How was the series "Golden Horde"


The creators of the series did not hide that they set themselves the task of lifying the film, which in the scale of the incarnation would not give way to the best world samples of recent years. Only Casting went about five months, and to select one hundred fifty artists of roles, more than two thousand people were discussed. Moreover, the samples were passed not only in the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, but also in the distant lands of China and Japan. So, in the country of the Rising Sun, the director of the film Timur Alpatov looked more than twenty Japanese. True, in the end, none of them was approved for the role. "In fact, it was interesting," Timur Alpatov admitted. "But then it was decided to abandon this idea due to the difference of mentalities, languages ​​- after all, all this would have to renovate."

The shooting themselves took place in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the pavilions and on nature. Next to the Yaroslavl highway in the forest elevated decorations - the real wooden city of Vladimir XIII century at ten thousand "squares". It was all here: a real forest pond, the princely terme and the temple, what were in those days, huts and baths, sheds and guarding towers. In the Crimean Belogorsk and the Karadagh natural nature reserve placed the bid of the Great Khan.

Tatar Beauty Nargiz played an actress from Kazakhstan Aruzhan Jazilbekova. She is well known in his homeland, but on Russian TV it is her first big role

Tatar Beauty Nargiz played an actress from Kazakhstan Aruzhan Jazilbekova. She is well known in his homeland, but on Russian TV it is her first big role

To the selection of costumes, the ratio was no less scrupulous. In total, more than two thousand historical outfits were sewn and rented for the project. Of these, ten historical costumes "Mosfilm", which took back in their fairy tales "Sadko" 1952 and "Ruslan and Lyudmila" 1972 director Alexander Ptushko. Actress Julia Peresilde, who played the main role - Ustigni, told, with what a thrill was working on her appearance: "Agree, if women in the cinema are ugly, who will be interesting to watch it? In the "Golden Horde" everything is incredibly beautiful with us. With Masha Yursko, the artist in the costumes, a lot of discussed my outfits and in colors, and on combinations. Generally, the costumes on the project are amazing, sophisticated! The number of beads that artists were sewn with their own hands, probably pass for tens of thousands. "

For Sergey Puskapalis, the role of the warrior of Erema has also become a physical test. The sword of Yeremy weighed about eight kilograms, and all twenty chain mail

For Sergey Puskapalis, the role of the warrior of Erema has also become a physical test. The sword of Yeremy weighed about eight kilograms, and all twenty chain mail

Cold weapons and armor produced for the film Artist Sergey Mikulsky. Sergey has a unique collection of swords, copies, sabers, armor of steel, titanium and bronze, which in Russia is the basis for creating historical films, fantasy and fairy tales. Sergey Pushepalis, who played the Voyage to Yerem, recalls: "The role required a certain preparation, my sword weighed eight kilograms, and chain mail - about twenty. I first sat on the horse, so that the filming had a little bit of rush. With a horse, I'm "lucky": His "dressed" in the iron, in armor. It looked very impressive, but the poor horse barely moved, and I still needed to depict something on it. "

Especially for the filming, a whole ancient city was built, in which the princely led, and simple huts, as well as the temple and watchdog

Especially for the filming, a whole ancient city was built, in which the princely led, and simple huts, as well as the temple and watchdog

As always, the opinions of the creators of the painting, historians and television viewers were divided. The producers of the heyday of the Golden Horde seemed bright, cinematic, so he was taken as the basis. However, they deliberately left historical facts, still causing many disputes. "Over the past century, the history has rewritten the uncountable number of times, the descriptions of the events have long been turned into legends, and even their interpretation, especially, says Creative Producer Elena Denisevich. - Nevertheless, when working on a scenario, we got acquainted with a huge number of reference and historical literature, talked with many consultants. We are more worried about artistic assumptions about what people lived at this time than they were different and what they were like. "

Especially for the filming, a whole ancient city was built, in which the princely led, and simple huts, as well as the temple and watchdog

Especially for the filming, a whole ancient city was built, in which the princely led, and simple huts, as well as the temple and watchdog

The director of the film Timur Alpatov has attracted three historical consultants. "They all spoke absolutely different things," the director smiles. - Everyone led in his direction. Everyone said that the Mongols were such, or, on the contrary, such. As it was in fact - you will not understand. There are, for example, the version that IHA was not that the Mongols were loyal, and Rusichi paid them money for certain services. Or, for example, where did the idea come from that the Mongols were dirty, uneducated savages? Yes, among them there were such, but in our majority it was representatives of the highest race, the heirs of Culture of China - educated, educated people who follow their appearance. On the fourth month of work on the material, reading various kinds of literature, listening to consultants, I clearly realized that we would not find truth. That was why it was decided not to chase in historical correspondences and remove the historical fantasy, where everything conditionally. "

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