Tried on yourself, and now we tell. How to learn to relax during meditation and quickly fall asleep after


On YouTube Million watch meditations that inspire you that you almost from the birth of wise, strong and beautiful. But whether you are so confident in yourself, would you spend time listening to obvious information? That's right, such practices do not work. You will only lose time, entertain yourself with the expectations of speedy success and even deeper the problem in which they were unable to figure out. The editor by samples and mistakes found the way to love meditation and use them for his good.

Step One: I hate meditation - it's all nonsense

Do not compare meditations with yoga and psychological sessions - these processes are only partially similar to the practice. The principle of gradual relaxation of body parts is taken from yoga, from sessions with a psychologist - the ability to analyze their problems with a look at the situation on the part. Meditation is the same exercise, for the proper execution of which the brain must develop cognitive connections. My mistake was waiting for an instant result from meditation - this will not happen. You need to do not less a couple of weeks, it is desirable combining with sports where you monotonously perform an action and concentrate on your thoughts - running, stretching, yoga to learn to relax the body and simultaneously strain the brain.

On video stations you will not find worthy video

On video stations you will not find worthy video


Step Two: Meditation - these are tears and delight

When you first get to complete the practice with a feeling that all thoughts got into place, you can break away from surprise. My first conscious meditation was the practice of "cleansing", during which the line of the narrative of the meditative teacher was built on the destruction of old connections with events that caused pain. Upon completion of the lesson, try not to miss a written task - the mentor gives it to analyze your practices from practice.

Step Three: Meditation should try each

Wanting the best one's loved ones, do not seek to attach them to practices. Everyone must be consciously reaching the desire to work with his subconscious and dig deep into. An unprepared person can only destroy his own psyche and turn the usual way of life with legs. You need to be older than 18, not to have mental problems and stick to a healthy day.

Engage in comfortable clothes for you

Engage in comfortable clothes for you


Step Four: Do not force yourself to meditate

Do not participate in the Chellands, do not force themselves to practice when they feel bad or do not have the need for classes. Conversely, engage when your psychological state is unstable. Put on comfortable clothes, remove the shoes and sit down sitting or lying - so; How comfortable you. If your hands and legs are freezed, you can wear socks and even gloves. You can close your eyes and even open the mouth - teachers often advise it for relaxation. Train, and you will succeed!

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