How to make a children's costume


If the child set you up with a stupid statement: "Mom, tomorrow at the Matinnik I play the role of Ivan Tsarevich. Urgently make me a suit, "do not panic and even more so do not say that he is composed. Take a look at the situation with a positive: Choo gives you a chance to shine with your creative abilities. Everyone will succeed with the help of the councils of the artist on the costumes of the circus dancing fountains "Aquamarine" Yulia Piskunova.

"Of course, coming up with costumes for the next circus show, I use only high-quality special fabrics, and not the fact that it gets at hand," Julia admitted. "But I can reveal a few secrets how to make an unusual costume for a holiday from the remedies."

1. If we are talking about Suit Tsarevich , It is necessary to make a long one - in the floor - a mantle of severe "royal" fabric. For this, the old curtain or tapestry bedspread is suitable. On the perimeter of the neck, the slice of the scene, insert the lace into it and pull it out. Half the case is made. You can decorate the mantle with the help of any fur (even artificial, who eliminates it from the hood of the jacket and sewing the mantle in the neck), colored ribbons, edging and brilliant buttons (they are sewn it, they will look incredibly beautiful).

2. for Tsarevna We need a wide sundress in Russian folk style, be sure to "rich" in appearance: decorate a monochrome-mounted cloth with lace, satin ribbons, fabric strips (any - a brocade, velvet, colorful sitherge). Do not be afraid to combine the incompatible - this is the key to the success of any costume, and even children - especially. If a long thread bucs was lying in the grandmother's chest - a trick of her front vertically along the cloth bands. You can make an application - cut flowers and put them on the basis of sundress, so you will create your own fabric - this is already a reception from a high-fashion area.

3. Home Detail of the image of Tsarevich or Tsarevna - Crown . It is easiest to cut out of a brilliant cardboard - then it is not necessary to decorate anything. But if you didn't have such a cardboard at hand, buy a thin felt rug in any economic store and cut out the crown from it the form you need - round, gear, etc. For decoration, everything is suitable - ribbons, buttons, artificial pearls, beads, Wooden beads, old brooches. Your fantasy and the shape of the crown will prompt how to make it beautifully and symmetrically. But please do not overdo it, and then the child has a head to burn from gravity.

four. Headdress - An important detail of any outfit. Even the simplest dress will seem original if there is something unusual on the tandem to him. The easiest headdress I recommend to make you do it yourself is a wide bandage with an ostrich pen. A la Lyza Minhelli from the film "Cabaret". In this case, the fabric does not have to be brilliant. You can do any contrasting color with a wide capron tape. And if you did not find a pen, then simply tell me a bowl bow over the ear and beautifully lower her long ends to the shoulder.

5. To do Suit animal - Bunny, chanterelles, cat, etc. - Take the ordinary monophonic T-shirt as a basis and enter the "breast" on it, carved from a piece of artificial fur or some porous fabric. On the neck, we draw a contrast wide bow or put on the bow tie. Well, if you have a suitable knitted gloves - "feet". The tail is done quickly - from a piece of artificial fur or woolen threads for knitting. But with the "ears" will have to tinker a little. The basis for them will serve as an ordinary hair rim: tightly wrap it with a suitable cloth, and on top of glue the "ears" or felt carpet cut from the same fabric or felt.

6. A wig on an ambulance hand It can be made of colored woolen or acrylic (it will cost cheaper) yarn. For the image of "Beauty" - turn the thread into a thick braid and secure on the rim; For Malvina - Screw the blue link "Locks" on the curlers and well fix them with plow glue; For the "hairstyle" of Ivanushki-fool, a sculpter is suitable (such sold in business stores).

7. Elegant shoes will be the "point" in any image. If you do not have new beautiful tufels, do not despair. You can stick to the old comfortable ballets, you can glue the contrasting buttons, sew gates from the Kapron tissue grid - and you will feel the cindering on any ball.

eight. Most importantly - do not ignore the child's initiative , in every way attract it to the creation of a suit. It is possible to give a needle and the scissors to him too early, but at the level of the consultation, let him certainly feel its participation in this process. "

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