Love has passed: parting stars that fans did not expect fans


A few hours ago, the information was leaked to the US media: Billionaire Kylie Jenner broke up with a boyfriend - Raper Trevis Scott. The couple began to meet in the spring of 2017, and a year later, the birth of daughter Storm was noted. And he would seem good - the couple celebrated the first birthday of the baby, recorded Storsith in an embrace and signed under the photo "together forever". In fact, it turned out that because of the dense work schedule, lovers lack a time for family life. They temporarily took a pause in relationships, but the fans are still waiting for the couple's reunification.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko

Yin and Yang - so described fans of favorite humorists. It seemed that two energetic and self-critical people would always be together. However, everything turned out otherwise - neither the retirement age nor an impressive capital nor the request of the public was helped to preserve the Union. More recently the perfect couple, they hired lawyers and went to defend personal interests in court. And what ended the dispute, everyone has long seen.

Sergey and Matilda cords

Divorce this pair really no one expected. Matilda supported the musician in everything, which is not surprising - with teenage age she learned the songs of the future husband and was a Yellow fan of the Leningrad group. Sergey has repeatedly devoted to a woman poems in the posts of a personal blog Instagram, under which enthusiastic fans dreamed of finding the same incendiary and intelligent partner. After parting, Matilda said that love was held and began for new work projects. And the time cords did not lose in vain - in just 2 months he married the fourth time.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky

The young instagram audience has long acknowledged them and announced inseparable twix sticks. What was the surprise when Rita put together a joint photo and told him about the long-standing treks of Vlad. The further conflict came, the more details came up with the past of the man. Rita sang "You just don't know how to love," but immediately announced that "he managed to forgive him." A year after the divorce of the singer, the photo was shared, where he poses together with a former husband and parents - the couple managed to restore friendly relations for the sake of the Mia's common daughter and to realize the mistakes of the past.

Monica Belluci and Vensean Kassel

"Beautiful and monster" - so fans in a joke called the acting couple of burning Italian and courageous Frenchman. Partners got acquainted on the filming of the film and from that time they did not part debts × 17 years. Educating two daughters, they still decided to disperse due to the lack of sufficient free time for family. Monica and Vensean are still good friends who are often seen under the Sofita of the Red Track and beyond secular events.

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