Alexander Baluyev: "I am 100% odnolyub"


I could not find an artist in the capital. I discovered Alexander Nikolayevich in a small village near Smolensk, where he now lives. But this change of residence is temporary. Baluyev plays in the film "Two Women", shooting in the Mikhail Glinka Museum in Novospassky, where I had to go. The first thing was pleasantly surprised at a meeting with the artist, - the complete absence of any starry and sincere participation to a completely unauthorized person. He immediately asked how I got, the path is not unclear from Moscow, is not tired. It is incredibly bribed his responsiveness, good nature, and the amazing charm also fights at all. How much would the domestic cinema lost, he does not have such an actor! But this could happen: by the will of the Father, a young man shone a straight road to the Cadets.

Alexander Baluyev: "In high school, I did not shine knowledge. I did not want to learn, almost waved at school with my hand. Naturally, problems have arisen and with academic performance, and with discipline. Then my dad, being a personnel military, looked at all this and said: "You will not attend the mind - I will send it to the Suvorov school!" Knowing that in his character - always follow this word, I took up my studies. You can say with unprecedented zeal. "

The threat of the father had an action, because you had our own plans - did you go to theatrical?

Alexander: "No. About becoming an artist, I didn't even think. But the prospect of Suvorovsky School and the truth was frightened. I was ready to become anyone, just not an officer. Of course, I am respectful about people who wear epaulets. But it's just not mine. I can judge this, because I grew up in the family of the military, I know this life is not obstacle. I do not like how to obey the orders and give them away. I am a person of another warehouse. "

And when did you still decide that your fate is the acting profession?

Alexander: "I do not know. When it came time to choose a university, thought: why not go to artists? I tried to do, it did not work out. A year later I made a second attempt, this time I was accepted. I can not say that for these "facy" twelve months in me all turned over and I suddenly understood: "This is my vocation, I can never be able to". Not. Probably awareness of this came later when I was already a student. And every new day more and more argued me in this opinion. "

You ran away from the officer career, but the image of the Motherland defender was often trying to the cinema. It is said that, preparing for the series "Special Forces", you even went through special training ...

Alexander: "This is not quite so. In order to play the king, do not necessarily be born or sit on the throne. But, of course, communication with the military helped. And in some trifles that you yourself would not give values. For example, I remember, aiming from the machine, at that moment when the butt was resting in my shoulder, I grumble my eyes all the time. And one of the special forces who was present on the set, remarked: "It is necessary to shoot with open eyes." I could not understand - how so, because in this position you do not want to do not want, and one eye covers slightly ... I had to practice, and as a result I had to get right. It seems that this is nonsense, to which few people pay attention, but if you know how it should actually be, it is already impossible to make any other way. Although this, apparently, just the warehouse of my character. In addition, looking at professionals, you sometimes unknowingly make some sketches for their behavior, gestures, speech. At the same time, you can not even think, you will have some kind of sketches or not. They are stored somewhere deep in the subconscious, and when you start working on or otherwise, pop up in memory. "

At the beginning of the acting career, many directors inspired Alexander that with his appearance of the movie star from it would not work, his place is only on stage. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

At the beginning of the acting career, many directors inspired Alexander that with his appearance of the movie star from it would not work, his place is only on stage. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

But you embodied on the screen and images of historical personalities, for example, Marshal George Zhukov, as well as the heroes of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev. In this case, what do you have to rely?

Alexander: "We were taught to this. (Laughs.) Plus your own feelings, evaluation. In general, the times change, and the nature of man remains the same. Therefore, these characters are understandable and in their own way tangible. Although I am very interested in those heroes, who have nothing to do with me. Different lifestyle, different thoughts, actions. The more differences, the more attractive the role for me. Therefore, when you look at some movie, you do not need to endow me with the personal qualities of the character. Often we only have a common look. And even then, thanks to the efforts of the makeup (if it is necessary for the scenario) even our appearance varies. "

For some reason, fans do not always recognize you in real life. Andrei Krako said that when a part of the episodes of the "death of the Empire" was shot in the Tauride Garden of St. Petersburg, it was often treated for an autograph, and nobody learned you most often. But one day three of those who drunk young people came up and asked to take a picture ...

Alexander: "Yes. It was so. I told it: "Seen, my fans - people exclusively drunk." It was a joke. The truth is rarely recognized in everyday life. And most often those who appeal to me with some questions, with a request somewhere to sign or make a joint shot, are in Hmly. I do not know, apparently, alcohol reveals someone with someone, and they understand: Yeah, the artist is in front of us, and not a man, like him. Or maybe I have a kind of frightening, only those who have already accepted for courage have been decided to approach. But usually drunk comrades show wonders of identification and courage. "

Maybe therefore, knowing that no one sticks with enthusiastic outpoundings, you so often use public transport. In any case, they say that you are moving exclusively by bus, trolleybus or subway.

Alexander: "This is a myth. As a rule, I drive by car. And not because I am annoyed by contact with the people and I try to separate. Not. Everything is very simple. I live in the suburbs.

Here without a car can not do. Yes, and in the city is still more convenient driving than on foot or tram. Although, it happens, I descend in the subway, if so faster. In general, I am alien to any showholder. I live, surrounding myself what makes my life more comfortable. At the same time, I am not a lover of superdowed car, the car is just a means of movement. She must be reliable and like you. Here are the criteria! And its price, class, prestige do not interest me. The same applies to my home. It should be cozy to me and my family, and build some palace to envy and the admiration of the surrounding I will never. Golden toilet will not add comfort and self-esteem. And I don't want to live in the museum. Although no one condemns anyone. Everyone has their own tastes, preferences, aspirations. You asked me, and I tell me what I like. Someone how I live, seems simple, but I do not mind. I do not pretend some elitism. "

Now you settled in the outback near Smolensk, and all for the sake of the director of the faith of verbalie, which invited you to play a role in her new film "Two Women" on the play of Ivan Turgenev. This is your third joint project, a little more - and the yellow press will speak about your novel with her. The otherwise explain such mutual devotion ...

Alexander: "If so please, we have a novel, but only creative. Vera is a beautiful and clever woman, while talented director. It is easy to work with her, she, being actress herself, understands and feels that someone from her colleagues in the workshop could have missed. This acting and directorial vision attracts and at the same time alarms: Would she not call somewhere that and how to do the artist? But, thank God, no, until such a problem arose. The windows have a magical quality - she finds unexpected images that you have not thought about it before, did not even think about it! And suddenly you bring it on a saucer with a blue car. But it was that I refused to be your proposals, which no longer stacked the version of our novel. After all, if people connect something, then, as a rule, they are trouble-free to each other. Yes, I said "no", and then he regretted it. Some proposed images seemed to be "not mine." And I have a principle: I never occupy someone else's place, I do not bring yourself or familiar ... But I agreed on this project. And you know what bribed me? Some special dedication of verbal. I am sure that this picture will be held on a bang in the West: This is a Russian classic that they love there, and are busy in the movie Stars of European Cinema Silvi Test, Bernd Moss and Raif Fayns. But in our country, own her own property do not appreciate. I do not believe that people will go to the movies to Turgenev. And a pity, we "eat" what provides foreign production: their melodramas, thrillers, militants, and not we are interested in. Although in this story there is everything that Hollywood usually offers: a love even a triangle - a quadrilateral, passion, jealousy, tension and the question, how this node is breaking ... I appreciated the Verin heroism - she removes the cinema for Russia and about Russia, therefore accepted her proposal. In fact, believe me, "two women" is cool! "

Alexander Baluyev:

The joint work of Alexander Baluyev and Svetlana Khodchenkova loved the audience. Frame from the film "Bless Woman."

You starred in Hollywood and know what money, and honors he brings more ...

Alexander: "Yes, starred ... And now it is called to work abroad, but I'm more and more often refused. Tired of playing stupid Russian gangsters or KGB agents. And other images are mainly not offered. It would be interesting, of course, I would agree. "

But after all, in America they pay good, for money you can suffer.

Alexander: "Why? I do not see sense. As they say, not the bread is alone. In addition, I, thank God, do not dismount and able to provide my family without foreign fees. And fortunately, I currently have the opportunity to make money in my homeland, removing in those pictures that I am interested. "

You had a chance to work with the stars of world values ​​- with Nicole Kidman, George Clooney, Morgan Friman, Meg Ryan and many others. A positive impression remains from communicating with them? What are they in life?

Alexander: "It is difficult for me to judge how they behave when they leave the shooting platform, as we worked together, and did not live. But in communication, all the artists listed are normal, ordinary people. No fullness, star. Respectively belong both to colleagues and technical staff that serves as a group. I also remember me, as in the break, George Clooney arranged a jog. Heat, the sun is just a palette, nothing to breathe. In addition, it happened in the mountainous area, the road is not so what. And he runs on it. Then it turned out that he uses each pause for exercise to support himself in shape. "

And now you are working with another celebrity - Raif Fains, known on the films "English Patient", "Schindler List", "Red Dragon", "Reader". How are your relationship? Helped a colleague to adapt in Russia?

Alexander: "He is not only a talented artist, but also a global guy. It is easy to communicate with it. We have no language barrier, and not only because I speak English, but also because RAIF for this role taught Russian. Of course, it cannot be said that he mastered our great and powerful fully, but still for a foreigner for a very short time to learn so many words and expressions - this is a kind of feat. Especially the language is not easy. Adaptation has passed successfully. We have been living under Smolensk for more than a month, and Fyams became a favorite village inhabitants. They indulge his little cucumbers. What it is, our Englishman did not know before. "

As you already explained, the novel with faith of verbal was not, but you are credited with a lot of love connections with your partner on the shooting area ...

Alexander: "This is not true. By nature, I am 100% odnolyub. Twenty years ago in the Crimea I met Maria. And fell in love. She is polka, but at the same time perfectly spoke in Russian, except that the focus was in her foreigner. Masha came to rest on the sea with two children, eldest, Ole, then there were nine-ten years old, and younger, Yulia, six. At that time, she was still married, although in fact the family did not exist. But for me it was the main thing that I loved this woman and was ready to fight for her. Fortunately, she replied to me. If a resort novel, then for life. I have so!"

Baluyev was so played by Svidrigaylov in the series "Crime and Punishment" on the novel of Dostoevsky that his character surpassed Skolnikov in popularity. That's what men's charisma and talent mean! Photo:

Baluyev was so played by Svidrigaylov in the series "Crime and Punishment" on the novel of Dostoevsky that his character surpassed Skolnikov in popularity. That's what men's charisma and talent mean! Photo:

And you did not bother you that she has children?

Alexander: And what about this?! If you love a woman, then her children can not be an alien or burden for you. Over time, I managed to find a common language with them. And ten years ago, my daughter and Maria and Maria were born with Maria.

What is your father?

Alexander: "The best. So write: I am the best dad in the world. And there is nothing that I did not do for my Marusi. Daughter is happiness, I am easier to live, when it was born. Whatever I do, I always think about it. From work, I strive home where she is waiting for me. For what kind of tenderness and love, the baby says "Dad", you can give everything. She is smart. Learn at school, tries. Sometimes it seems to me that Masha understands even more in this life than we, adults. Of course, I am her ball, I can not resist. But it does not spoil it. Making something for her, I myself am glad as a child. We walk together, read books, we go to rest. I try to build my work schedule so that on vacation to spend with it as much time as possible. Alas, it does not always work as I would like. This year she went with her mother to relax in Italy. And at that time I was busy on set. It is a pity that it is impossible to be in two places at the same time. In general, I love to watch my daughter, as she reacts to some events, laughs, thinks. It changes very quickly. Matures. And so you try not to miss a single nuance. I know that I will return from the next business trip and I already note something new in it. "

Does she know Polish language?

Alexander: "Of course. Even English is studying. And in general - how she does not know the mother's native language! Especially since we are, in essence, we live into two countries. We go from Russia to Poland and back. Although more often there and here you have to dangle my wife. Since I'm tied here to work, and my daughter is to school. But when Marusi Vacation, and I have a break in filming, we are flying to her home with her mother. The daughter feels great in both Moscow and Europe. By the way, she recently starred in the Polish film. She had a small episody, with whom she coped, in my opinion, excellent. It was very interesting to look at her on the set. Such a serious, attentive ... It can be seen how she was internally going, preparing for his exit. "

That is, the actress is growing?

Alexander: "I do not know. It is difficult to make it up. She liked to shoot, but there is no special thrust to this. And desires again go to the site she does not roll out. Maybe it's for the better. As long as the little, let him rejoice in life, is engaged in what it is interesting for her, tries himself in different hypostatas. And who she will become when he grows up, time will tell. The main thing, let it be happy. "

And how is different cultures and traditions get along in one family? We have and Christmas is celebrated in different days ...

Alexander: "Normal. If you yourself do not do from this problem, everything will be fine. Christmas celebrate Catholic, and Orthodox. Marusya from this only wins - the gifts receive two times more. And the wife is an amazing mistress, perfectly prepares, and both Polish dishes and ours. "

Why did you still prefer to live in the suburbs? Surely you had the opportunity to settle in the center of the capital?

Alexander: "In my opinion, in the city now it is easy to live. Rhythmic rhythm, noise, fuss ... All this oppresses. Not in vain say: "Do not live where you work." Now these words have acquired a new meaning. We work in the metropolis, and return home - there is silence, peace, fresh air. Really relax. You gain strength to return to Moscow the next day. "

It would seem that you have everything you can only dream of. Are there any other desires not embodied in life?

Alexander: "If you think that I will talk about some role that I would like to play, then no ... I calm towards it. I do not make things forever and the plans do not build. The desires are simple, like any normal man - so that they are healthy are friends. The rest can somehow solve himself, but health does not depend on me. "

Many stars complain about the burden of glory ...

Alexander: "First, I don't really like the word" star ". In my understanding there is a good artist, there is bad. And I feel like a part of my profession. I do not know how hard this "monoma hat" is hard. Maybe I'm just not staying at such a close attention, like someone from my colleagues, and on the other hand, I do not do anything that would be worth hiding. "

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