Spring without unpleasant surprises: What you need to know about the prevention of colds in spring


We waited for this long winter! But more spring is the time of the traditional surge of incidence of colds, or rather, sharp respiratory viral infections (ORVI). Symptoms of ARVI, such as cough, runny nose, head, muscle pain and throat pain, abundant tearing, weakness and body temperature can seriously disrupt our optimistic spring plans. Why does it happen and how can you fight effectively?

Where does the cold come from?

Winter frosty air opposes the spread of pathogenic viruses. In the spring of frosts retreat, the air temperature rises, its humidity increases - the conditions that are optimal for the reproduction and spread of viruses are generated. This is the main, but not the only factor that affects the increase in incidence of colds in the spring season. Additionally, "helps" the spread of ORVI seasonal avitaminosis - as in winter, even buying fruits and vegetables, we get 2-3 times less useful vitamins and microelements than in the summer or fall, during the collection of new crop. The lack of vitamins and sunlight (and therefore vitamin D) weaken the human immune system, which it becomes very difficult to effectively counteract the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. And finally, it is impossible to forget about the person inherent impatience - barely freezing the sun, he is ready to immediately remove the scarf, a hat, a sweater, warm upper clothes, not giving the body of time to reconfigure new temperature regime.


What to do: Observe the rules of hygiene

Simple hygiene rules will help noticeably reduce the risk of spring colds and for adults, and for children. Do not forget to wash your hands, returning home from the street, as well as before meals. If there is no such possibility for any reason, use antibacterial fluids or wet antibacterial napkins. Carry the room 2-3 times a day, not allowing drafts; Not less than once for 2-3 days, spend houses wet cleaning, mechanically "sweeping" pathogenic microorganisms. These rules are elementary, everyone is known, but not always performed. And completely in vain!

What to do: dress up the weather

For spring, especially early, high temperature differences are characteristic. At night, it can still be observed quite serious minus, in the afternoon, the positive temperatures dominate, and the sun begins to warm in real. During such drops, it is very easy to pick up a cold just because of the wrong selection of clothes. In the spring it is important that clothes have been a multi-layer - such that one layer in the afternoon can be removed (for example, a cardigan or jumper, put on top of the shirt), so as not to overheat, and in the evening to wear to feel comfortable and not freeze.

What to do: Put right

You already know that one of the reasons for spring colds is a lack of vitamins. To fill it, it is important to eat right, replacing the fast food and canned foods with fresh, or (in spring it is even more rational) products of fast shock freezing, preserving vitamins and nutrients. So, compote from frozen fruits and berries or from dried fruits in the spring will be more useful than the same compote from the apples already stipped all winter. It is also important to introduce acidiform products to regulate the intestinal microflora - an important level of the immune system - the first fresh greens, as well as a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even if you are sitting on diets, for example, to combat overweight, remember that spring is the most inappropriate season for diets. This time is for full nutrition!

What to do: Help Immunity

Spring immunity, more than ever, is important to help from outside to protect against viruses and prevent the development of ARVI. A modern family antiviral drug Citovir-3 can provide such assistance. He does not try to fight each virus separately (after all, their species today are already known more than 200, and the number continues to grow), and enhances the body's immune response to any viral invasion. This agent activates the production of immunoglobulins A - they do not give viruses to penetrate the tissues of our organism - and interferons, which counteract viruses reproduction and reduce their life cycle. Citovir-3 is also intended for treatment, and for the prevention of colds in adults and children from 6 years, and the special children's form of the drug is designed for use in children since 1 year. Only 4 days of receiving Citovir-3 (this is a standard preventive or therapeutic course) helps reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of ARVI for a month; After 3-4 weeks, if necessary, a prophylactic course of reception can be repeated.



Proper rich in vitamins and useful bacteria nutrition; compliance with elementary hygienic standards; Reasonably selected clothing and preventive reception of Citovir-3 - this is what you can oppose spring colds. And let the spring gives all of us pleasant surprises!


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