We increase your self-esteem


The lack of self-confidence appears in childhood. It is known that the child tests the outside world on a response. He breaks the toy and is waiting for the reaction of the parents, makes the drawing and hurries to show her parents, wanting to see what the impression on them produces his work. In the absence of approval, the kid is experiencing uncertainty and anxiety, which are consistent with the regular repetition of these situations. The same effect is provided by high parents. As a result, a person, even possessing a lot of abilities and talents, will constantly doubt their presence. Insecurity provokes the inability to declare his interests and defend them; say "no" when I do not want to agree; promote service; establish contact with unfamiliar people and the opposite sex; Try new.

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

How to cope with uncertainty?

Work on what you consider your weak place. For example, you do not cease to edit myself for overweight, which, in your opinion, prevents you from learning to get acquainted with the male you like. Sign up into the gym and review your food. If there are gaps exciting for you in knowledge of working issues, look at the training rollers on the Internet, read the appropriate literature. In general, do everything on you depends.

Wake up and charge a good mood. Your task is to make your reflection in the mirror at least five compliments and smile. Too simple technique to get the result? But try to do it at least for a month. Soon the morning mood will spread on your whole day and even infect others.

Watch your thoughts. As soon as reflections in the spirit "I am not given", "I am unable", "I'm not fit" and similar to them absurd, immediately replace them with positive "I will do it," "I deserve", "I am full of strength and skills" and etc.

Drive the achievement diary. Take the rule to celebrate your merits in writing during the day. Mark every day at least five points, throwing false modesty. You will be pleasantly surprised how productive your life is.

Do not compare yourself with those who think the ideal. When people have no inner support, objective (as far as possible) ideas about their abilities and opportunities, they choose this support in the outside world, forgetting that all people are different. In addition, it is better to be better than it becomes a tribute to fashion. Detect it easily, just look enough to look at a person in the usual world and on his page in social networks. Not always the impression will be the same.

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