Chest ahead: Is it worth interfere with the fact that nature awarded you


We admit honestly, the breast of the woman is given not only for feeding offspring. If it were so, the shape and size would not be worried about. But, according to polls of sociologists, each second lady is unhappy with his breast.

Think where is the strong floor looking at the first seconds of dating? Of course, not in the eye. He is more interested in your neckline. To make sure that you read the men's novels and poems. And however, I tried the couture to introduce a fashion for a teenage figure, the victory won a pleasant eye rounded outlines. But often we will send all the forces to care for the face, and about the zone necktage completely forget. And very in vain. Bust is a secret sign of a healthy continuation of a kind, which is perceived by men at the subconscious level. But after the birth of a child, the female breast loses its completeness and the girl's outlines, to return the former shapes not all. And in this case, mammoplasty becomes exit from a difficult situation. It is also necessary in case of serious asymmetry.

It is useless to look for numbers - how many women do something with their breasts. Few people admits that the breast is not real. So tens of thousands of ladies in secret improve their forms in plastic surgery clinics. True, many cases confirm that they do these operations without weighing everything "for" and "against", but only following the fashion. In this case, the result is not the best, sometimes you have to redo the work of the surgeon several times, and even to remove the imposed implants at all. The words of specialists clinics are that mammoplasty is a pretty simple operation and everything is safe in it, you should not blindly take on faith. After all, this is still an operation that takes place under anesthesia, respectively, and healthy may be inflicted.

Usually, the stars do not advertise how the seductive forms acquired. Share the truth is given Borisov. According to her, she has long thought to increase the chest, which after childbirth and feeding turned into "two dried rags". Mammoplasty Singer Natalie decided, too, after childbirth: "I have two sons, I fed them with both breasts, because of what she completely lost the form. In my case, it was the only way out of saving the chest. But Julia began very much regretted that he had increased bust. I had to even make several operations to remove the implants, as a result of which the infection was brought. But now everything, fortunately, is fine.

Victoria Beckham diligently hides manipulations with breasts, but everything is visible to the naked eye. But Pamela Anderson would not have become Pamela Anderson without his outstanding forms. At first, the actress won the consciousness of fans in the TV series "Malibu's rescuers", and then the audience simply watched the changes occurring with the appearance of Pamela: Reduced the chest, increased the chest, reduced, increased ... such a closed circle.

Bust is a secret sign of a healthy continuation of a kind, which is perceived by men at the subconscious level

Bust is a secret sign of a healthy continuation of a kind, which is perceived by men at the subconscious level


Less yes better

For many women, especially slender, big breasts becomes a real tragedy. Some say: Terepi and rejoice, since nature has awarded. But the owner of the luxurious bust themselves is not happy at all: their spine simply does not withstand such a load. It was for them that a breast decrease operation was developed. Women who are addressed for her say no longer about aesthetic problem, but that they need a health surgery that allows you to return to normal life. The difficulty lies in the fact that if the chest has become increased after childbirth and feeding, there is a danger that it is the growth of the tissues of the breast, - then you must first solve endocrinological problems, and even then think about breast correction.

An experienced plastic surgeon will definitely direct its patient to the endocrinologist, a mammologist - and only after the results of all studies are obtained and analyzed, will plan an operation. Moreover, it is really complicated: it is associated with the delicacy of the removed tissues, as well as with the inability to hide the seam. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the current blood supply and lymphottock system. Fortunately, the seam over time pale, however, he still does not disappear. Meanwhile, many women believe that this is an inexpensive fee for the ability to feel the ease and mobility of your own body.

Unlike breast increase, such stars usually do not hide. For example, Alena Vodonaeva admitted that all his life dreamed of a small breast, but the operation was postponed all the time. And finally came the day x: after pregnancy, the finely fell under the knife.

Drew Berrymore decided to surpass in 1992 (it reduced the chest for two sizes). "A big bust is a huge psychological burden. How much wither, if you have a big breast size, you will always look thicker than it really is. Yes, big bust men like men. But I'm tired that they perceive my chest, and I ignore me! " - complained in one of the star interviews. And the most famous actress, which reduced the chest is Christina Ricci. She decided to surpass in the midst of fashion for silicone breasts! But the girl simply did not see another exit: a large bust did not walk her miniature figure.

The skin on the chest is pretty dry and sensitive, has little subcutaneous fat

The skin on the chest is pretty dry and sensitive, has little subcutaneous fat


Country Soviets

The skin on the chest is quite dry and sensitive, has little subcutaneous fat, so problems become quite tangible. The most common of them are stronger and loss of tone. And due to hormonal failures against the background of pregnancy or significant fluctuations in weight, they may appear pretty early. How to build care to avoid this?

• The main thing is regularity. Do not forget about nutrition and moisturizing this sensitive zone, and home procedures will bring no less benefit than salon. Start with cleansing. Then wipe the neck of the neck and the neckline with a soft tonic without alcohol. After that, put the moisturizing cream on another wet skin (in the evening - nutritious). Any product for breasts take the bottom up (towards the clavicle) with light pattering movements, like on the skin of the eyelid. Make peeling a couple of times a week. It can be combined with scriber in the shower, only for the breast area, use a soft remedy without abrasive hour trains - for example, peeling based on fruit acids.

• The Council generously applied to the skin of the breast the same creams that we use for the face, have heard many. But it turns out, this is not entirely true. The skin in the neckline zone is very gentle and sensitive, there are few sebaceous glands in it. It dries quickly and thin. Therefore, if you have a problem or oily skin of the face and you use seblining tonic or gels, then they are not recommended to smear them.

• Make a breast massage several times a week. Pour a small amount of oil (the almonds are suitable, from grape seeds or olive) to the palm and distribute the skin of the neck and chest area. Light stroking movements, not stretching the skin, move from the center of the chest to the shoulders and after the neck of the neck up to the chin. Out of oil at the end, remove the napkin. Another effective massage option is a cryoissage of a stream of cool water in the shower. If you do this at least every other day, the skin will quickly return to the tone.

• In fact, stretch marks are microgs. They are difficult to disguise with even a good tonal cream. Competent skin care decolte will help you avoid. Pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that the chest products contain plant extracts, collagen or elastin, hyaluronic acid, algae polysaccharides. Cream with lemon oils, shea, jojoba, as well as with the addition of vitamins A and E have a rejuvenating effect.

• At least once a week to indulge the skin with masks. It is suitable for both purchased tools and homework, and homemade is often no less effective. So, the handmade mask with the Push-Up effect acts no worse than the brain of the same name. Bill in a glass of boiling water mint (two teaspoons of fresh and one teaspoon dry) and let it be under the cover of twenty minutes. The tablespoon of olive oil heat the water bath and melt a teaspoon of chopped bee wax in it. Straighten the infusion of mint, mix with the oil-wax mixture and cool down a bit. Add two drops of Eucalyptus essential oils, melissa and mint, mix again and apply a mixture on dry chest skin. Leave for fifteen minutes. It is not necessary to wash the mask with water: it is removed with a napkin moistened in olive oil. For the preparation of a nutrient vitaminizing mask, warm in the microwave oven is a half-table of olive oil. Add two drops of oil, lavender and mint to it. Apply the neckline and neck to the zone, cover with a warm towel. Ten minutes later, carefully massage the chest, then wash the oil. Repeat twice a week.

• Do not forget about sports. Of course, regular trips to the gym will not turn your first size into a full-fledged triple, but will help to straighten the posture and develop breast muscles - as a result, the bust will seem more elastic and high. The most effective exercises for the chest are all kinds of pushups, focusing in the wall, compressing the palms and the animals of the dumbbells lying on the inclined bench.

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