Plate of health: products that reduce the risk of oncology


In the conditions of constant rush and the incredit stress, we tear off on fast food, alcohol and other harmful food hobbies. In the meantime, even one portion of Potato FRI increases the risk of anomalies in the body in a few dozen times. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle, which leads most of the population can also lead to unpleasant diseases.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that you have to abandon fats: because not all of them are harmful, for example, linseed oil or olive contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are necessary for our body for normal operation. In addition to oil in pure form, doctors advise consuming fatty fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. However, control the intake of fats in the body, as excess weight will also not add health.

Perhaps it is worth revising the diet

Perhaps it is worth revising the diet


What fats bring the greatest harm?

According to doctors, the worst on our health reflects the transhirs - the most that are formed in the process of frying, as well as contained in margarine and brazed vegetable oil. Moreover, you can get an unnecessary dose not only by visiting the network of popular Fastfud restaurants, but also to "poison" yourself at home. Try not to abuse fatty meat and dairy products. And even more so as possible, burning - it is best to bake the same chicken in the oven.

Do not abuse fast food

Do not abuse fast food


Do you need to abandon meat?

No, but it is necessary to cut. According to statistics, most often among patients with intestinal cancer are fans of sausages and smoked. Naturally, on holidays, you can afford several sandwiches with smoked sausage, but it is worth limking to it. The same applies to the use of kebabs and steaks in daily mode. Of course, once a week you can pamper yourself with your favorite chop, however, on an ongoing basis, the fish, poultry or rabbit meat should be included in the diet: a wonderful replacement of red meat.

What products will help reduce the risk of disease?


You can use them in a fresh form and in the form of juice or tomato paste. Tomatoes contain a useful substance called Licopene.

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Cauliflower and broccoli

Yes, many choose salad cabbage, but maybe it's worth tying this incredibly useful product? Broccoli contains sulforafan, a substance that well delays the development of cancer cells.


Probably the most pleasant product, with the use of which few people have problems. However, the drink should not be abused people who suffer from pressure surges. Be careful!

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