Ignition hatred: smells that cause aggression


The researchers found that the smell of human sweat can warn us if someone experiences anger or aggression, helping to warn us about potential violence. What about other smells? Can, for example, an aromatic candle make us evil? Womanhit disassembled with support for scientific literature.

What is the difference for men and women

Most animals the sense of smell plays a decisive role in the control of instinctive behavior. For example, chemical signals from a partner, a competitor or predator cause a specific behavior in mice, namely, mating, aggression and protective behavior, respectively. Since in 1959, the Pheromon was discovered, highlighted by the Moth's female, which attracts the opposite sex, scientists discovered many chemicals affecting the behavior of various types of animals, from insects to mammals and people. Despite the growing database of famous pheromones, scientists knew little about how the brain actually converts certain sensory signals to the corresponding behavioral signals, especially in mammals.

The research team used the male pheromone called ESP1, which was shown, enhances the sexual behavior in females of mice, at the same time contributing to aggression in males. Unlike other pheromones, which, as a rule, consist of a complex substance network, ESP1 is the only chemical that is detected by the only corresponding receptor, which makes it relatively easy to track it.

Women and men attract different flavors - so says science

Women and men attract different flavors - so says science

Photo: unsplash.com.

See how interesting! And now from the theory, we turn to practice: what odors cause aggression from people?

15. Feces of man and animals. It is clear why human and animal waste is so terribly smelled: the reason in the presence of bacteria. Food, passing completely through the body, is displayed in one of two ways: urine or feces. Urine has its own characteristic and at the same time the disgusting smell, but calus, as a rule, has a much stronger smell, especially when a person consumes a certain type of food, such as green vegetables or food with plenty of fat.

14. Merchant fish. Fresh seafood should be odorless or slightly smelling fresh sea air or hint in salinity. The fish, the shelf life of which came out, but he smells so indisputably disgusting that other smells, just as rotten, began to compare with it, for example, some frankly sharp smells of the body.

13. Composted bunch. Non-letoth and the disgusting smell of rotting leaves and herbs hovers in the air in any spring and summer day. Compost is a great way to create your own portion of nutrient vegetation, full nitrates and nitrogen. But the creation process itself requires the absorption of dead vegetation at something that can absorb the sun's rays to speed up the rotting. The smell is formed when the isothiocyanates are isolated.

12. The burned flesh. Have you ever accidentally burned your fingers when cooking or forgot to pay off a match? Then you already know the caustic smell of the root flesh in its most insignificant form. Take this smell and multiply it ten times, and you will understand the true meaning that many firefighters and rescuers feel after a fire. The cause of smell in bacteria.

11. Sewer gas. The smell of stagnant sewage is unmistakably recognizable by its illness. It is good enough to know from which oddities people get rid of the toilet, and you will get a disgusting smell.

10. Dead animal. In places where the removal of the wildlife affected by the car is not the main priority, the typical scent of summer is the smell of raccots dried in the sun.

9. Human mouth. Inside your mouth there are billions of bacteria that feed on sugars and starch, which stick to the teeth and the root of the tongue. Without proper oral hygiene, and especially those who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the unpleasant smell of mouth becomes the most ominous danger.

8. Skuns. The protective mechanism of skunk to protect against predators is its ability to launch the smelters located at the base of the tail. Smelling like a rotten cabbage, the smell of skuns can be effectively removed only with a bath with tomato juice.

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