5 tips, how to get out of a difficult situation


Tip №1

Sometimes we are confronted with difficulties, for example, with an annual report. You imagine how much work is waiting ahead, and your hands are descended by themselves, together with the mood. But try to look at the situation differently "difficult" = "interesting". You get new knowledge and experience.

Difficult = interesting

Difficult = interesting


Tip №2.

We break the task for several parts. Copered with one? Already a victory and result. Has themselves for him not to lose the motivation. Each small step is important on the way to achieving the main goal.

Do not forget about rest

Do not forget about rest


Tip number 3.

When you do not know how to take the first step, start with cleaning in your own life: at home, on social networks, on the desktop. Cleansing space helps to make thoughts in order. Recently, scientists have proven that the Bardak and Chaos of the houses prevent focus on a specific task.

Raise with breaks

Raise with breaks


Tip number 4.

All and immediately, while adjacent under other people, is very difficult. It threatens nervous exhaustion and health problems. Decide problems in a convenient rhythm, making breaks for rest.

Do the way you need

Do the way you need


Tip number 5.

Do not be distracted by extraneous stimuli, season priorities. What is more important to you: listen to girlfriend whining, watch "Dom-2" or take advanced training courses, learn a new sport, take a walk with a child. Live as interesting to you.

You can not do everything immediately

You can not do everything immediately


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