How to get rid of shyness


With young nails, we tried to inspire that being shy - it is even good. Like, modesty decorates man. However, in most cases to be shy - it means to experience difficulties in communicating. The shy person is in voltage and stiffness in relation to people and arising life situations.

What does excessive shyness lead to?

Ensteid people are difficult to make new acquaintances. As a rule, the shy people have a self-esteem: they are afraid to express their opinion, defend their rights and say what they want. These are usually people who remain in the same positions. Often, satellites of shyness are loneliness, anxiety and depression.

Christina Mribova

Christina Mribova

What to do?

To begin with, try to figure out where you got a feeling of uncertainty and fear? You must understand and negotiate with you. You do not differ from others. You are the same worthy, interesting person and have the right to your opinion. Do not accumulate yourself and your advantages. You depend on someone else's opinion, but someone depends on yours.

Learn calmly and objectively evaluate yourself from the side, without thinking about how, who will think about you. Such a vision will gradually teach you to evaluate yourself differently.

Try not to treat everything very seriously, but let yourself make fun on yourself, with your shyness, and allow it to do others. With ease and without internal tension. You will see that you yourself will begin to treat yourself easier and will take a step by step to acquire self-confidence.

Remember all the cases and situations in which you were proud of themselves. Where you have shown your hardness and confidence. Try to "live" this condition inside, and soon you are inserted into it.

Go to the courses of acting or oratorical art. There will be learned by special techniques, thanks to which you will learn to be liberated and confident. Moreover, you look at the fear right in the eye. What you are so afraid of, namely to be in public and speak in front of her, is the most powerful way to combat unnecessary quality.

Care for yourself and try to look always on "5". There is a direct relationship between the appearance and how you perceive yourself. The better you look, the most confident you feel.

As Einstein said: "The biggest stupidity is to do the same and hope for another result." If you do not try to act otherwise in situations that make you feel uncertain, it will be difficult to cope with this quality. Once at a time in the new situations for you try to behave opposite how you acted earlier. That is: more confidently, liberally, to do or say what you want.

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