Men's Cosmetology: Epilation, Botox and Chin Correction


It is no secret that men pay considerable attention to their appearance and beauty. And the speech here is not only about the usual training in the gym or on the skill stylishly and tastefully dress, but also about visiting specialized cosmetology cabinets. Many strong sex representatives, at the mention of such an opportunity, still arises a sense of discomfort, nevertheless, according to statistics, about 8% of patients in Russia - men, and over the years the situation continues to change. In America, where society in a much larger extent got rid of prejudices regarding male cosmetology, this percentage is higher. The tone, of course, ask Hollywood stars. They are both samples of masculinity and examples for imitation. It is no secret as Daniel Craig and Brad Pitt for the correction of their appearance resorted even to surgical interference, not to mention periodic cosmetology procedures, koi and for men, a great set is carried out.

At the same time, the differences between the male body suggest a different set of popular techniques. This also contributes to the fundamental differences between male leather from the feminine, which is much thicker and more densely, while more elastic, it is better to hold moisture. Due to this, on the male face, signs of aging, in particular wrinkles, are on average later. However, men's wrinkles are usually more pronounced and more difficult to fix. After 50 years in the male body, the activity of the sweat glands is largely reduced, which increases the dryness of the skin. This also contributes to the fact that during the life of a man is rarely used by moisturizing cream, while the skin of the face is constantly exposed to aggressive mechanical effects from shaving. Another factor that works against men is, on average, the big commitment to harmful habits is to use alcohol and tobacco, which can significantly accelerate negative processes in the body.

What men want

Do not forget that both the needs of men in terms of beauty standards are seriously different from female. Here you no longer need chubby lips or perfectly smooth face. Fillers are not very popular, but sometimes used to eliminate the explicit asymmetry or face form correction, in particular, the chin. A clear and pronounced chin is traditionally considered a sign of masculinity and inner strength. Modern cosmetology is capable not only to adjust the shape and size of the chin, but also to push it forward, as well as smooth or emphasize the chore fold. Strong gender and to epilation, but only hair is usually removed in such atypical places as shoulders, chest, as well as in the area between eyebrows. However, the other common male problem is not an excess, but a lack of hair - significant funds are also allowed to fight baldness.

Most often, men trust hardware techniques that are clearer for them, at the same time allow us to achieve a visible effect without a long period of rehabilitation. Survived procedures for this direction are microchlifting of the skin of the face, as well as RF lifting, which allows you to effectively deal with a common problem - dark circles under the eyes.

Oddly enough, the most popular male procedure in cosmetology cabinets - about a third of the total - is botulinity therapy or familiar for all injections of Botox. The popularity of the procedure is due not only to the desire to get rid of age wrinkles, first of all, in the field of forehead or around the eye. The skin of men is contained more than women, the number of sweat glands, which is why they are much more susceptible to problems associated with high sweating. Not everyone knows, but Botox injections are an effective means of excessive sweating - the drug blocks the effect of the glands.

At the same time, the procedure for injections of Botox for men is somewhat different, and therefore imposes additional requirements for a specialist. Therefore, men who are interested in botulinate therapy should be advised to choose clinics, specializing among the men's cosmetology. There are much more mimic muscles on the male face, and large doses of the drug will be required to affect them. In addition to this layer of the dermis of men's skin is much thicker, because the depth of injection is different, which also needs to be considered.

Thus, men's cosmetology has long ceased to be the sphere of interests of exclusively actors, politicians and other public people. In public consciousness, prejudices are gradually erasing about the possibility for men to adjust their appearance, and most importantly, many men themselves want to look prettier. This is not to mention that achievements in the field of cosmetology allow you to get rid of the effects of injuries, as well as many congenital problems (incorrect form of nose, problem skin, inappropriate moles or warts, etc.), which are often the cause of complexes and uncertainty in itself.

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