8 steps that should be done when there is an intention to cool change life


Popular trends "Follow the dream and do just what you like" and "never late to change life" first seemed incredibly attractive, but over time it turned out that everything was not so simple. I will try to designate 8 important steps that you need to do so that the dream does not turn into disappointment.

Listen to the body

Literature and trainings on the implementation of intentions today are plenty. "Do what should, and be, what will be" - I'm closer to this postulate. But how to understand what should on one or another life segment - this is the secret. There are several indicators, one of them - the body. If the body resists, the diseases come, pursues a bad mood, and all this is due to the occupation, which seemed to be familiar and understandable - it should be recognized that the time of change came. I am sure, there are lucky people who are able to initially recognize that it is that it gives them a flight that is expressed by the phrase attributed to the Confucius: "Find a lesson for the soul and you never have to work." But such a minority. A significant factor is that a person can be gifted in several directions, and sometimes does not even assume that, while life does not throw a chance to try something new.

Don't go

Here I would like to remember the concept of the psychologist Sergei Kovalev. He notes that a person has some age cycles, which in numbers are defined by them from about this: 0-6 - the period of accumulation of basic skills (walking, speech, account ...); 6-18 - the period of accumulation of basic knowledge; 18-30 - the period of becoming separate from the parents of life, including family; 30-42 - career development (as a rule, reaching a peak in the chosen profession), family development, and here it comes 42-54 - time ... possible changes. It was in this age range that, in his opinion, a choice between "beautifully aging" and start a new round, unexpected for others and himself, try to realize the second / third gift, and this is always conjugate with the exit from the comfort zone ... Whether it is strength? Of course not. And not everyone needs. Many are satisfied with the fact that they have gained maturity. Care of grandchildren begin. And someone manage to grow and develop in the chosen profession until the end of life.

Former lawyer, and now singer and composer Amarya Paradise

Former lawyer, and now singer and composer Amarya Paradise

Photo: Elena Majorova

Watch off the support of a person who believes in you

In my history, this person became my girlfriend - Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. It was she who sent me to vocal classes, and so suddenly, a quarter of a century later, I resumed musical classes, and what? A week after the first lesson with the teacher recommended by it, I returned to the composition of songs. It was returned - during the years of study in a music school, the experience of writing was. Interestingly, I moved to music through literary experience - wrote and issued several books. In general, the calling is often indicated in childhood, so if you suddenly decided to change the profession, remember what the soul was 7-10 years old.

Be grateful to experience

Jurisprudence and university education I am infinitely grateful for the life experience, the development of humanitarian skills, for the plots of practice, the substantive basis of some texts. Everything has its time. I will not stop long at all aspects, I will say about the main thing: the state of justice and law enforcement practice by 2014 did not leave me a choice, I left the profession gradually and completely consciously, without any regrets. By this time, my first BACK TO MUSIC album was ready in Russian and English.

Do not think about what people will say

Of course, I was not easy from a lawyer to turn into a musician. In addition, in 2014, daughter was born - our husband and her husband. The album was completed with her, the Russian version was written on the eighth month of pregnancy. And gradually I understood that over time I will not be able to combine tough business energy and creative vibrations. Parting with the profession internally lasted for about two years, outwardly - a little longer, many discouraged me from such a step, most, it seems to me, due to the fact that they were internally agree with the very possibility of such a decision - it was too calm it all points of view of ordinary rules of normal life.

Make close to allies!

Family is always a colossal resource. What is only worth "bet" with her husband, or rather its provocation. All began with the fact that my colleague on the legal bureau proposed to try to sing in a professional studio. The idea itself seemed strange to me: sign up in the studio, why? My husband was supported by this initiative, noticing, as if, by the way, that Adel and her songs are beautiful, but really "weakly" to write something to me: "Well, remember everything is bad that it was before me." So, "on weakly", by now I composed more than 120 songs, and the person with whom we began to record the first of them in the studio - Eugene Crochekov, since then the permanent arranger and plays the keys in the Amaria group, the composition of which The same chosen, has almost changed since the first exit to the scene in 2016.

They were supported and parents who I owe and musical education, and the first stage experience: at six years speaking at the "warming up" of Edita Piekhi before her concert for military personnel in Poland, where the father served; In the same place, Mom and Pope created children's via "Red Carnation", where I played on the electric journal and sang. For them, it was amazing my return to music after so many years. But surprise it was joyful.

Get ready for envy

In principle, I did not understand the source of this feeling before, it seemed to experience envy - unnaturally and absolutely not rational. No one can say with confidence than he paid or pays ultimately a person for has. But once I read a weightous volume of the textbook on psychology, where the envy was subdivided into two types: envy to what a person possesses (and this feeling is curled by facilitational reasoning, something material that gives rise to envy, you can select or try to find it) and envy To the personal qualities of a person (and with her the trouble, it is not fat, so categorically, at least, was set out in a smart book, literally: such a type of envy is terminated by the death of the subject).

I do not react in any way. And I do not explain anything. This is already in the past, trying to explain something. We all need not easy to observe change in the usual. Estimation on this occasion can be understood and accept. And the smaller the response, the easier it is to maintain relationships. Adaptation comes. Not for all. Just with those who do not cope, no longer along the way.

Follow signs

Do what should, and be what will happen. The soul always knows the right answer. If there are doubts, it continues for a long time (years) may not knock on the closed door. If your path - there will be signs, new people will come, and it is when the period of doubt is completed. And it is very important to improve, learn, constantly going beyond the boundaries of the possibilities, through "I can not".

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