at you.

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