Surrogate mother of Pugacheva and Galkina turned out to be fake


All channel channels on Monday picked the sensational news - Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin became the parents of Harry's twins and Lisa. The intrigue kept only the name of the surrogate mother, which for nine months she hasned twins.

The last mystery was almost revealed when the alleged that the most surrogate mother was submitted by one of the television shows.

"Now ATTENTION: With us in direct connection - a surrogate mother ..." - so the TV presenter of the popular Tok show presented the interlocutor.

Then a certain Elena Wyrinine from Kazan appeared on the screen. In the upper left corner there was a dice "Exclusive".

The names of the parents, for which × 30-year-old woman snapped children, the leading program, by the way, did not name. But the audience decided that it was this lady that presented a stereo pair of two children.

Elena Wrinin. Photo:

Elena Wrinin. Photo:

However, Elena Solinina itself claims that he is not even familiar with Pugacheva and Galkin.

"I have never been Surma for this pair! I have been a surrogate mother for a long time, in 2009. Then she gave birth to twins, but completely for another married couple. This time, journalists invited me to the program under the pretext of Share the experience of surrogate motherhood, tell us how it was. Everything happened with us, in Kazan. I was invited to the studio, I recorded my answers, and that's it. And in the evening brought my interview to the ether. As a result, I was not in a better position. Against the background, told about Allu and Maxim looked exactly how to graze them, "Elena told.

There is a width and assumption as to why it was her chosen for filming in the transfer dedicated to the children of Pugacheva and Galkin.

"The fact is that in the summer I have already participated in this program, then shared the experience of surryatria. Everyone knew my story, apparently, my fate went well for the current events, "Elena explained.

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