Angelica Agurbash: "Next to Arama, I felt in a cheerful"

Anonim visited the shooting video on the new song Angelica Agurbash "was and passed." The singer did not remove the clips for two years. But recently they sent a song that was very like Angelica. The composition was performed by the famous Armenian singer Arama. When she heard his voice, I realized that you need to work in a duet with this unusual artist.

Director Alexei Golubev planned in one day to remove several scenes in different scenery. However, most of the time Angelica and Arama conducted in bed. The artists decided to abandon the banal plot with beating dishes, shouts and hysteries, and showed two more loving people who came to the thoughts about parting consciously. Angelica and Arama were able to catch this mood and played so convincing that during the filming of some scenes, goosebumps were fled.

Angelica Agurbash:

Angelica Agurbash on the shooting of the video "was and passed"

According to the Armenian musician, he was difficult for him to play feelings on the camera. And Agurbash helped their partner to relax and catch the necessary intonation. Angelica told about his impressions from filming.

- Angelica, what is the whole day in bed with an unfamiliar man?

- You understand what it was on the script. (Smiles.) Yes, and before the start of the filming, I spent a lot about: worked in the studio, discussed the script, rehearsed. I received incredible emotions and from the song itself, and from the filming. I confess, felt just a dehaway. Yes, yes, and this is with my 178 centimeters! But even I am with my height against the background of Aramah looked a little girl, because his height is 2 meters.

Angelica Agurbash and Aramas

Angelica Agurbash and Aramas

- How did you overcome the constraint during filming?

- It was very difficult. While working on the set is from forty to fifty people. Huge pavilion. And we had to play love at all. Thought we will do everything quickly, but I had to remove a lot of doubles. Arama and I presented that this is a movie, and we are the actors. And gradually began to build in their roles. Under the end of the shooting day, the atmosphere on the site was so runing so that all those present flew goosebumps from the heat of our senses and passions. In my opinion, it turned out very beautiful and plausible.

Artists showed two more loving people who came to the thoughts about parting consciously

Artists showed two more loving people who came to the thoughts about parting consciously

- What did you remember most while working on the clip?

- Since there is a lot of sensual scenes in the script, and I had a rather frank dress, we prepared very carefully for shooting. I was applied almost all the literal sense of the word. So that nothing glistened under Sofita and looked natural. And, of course, the overall atmosphere on the site was very friendly.

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