Anna Starshenbaum: "All these years I lived with a sense of guilt"


Anna Starshenbaum can be attributed to the category of nuggets: she early decided on the vocation and, although he did not receive vocational education, confidently took her niche in the movies. Already one of its first roles - in the film "Children to Sixteen," was awarded the awards of prestigious festivals. And recently, the actress is just gripping: paintings "Selfie", "Love with restrictions", "Hotel of the last Hope" - and so much more expected premier! However, fans were and are upset - the news about the divorce of the actress. Anna herself, which is very warm and respectfully responds about the former husband, Alexei Bardukov, I am sure that everything is happening in her life, right. Details - in the March issue of the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Anna, if you compare life with a book, when one chapter ends, the new one begins. Judging by your blooming appearance and the number of interesting prime, it is.

- Yes, I am pleased. Although, of course, always want more. I like the movie in that there is no daily routine, repetition. Now on the first channel I have four projects, where I play the main roles. And they are all very different. The "wizard" directed by Mikhail Hleborodova is an adventure comedy. In the sixteenisseri series "Nyanka" I have a serious, dramatic role. In such historical paintings, I was not called me before. I was always sure that this is not my organic order, I am absolutely a child of my time. So this is an interesting and new experience for me. In the television series, Denis Evstigneev "diplomat" I play a diplomat girl who suffers from stuttering. Alexander Lazarev became my partner. And with Victoria Isacova and Konstantin Lavronenko we met on the shooting area of ​​the four-stero drama "Awakening". And, of course, I am very looking forward to the second season of the series "Psychologies" - despite the name, it is an easy, aerial comedy. The tangent plot passes on the topics of psychology, and the main line is the relationship of the girls-heroin among themselves and with men.

- Have you had to contact a psychologist in life?

- Yes, it was a year ago. And after that, I have changed very much. In psychology there is a certain technique with a pendulum that returns you to the problems of childhood. I returned at one moment in the past, I could look at the situation from the side and now, at twenty-eight years, I finally realized that I had about my life. In particular, personal relations were not as much as I would like. I could not understand why all my stories ends equally. After all, it can not be that I find men as under the car. Apparently, the problem is in me. After communicating with a psychologist, it became clear that the reason was in the wrong positioning of himself with themselves and other people. But now the problem has decided.

Balenciaga sweater; Ankle Boots, Antonio Biaggi

Balenciaga sweater; Ankle Boots, Antonio Biaggi

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What features do you notice it?

- I will not say. (Smiles.) But for me it is obvious. Well, then, work with a psychologist did not work out. The person saw the development of the situation in his own way, and in this sense I trust myself more about my own opinion and loved ones - those who know me well and listen to whose opinion I liste.

- It was difficult for you to put the final point in your marriage with Alexey?

- It happened not suddenly. Now a certain stage ended in our relationship, but the other began. We are no longer your husband and wife, but the parents of our child. I hope we can stay friends - it would be great. While too little time passed.

- You have already tried to part in 2014. Then they decided to give each other a second chance. Probably, it's not easy for you because in childhood you yourself experienced the divorce of the parents?

- I experienced some other moments in their relationship, but not because they part. In general, I think that the child should not suffer because of this. Our son is a difference to divorce and does not feel now. Mom near, dad near, we go to work, he is in school, we spend the weekends together. Only our personal relations with Alexey have changed, this is not reflected in our environment.

- And if a new person appears in your life?

- Then we will think. It is necessary that he not only appeared, but also settled himself. (Smiles.) How much time should pass!

- How many? Are you not from those who fall in love at first sight?

- I am very long usually, "tight" in this sense. Our story with Lesha began six years after the first meeting. I can work with someone side by side two, and then understand that I, it turns out, fell in love. (Smiles.)

- It seemed to me that you were such a impulsive and desperate person, left the house for fifteen years ...

- No, I'm absolutely not desperate, I love comfort so that everything is soft and cozy - fluffy sweater, a dog under sideways.

Double, Balenciaga.

Double, Balenciaga.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- But in fifteen years to leave the house - is it not to leave the comfort zone?

- depending on what house. And now, on the contrary, it is very comfortable to return there, to mom. And she is my best friend, that person I call for a hundred times a day. I always do what I think right. I just wanted exactly then to start an independent life. From the side of my actions may seem strange to someone, but we are all different. You can not judge by itself. Personally, I didn't feel any drama at that moment.

- I would be very worried on the site of your mother.

"No, she herself told me: Go where want." She since childhood raised independence in me, did not hold on a short leash. And I am grateful to her for it. She is also a free internally man, without a frame, does what he wants. And my example was always inspired.

- Who is she by profession?

- She graduated from INAZ, knows French and Italian. She worked at the firm that sold the elite Italian plumbing, often fleed on business trips to Europe. And then suddenly shaved naked and went to the janitor. She said that could no longer exist in the system. I just turned fourteen then. We didn't need anything in principle: we had an apartment, they were not focused on things, money was only required for food ... And now Mom paints beautiful pictures, lives in his own country house. We bought a plot together, built a house from scratch. She has very good there: nature, fresh air, garden. Three dogs live two cats. I periodically select homeless animals. Sometimes it is possible to attach in good hands, sometimes not. I have two cats at home. My mother and We are as much as possible about each other. Therefore, we have such trusting relationships. And the dad did not see each other or ten years or ten. At first I was experiencing about this - until I did not go to the psychologist. A lot of energy is drowning until some situation remains unresolved. The way my energy is now, which vertices are achieved - one hundred percent confirmation that the story I already "worked."

- Anya, where did you leave for fifteen years?

- Grandma died, after her the apartment was left in Medvedkov. It was not very good for old age granny, which makes, so he dragged any trash to the apartment. From the floor to the ceiling, everything was forced by some boxes. In the midst of this "wealth" she had a thin walkway from the entrance door to the sofa and the same thin - to the toilet. Plus, she still lived dogs, whom she did not walk, so they did their affairs right in the apartment. Represent a picture? And I always lived with my mother clean and comfortable, so for me it was a shock. The very first thing I did, settling in this apartment, was thrown out all the trash. Neighbors nickname me Cinderella, because all summer I did what I carried out the boxes and garbage bags. But when I brought order, I became quite comfortable there to live. I began to work in the theater, then entered the guitis.

Coat, marni; Pants and turtleneck, all - Dries Van Noten; Bag, Antonio Biaggi

Coat, marni; Pants and turtleneck, all - Dries Van Noten; Bag, Antonio Biaggi

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- How did you get into the theater?

- I studied at the school in the theater class, we put the performances and studied all the special services that teach in universities. I liked it, it was fun, and I realized that I want to connect fate with the acting profession. In the theater, Vladimir Speksiv took from fourteen years, I have not returned to school.

- And in Gitis you studied just a year ... Why?

- It all happened to happen. I voted near the theater and caught the car of my future Khuduk. He said that next year he was gaining a course, and invited me. I came, a contest was held, and they took me. But it was not the acting faculty, but a pop. A year later, it became clear that the focus was on music, and I was interested in movies. Therefore, I threw the institute, especially since at the time I started to act. The first picture was "telling Leo", and then I was invited to the main role in the film "Children to Sixteen." And it suffered: "Kinotavr", Bondarchuk ... Already eleven years I am in this area.

- And you do not feel that you prevent you from the lack of acting education?

- For the first years, two things were worried about this, because it came to samples, and there were the guys who graduated from MCAT, Schukinskoye and other leading theatrical universities in Moscow. But for some reason they took me to the project, and they are not. However, it still did not reassure me. Then I began to receive awards for the best female role in the film "Children to Sixteen", one after another. When I was given the first statuette, I thought: Accident, all subjectively. But, becoming the winner of the fourth, decided that, probably, everything is not bad, it is necessary to work and not bother on the topic of the institute. Although sometimes I dreamed of terrible dreams, that you need to go somewhere and take exams. (Laughs.) Now I often hear from artists who respect and love, compliments in your address. No, I did not calm down the topic of profession - there is always where to grow and develop. But I do not think that the lack of vocational education is a stumbling block on the way to success, the main thing is still practicing.

- Have you encountered envy in your address?

- I do not know, I do not notice anything. I live in my sink, in pink glasses and I do not pay attention to such things. I understand who I feel good, who I love and what I like to do. These are my main landmarks in life. Everything else I am not interested. I live every day, as the last - so that he was happy.

Suit, Demurya.

Suit, Demurya.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Are you an optimist?

- No, I am a realist. I even when I handed all these stupid tests on psychology, received such a result. I absolutely calmly accept the negative as a given, while I can enjoy happy moments. I think this is: if you can't solve the problem, why do you steam?

- It is not always possible to keep calm. For example, in relations with children.

"We have always said this with Lesha - the union was ideally formed: Mom, Dad, a child. We do not take personal, intimate things that there are any couple in life, but as a family we perfectly in contact. You can say about such a union, I dreamed of all my life. There were no problems with the child from his birth. We spent the whole pregnancy with Leshe together - I left all the projects, and we just enjoyed this period, walked around the park, holding hands. I loved Lesha, he loved me, and we loved our who had not yet born baby. Together they gave birth, together with him they were brought up. And now Vanya is already becoming independent, he is six years old, and he goes to the zero class of the Cambridge academic gymnasium. He holds there all day, he has many diverse interesting activities, and he no longer needs me as before.

- Cambridge gymnasium - sounds solid. Gentleman raising?

- Well, Vanya is so: a cute, kind, intelligent kudryash. Light, pure creature. He was lucky that he had such a wonderful dad ... Well, my mother kind of nothing. (Laughs.) This feeling of well-being should be strengthened, to raise it among the same babies that are fine. I will have confidence in yourself, then you can already go to society, where anything happens.

- What if he won't know how to react to rudeness, rudeness, deception?

- learns. All individually, the souls are different come to the world. There are so strong - on some kind of child it is immediately seen that it is not trying to sleep. He whom he wants to break. Vanya is not like that, it is pure, clean, gentle-gentle, absolutely not from the material world. Listen to other children: I bought it, I have something, and I have such a toy. It is absolutely concerned. He falls in love with someone in a group, in some person, and wakes up with the thought and conversations about him. And and we are absolutely the same, we are important not things, but people.

- Will fall in love with a girl?

- No, it does not matter - a girl is or a boy. Again, someone has a strong feeling of sex, from early childhood. Vanya has no. When I first saw Lesha, my future husband, I was sixteen years old. And I did not at all see it belonging to the floor. I saw the soul. It seemed to me that he was such an angel, pure creating. Then, in a few years, when we met again, I looked at him with other eyes like a man. This is me to the fact that both Vanya and Lesha - the soul prevails above the matter.

- We need to take such people. They are trusting, they are easy to fool.

"I first experienced that Vanya is gullible and stretches towards people to whom do not have to reach." Will any boy woofer, and love with him. I did not know how to influence the situation. Then I understood: the son will not change anyway, each soul comes to his experience in the world. Previously, the child delegated responsibility for us for his decisions, and in four to five years these threads have already broken, it is manifested. Just very unexpectedly everything happened. I thought I still have ten years in stock.

- Interest for some lessons, he exists?

- All interesting in his gymnasium: swimming pool, music, drawing. He is located there from nine in the morning and up to eight in the evening. And nine goes to bed. He just does not have time for something else. Yes, and I have gained work. Social implementation is very important to me. Not much time from the actress to take place in the profession.

- Worried when there is a pause in work?

- I try to relax at this time, to stay with my family. But when the project ends, there is always a nasty feeling of fear. What if this is the last film in my life - and nothing worthwhile will happen? (Laughs.) It seems to me that this thought cannot be separated from this thought. And not only in the work: always side by side with happiness there is also a fear of losing it. But it helps us more appreciate what we have.

Trousers, Vest and Shirt, All - Eleventy

Trousers, Vest and Shirt, All - Eleventy

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Do you feel how they change with age? Now like yourself more than twenty years?

- Probably this is a matter of accepting yourself. I can say now I have much easier to live than twenty years. I have more travelers in terms of some personal, emotional experiences. There is such a phrase, I do not remember who said, probably, some kind of sage type Osho: "Laying center, and the periphery will be formed." It works like nothing else. When you love yourself, then "let's go on the water" the circles of love. And if you have an internal conflict, this feeling and broadcast to the world. I could not accept myself for a long time - it was manifested in everything and prevented to establish relationships with people. All these years I lived with a sense of guilt ... In general, if you have a problem, it is necessary to solve it. Starting with yourself, then you can and other help.

- Are you self-sufficient person or still looking for something in relationships?

- I need a relationship for exchanging emotions, information, experience, for happiness. I know for sure: if everything in your life you arranged so that you feel happy, you simply do not have other options, how to meet the same harmoniously arranged person.

- But in relationships have to compromise.

- If this compromise makes you go to a deal with conscience, it means that something is wrong with the relationship. Let me just twenty-eight years old, but I have a rich life experience. And he tells me that if someone is waiting for the solutions from you that you break, you should not do this, you have to part. Surrounding all the time tried to prove to me: it can not be all the time well, you have to give up something to sacrifice. And I was internally felt: it is not. What is the goal in front of yourself, there and come. I am satisfied with small - it means that the universe will not give you more.

- Mom, even though she is outside the system, is your success important?

- Mom is just important to be happy. And she immediately notices if something is wrong. No situation in my life is recently without her participation. By the way, Mom is the only person who is able to push me to some compromise. And she also trusts my advice.

"Anya, I noticed on your neck a tattoo in the form of small birds." What does it mean?

- There is still a flower there, from which these birds fly out. Many things are laid out. A couple of years ago I had a dream, as if I had died. But I have not experienced fear. On the contrary, it was amazing: I didn't have a body, I flew somewhere in space and felt myself a part of the total energy. And it was such a magical state of lightness, happiness. That day I stopped afraid of death. For me, this is a tattoo - a symbol of rebirth and realization of the intended: seeds turn into birds. On my hand, I also have a tattoo - playing cubes on which the number of twenty six fell. This is my lucky number, and now I know that luck is always with me.

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