Insomnia as a sign of stress. How to learn to sleep baby


Insomnia or academic "insomnia" can take completely different forms. This, for example:

- poor sleep quality;

- the inability to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes a few weeks;

- insufficient duration;

- frequent awakening among the night;

- receiving sleeping pills;

- complaints about poor well-being during the day;

- Frequent daytime drowsiness.

Psychologist Tatyana Shestakova

Psychologist Tatyana Shestakova

Photos from a personal archive

Insomnia does not just reduce the quality of life. She can take this life.

If the insomnia becomes chronic, then increases the risk of diseases such as stroke, various diseases of the heart and the heart system as a whole, diabetes mellitus, obesity, arterial hypertension, depression, decrease in immunity, ulcerative illness of the stomach, hyperthyroidism, etc.

The nervous system begins to suffer, it means that soon irritability, fast fatigue, reduced performance, reduced memory, attention, concentration, sociability, various neurosis will be your faithful satellites.

And these are already accurate characteristics of stress, with the most negative form - Disteres, that is, such a state of your body, when everything starts to work not on Plus: Forget about creating something, co-create, find a solution, creat , wish, dream, seek ...

In the state of di-stress, the body goes into the mode of severe economy. Total!

How is it manifested in ordinary life?

- I do not want anything, apathy;

- are not new solutions;

- I do not want to wake up in the morning;

- nothing pleases;

- It starts to annoy everything: children, husband, girlfriends, colleagues, bosses;

- anger on any suggestions;

- Food ceases to bring pleasure / or vice versa, only she can distract;

- Thoughts about the same (such obsession);

- fears about the future (and suddenly / and if / if this happens).

Well, and a separate topic:

- something is wrong with me;

- I did not look bad;

- No one loves me;

- I do not appreciate me;

"If I had (a figure like ... / lips like ... / Breasts like a / legs like ...);

- on the contrary, if I had no (excess weight / such a graph);

- if he was a boss / head;

- If I had such familiar, I would ...;

- If I had such a husband / friend.

Of course, we all periodically ask ourselves such questions ...

But! If you start to hang them, if it is spinning in your head regularly (and for this, the right time is the night when you are with yourself) are the calls that your body is in the "Survive" state.

Everywhere danger.

From everywhere you need to wait for an attack.

I need to defend.

The most important thing is to save life.

What is creative and creativity?

We have energy - only to hide / hide / find a safe place /

either (second option - attacks).

It is better to attack the first. More chances to survive.

And we begin to break down, yell, so much, etc.

About what is happening at the hormonal level is a separate story.

What to do? Is there a way out? Yes. There is!

Not simple, of course. Reception of one pill can not do. But learn to sleep with a sleeping baby - serene - maybe.

Recommendations are very simple.

To do this, you need to watch the babies.

What do they do?

1. Express your emotions openly: like-smiling. Do not like, protest / either roar.

2. Move - constantly silent with handles, legs, crawl, turn over, go, find out, get acquainted.

3. Feed useful products.

4. Sleep when they are dry and comfortable.

Of course, it must be adapted under your lifestyle. But the principles are very similar.

- Move! Add movements to your life;

- Do not copy emotions (no matter from + or -). They must be expressed (of course, an acceptable way);

- recognize / comprehend / master the new one;

- Deliver yourself pleasure (and this, of course, is not about "harm");

In compliance with such uncomplicated rules, much in your life can be changed. Sleep is a necessary part of our life. And if we, suddenly, decide that we do not need it - life will definitely change. And not for the better.

Sleep well to live well. There is already such a saying "who sleeps badly, he works badly."

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