We defeat aging with the help of threads


The facial suspended thread procedure offers us an excellent combination of high efficiency and low invasiveness. Of course, the thread lifting has certain limits of applicability and does not replace fully surgical methods - in certain cases, without surgery, it is not necessary. However, the procedure copes with a wide range of problems, while painless, requires a maximum short period of rehabilitation, while has a minimum risk of complications and side effects, of course, in the case of a qualified specialist.

The procedure of the nite lifting is already applied for more than forty years, and during this time it has repeatedly improved to achieve maximum effect. Most often, they are resorted to facial tissue lifts, however, the possibilities of the feedback are not limited to this area, they can also be used for tightening the neck, chest, legs, hands, abdomen, buttocks. Originally used gold threads, up to 0.1 mm thick, however, today the noble metal has practically lost its place to other materials. Golden threads are able to provide "bioarming" of the skin due to the strengthening of tissues around the thread, however, the obvious lifting effect is not achieved in this way. In modern procedures, threads with special notches are used, due to which it is possible to provide the desired tension and achieve a sustainable result. Shells can be performed in different ways, in the form of special hooks or microscopic cones - in any case, due to them, it is ensured by stable skin fixation in the desired position.

If you speak directly about the effects that helps to achieve thread lifting face, then this:

- refund of a clear facial oval;

- smoothing of wrinkles in the forehead, lips, chin;

- correction of elevation of eyebrows or mouth corners;

- Elimination of the omission of soft tissues in the lower jaw.

At the same time, the procedure does not change the natural form of a person as it may be with plastic surgery. On the contrary, the contours of more than youth are restored.

Varieties of nite lifting

There are several varieties of nite lifting. The main difference is the material - the threads can be resolved and not resolved.

Suspensable or biodegradable threads (they include, for example, mezzani) apply usually for women under the age of 40 years. They allow the prevention of pectoose faces - the omit for the soft tissues of the skin, the loss of elasticity. The threads are decomposed in the body on time from 6 to 12 months, while the effect can be maintained even up to the year, due to the launch of the organism's own restoration capabilities provoked by the introduction of the threads. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Do not absorbing threads made of polypropylene are a more effective means for skin suspenders, the faces are better held. They are prescribed with pronounced signs of aging, as a rule, after 40-50 years. The big advantage of the procedure is the duration of the effect - the threads have a positive impact for 4-5 years. After this period, the doctor can tighten the threads, without the introduction of new, so that the positive effect will be restored.

Essence of procedure and contraindications

The procedure of suspended threads can take up to an hour and passes under local anesthesia. To install threads, a small puncture is made in the temple area. After that, with the help of the needle, they drag the thread under the skin to the outlet point (for filaments with serifs instead of the needle, cannula is used - a special thin hollow tube). The needle takes place in subcutaneous fatty fiber, where there are no pain receptors, which causes the absence of unpleasant sensations. After that, a suspender is carried out for the free ends of the thread, after which the excess is cut off, and the thread is completely under the skin.

The lifting effect will be visible immediately. For a while - 2-3 hours - it will be necessary for rehabilitation after the procedure, the patient will be asked to hold it in a special room. After that, you can go home. The full recovery period takes from two to seven days, at this time the swelling may appear, the appearance of a small hematoma may appear. In the next couple of weeks after the procedure, you should avoid visiting a bath, solarium, and also refrain from massage of the face and active facial expressions.

During the rehabilitation period, the filament can be felt in the installation site, however, then it will disappear. Moreover, the threads can not be seen through the skin, which are so afraid of some women.

As with any procedure, some complications may appear when lifting threads. All of them are easily eliminated. In particular, the edge of the thread on the skin can be expounded, which without any problems will be cut off by a specialist. In addition, after a while, the lifting effect can weaken - in this case, the thread suspension is necessary, which is carried out within a few minutes, without the introduction of new materials.

Of course, for tightening threads there are a number of contraindications. Naturally, this pregnancy and lactation period, diabetes, hemophilia, oncological diseases, as well as individual intolerance to the injected drugs.

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