Eastern Jazz, Puppets and Gudini Tricks


What: Premiere of the musical performance based on the famous Russian folk tale "Gusi-Swans"

With all the favorite from childhood, the Tale of Gusi-Swans will live in a new way on the stage of the Moscow Children's Theater Puppets. They took the goose-swans of a restless Vanechka in the forest, in the hut Baba Yaga. Masha's little girl, a kind stove, affectionate river, friendly spikelets, beauties of apple trees and a cheerful hedgehog, together with the guys, will punish the purses, and will be returned to the Vanechka home.

After time, the performance returned to the viewer

After time, the performance returned to the viewer

"After a long time, we finally return, probably one of the most beloved viewers of projects in the repertoire of the theater," said Artist Irina Kryachun, artistic director. - We tried to breathe new life in the performance, not destroy old, bring fresh ideas and look at the famous fairy tale through the eyes of a modern child. We are insanely experiencing and, nevertheless, we look forward to September 28 to present our performance to the audience. We very much hope that he will bring joy, aesthetic pleasure and will ask the desire to come back to us in the theater with the whole family to meet with your favorite heroes. "

Where: Moscow Children's Puppet Theater

When: September 28

What: Exhibition "Eastern Jazz"

Jean Basin (1904-2001). Stones, trees and plains. 1952 © ADAGP, Paris / © Fondation Gandur Pour L'Art, Genève.

Jean Basin (1904-2001). Stones, trees and plains. 1952 © ADAGP, Paris / © Fondation Gandur Pour L'Art, Genève.

Photo: Sandra Pointet

This is an exhibition on which more than 30 unique Central Asian bathrobes and fabrics from the collection of Alexander Klyaine and more than two dozen canvases of post-war abstract painting, collected by the Swiss collector Jean Claude Gandyur, will show how at the beginning of the 20th century the art of the East has changed the consciousness of European artists, whose eye was Risapped on the canons of the beauty of Greco-Roman antiquity. "Easy - almost to barbarism. The complexity is almost dizzy. The sophistication of the most sophisticated, sensually noticed people. Severity, rigor, sometimes the severity of the drawing as on ancient icons. And soft, flexible, sometimes crashing the beauty of the line, "wrote Vasily Kandinsky. Thanks to colorful combinations and principles of working with color, other compositional construction of space and prospects, characteristic of the fine art of the East, and, most importantly, - the abstract perception of reality - Western artists have learned to set new artistic tasks. Each has solved them individually, opening new horizons in the decorativeness of Eastern Art.

In addition to the above-mentioned works from the collections of Alexander Klyachin and Jean Claude Gandyur, 14 rarely exposed sheets of graphic series Henri Matisse "Jazz", created by the artist in 1947, four (three graphic and one pictorial) work of Vasily Kandinsky from the GMIA assembly them . A. S. Pushkin, as well as 14 best samples of abstract art, including the work of Alexander Kerder, beam fountains, Joan Mitchell, Daniel Buren and Serzh Polyakova, who will be provided to the exhibition center Pompidou - Museum of Contemporary Art - Industrial Design Center and private French Collectors.

Where: Main building of GMI named A. S. Pushkin

When: from October 1 to November 15

What: Premiere of the Illusion Show Sergey Vorontsov "Gudini Tricks"

The illusions show is dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Hudini

The illusions show is dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Hudini

Photo from the personal archive of Sergey Vorontsov

The legend of the world of illusions, the unsurpassed magician Harry Houdini (Harry Houdini) was born in 1874 in Budapest. This year, fans of the greatest illusionist of the beginning of the 20th century, which many are considered a real wizard, celebrate this year anniversary - 145 years old from the birth of Hudini.

On the occasion of the anniversary, the famous Russian illusionist Sergey Vorontsov dedicates the legendary Magu a whole show of illusions. Great fan of Harry Hudini and a student of Emil Kio Illusionist Sergey Vorontsov will surprise the crowd with numbers in the genre of illusions, and will also repeat the most dangerous Escape-trick, which in 2017 almost cost him life in 2017.

In the genre of illusions, Sergey Vorontsov, there are no equal in Russia. In 2011, he spoke at the Eurovision Song Contest as an illusionist. Then Sergey put a technically complex room for the Croatian performer Daria Kinzer under the song Celebrate. The room turned out to be so spectacular that Sergey had fans around the world. By the way, it was the first case in the history of Eurovision, when illusionist took part in this musical competition. Well, now he wants to surpass himself again: repeat the dangerous trick in the Escape genre.

"I have enhanced and complicated the trick of the legendary Hudini, adding a mass of adrenaline and risk," says Sergey. - Life is a set of impressions. If you want to make them brighter, then you should visit this show, feel the difference between everyday life and the amazing imagination of the mysterious world of illusion. "

During the show "Gudini Tricks", Sergey Vorontsov demonstrates the skill with the skill of persistent workouts to pass through the walls, stunning hand dexterity and incredible performance of dangerous Escape-tricks in the style of Harry Hudini. Spectators are waiting for rooms with an abundance of all sorts of shoots and liberations from cells, shackles, ropes, bags, passages of various obstacles.

Where: Crocus City Hall

When: October 3

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