Marina Orlova, who played the start: "Julia's dog confused me with her"


Yesterday, Julia would be 40 years old. The singer's anniversary was created a film telling about her life and recent days. Actress Marina Orlova ("Native people", "Barvikha"), which played Yuly, shared with some details of the film processing.

- Marina, admit, were not afraid to play such a role? Are you a superstitious man, believe in mysticism?

"Why should I be afraid to work by profession?" I actress, I learned at the Institute to play interesting roles, the fate of different people. This is my profession, favorite profession! Therefore, I agreed. I haven't had such experience. Mystic is interesting to me. I went even to India, to my beloved mysticism Sadhguru, lived in Ashrama for a whole month, went barefoot, got up at 5 am and bathed in ice font. Was Vegan and was engaged in yoga. Therefore, I know a lot about mysticism, but mystic is far from human superstitions.

- During filming, there were any abnormal situations and, perhaps, even mystical?

- During the shooting, everything was as needed! The director told that until the moment I had appeared in the project, everything went wrong, they could not start shooting, they did not work. And with my arrival everything went like oil! The apartment of Yulia was cozy. And even her dog confused me with her and began to lick legs.

Marina Orlova played the role of Julia at the beginning

Marina Orlova played the role of Julia at the beginning

- Have you been familiar with the start?

- With Julia, I was not familiar, I would not play a person who knew. And since we were not familiar, she remained a famous person for me, no more. Although Julia's songs, of course, I knew, and sang them at children's musical contests. And only after reading the script, after I plunged into her life, I spent the time in her apartment with all her things, he was imbued with the drama of her personal, sad story, I sincerely loved her.

I saw an ordinary girl in it, not a star. Julia Room - All of these endless expensive bags, pop costumes, branded things. Interest with things ordinary, T-shirts from stores for middle class ... A poster of desires, which she glued, like all the girls, trying to materialize their dreams. And she dreamed like everything: about the house, about a beautiful man, cars, clocks and other robberies, about glory, as well as about the Channel One and Russian Radio. And here is her wardrobe full of all these benefits, a film was shot on the first channel. That's just no ...

"You yourself, by the way, recently recorded the song and removed the clip on it. We can say that you inspired the beginning?

- I have been engaged in music from childhood, graduated from a pop-jazz school, performed on stage. But at a certain point decided to go to learn from the actress to expand its capabilities. The filmier carried me, and I did not all be decided seriously to continue musical activity. But the songs never stopped. And really in many ways after the role of the beginning, I realized that it is impossible to postpone your dreams! They need to be exercised now! And it is impossible to keep talents. We have many different sorts of gift, the question is how we use it. Together with the European Rock group "Minus One" we recorded in our interpretation old folk American song "My Girl, Where Did You Sleep Last Night" and a couple of days ago released this clip!

Marina Orlova, who played the start:

Frame from the clip to the song "My Girl, Where Did You Sleep Last Night"

I did not expect such a result from the first job, it was already watched by a million people! Most of the difference from America! There were many curiosity and unplanned situations on these filming. For example, the actor who plays my husband in the frame is not at all the actor! This is the owner of the Tuna Factory, where Shooting, Pierre Paolo. I had excellent assistants. One of them is Gera, who at that time was not yet my boyfriend. But the way he helped me and showed an active part in all of the director, forced me to look at him with other eyes. And by the way, our first kiss you can see in this clip. I will not delve: I liked it! Whoever knew that this guy is my future husband!

Record clip does not mean that I switches from movies to music. I will continue to take a movie too. And by the way, after the release of the film about Julia, I already had a proposal for a new main role in the series.

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