Mikhail Galustyan: "The main gift in life was presented to me by the spouse"


- Mikhail, and how often do you burn at work?

- Previously, I had to burn only in a figurative sense. Now, as you can see, it is also in the straight!

- Probably, now in Rider, turn on the item about the fire extinguisher?

- Interesting idea! I think about your idea!

- In fact, it seems easily from the outside. And you did not have a feeling of panic or animal fear, when your hero in Panda costume caught fire?

- Surprisingly, but during the preparation for the shooting fear did not feel. It was terribly when the fire lit. But back the path was no longer. In general, I signed it myself.

- How is it all happening technically?

- A suit in which I worked, sprinkled with flammable liquid and on the team "Motor!" set fire. We all know perfectly from childhood, which is best lit synthetic materials and hair. It was necessary to act up to a second. Any delay could have ended sadly. A little more - and the fire would throw in the arm. I needed to fall to the ground and put out the flame. Fortunately, it cost without injury and burns.

The scene of the burning of Galusto Panda was removed from the first dub. A special team of firefighters was extinguished behind the actor's frame ...

The scene of the burning of Galusto Panda was removed from the first dub. A special team of firefighters was extinguished behind the actor's frame ...

- Why did you remove this episode without a stage?

- The fact is that in this scene there are a lot of close-ups, and on the scenario my hero Misha runs in a burning skin, removing the head of the panda. We thought for a long time with Karen, how best to deal with this situation. And ultimately decided that I should be removed myself.

- It is known that you voiced the charming warrior Dragon Panda by, and now it is an animal again. Does it pursue you?

- Very popular question lately! You know that Panda is a very rare animal. Panda is listed in the Red Book. There are only about 1600 individuals in the world. I decided to become the 1601th, so that in Moscow was a decent representative of this rare species.

- Now, though rainy, but still warm weather. Probably, a day to pass in a panda costume was hard?

- Weighs my costume 7-8 kilograms, so each action has to be performed with a double strength. And according to the script, I have to not only burn, but also run around the roofs, and climb on fire stairs, and even fly ...

- Now, probably, you know people who work as "photo with a monkey"?

- Stay in this suit is inconspicuous and truth is difficult. Especially enhanced attention I used during the filming of scenes at the airport and at the station.

... And in the frame - the heroine of Inga Owdina, which poured a whole bucket of water into Misha. .

... And in the frame - the heroine of Inga Owdina, which poured a whole bucket of water into Misha. .

- The comedy "Gift" is the history of the friendship of eight-year-old Artem with the thirty-year-old unemployed, hated children, Misha. Even this is a short description of the plot immediately pursues the idea of ​​the picture "Toy" with Richarom ...

- At first, the "gift" reminded me of an old comedy with Pierre Richarom, in which the main character is presented as a present to the young Son of a millionaire. Parallel can be held, but our history is by no means a remake. We have an original script. We finished it for a whole year and still add something in the course of the shooting.

- You are the father of two little girls. Does it help or, on the contrary, interferes with the shooting with a nine-year-old child?

- I like kids. Fortunately, I can find a common language and girls, and with the boys. Artem is very organized, disciplined and serious guy for its years. At the same time he has a good sense of humor. It's nice to work with him.

- Your heroes are looking for a gift. And in your life there were such gifts of fate?

- The most important gift in life I presented to me my wife Vika - she gave me two charming daughters.

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