Aristarh Venez: "Girls wept and spent the night under the windows"


Aristarkh Venezes was one of the participants of the recent festival "ARTEKA AREA". On the Black Sea coast, the star of the serials "Cadet", "Kremlin cadets", "The Law of Stone Jungle" flew along with his sister and already in place met his numerous fans. However, the attention of the girls and the sea breeze did not distract the 27-year-old actor from festival affairs, sports and interviews with

"Aristarh, you came to Artek with my sister Maria." Tell us a little about her.

- Maria Venezes is my younger sister. We have a big difference with her - thirteen years. But it is not felt. Sometimes I think she is older than me. She says: "Aris, you are five years ...". I am happy that Maria here comes here, because, firstly, she really likes it here, and secondly, she speaks with everyone in a professional language. We are from the acting family, and parents took us to adults. She also writes scripts from five years old, herself removes movies. When I studied in Vgika from Solovyov, he told me: "Bring me what she writes." So she has their own interests.

- Masha also will actress?

"She was small in the TV series" Code of Honor ", in the film" Not more important than love "she has one of the main roles. But she does not want to be an actress. He says: "I'm not a fool, I want to be either a director or producer."

- Many of your colleagues belong to the festival, which passes on the seashore, how to combine work and rest to the opportunity. How do you like to relax?

- When I arrived at "Artek", I thought that I would fall out from my schedule. The fact is that recently I have been painted every day: in the morning one training, the day is different. Then boxing, music, rehearsals. I now lead a healthy lifestyle: I do not drink, I do not smoke. Fortunately, here, in the Crimea, I turned out to be a chic gym, where I am doing. I came, first made cardiography, stood in the bar, then tipped up, well, still boxing. I thus rest. No matter how hard it was, or nor wanted to get up and go to the training session, I don't go anyway. Because I know: the moment when you start to get, although it did not work before, I do not compare with anything.

Maria, younger sister Aristarch, plans to become a director or producer

Maria, younger sister Aristarch, plans to become a director or producer

Lilia Charlovskaya

- Nice physical training is needed for a new film project?

- I always trained and was in good physical form, how much I remember. The exception is that year when I transferred the operation. In 2014, I had a break of the front cruciform ligaments of the knee joint on the right foot. Injumulus received when he played football with Timur Efremenkov. I adore football in general, it is the most men's game on the planet. The most dynamic, most spectacular. But football is the most rigid sport. I have 71 kilograms before injury. And before the shooting of the series "The Law of Stone Jungle", I was told: "Venez. We must lose weight. " I did not grow out, just the muscles opted and became loose. I had to go to healthy diet and start training. And everything was fine again. I now like how I look. Light, movable acting body. I'm not a bodybuilder.

- You have been seriously engaged in football, even before the injury. Why did you have to throw?

- I played football eight years old. But since six years began to work in the movies. When was small, I thought that these things could be combined. And still think so. In general, I always had business. I could also become a military translator.

- Do you know foreign languages?

- It says very loudly. In fact, I'm not in better form. For example, in French. Although I think I remember about the month of practice. I know Greek, English, but also there is where to grow. A year ago, I had the first experience of filming from the director Andrzej butkovayaka. And although they filmed the Americans, I did not have any problems with English at all. Moreover, we sometimes redid the text almost on the set.

Aristarh Venez:

In the new film "Beyond" about the screws with super-abilities of Aristarh played a young man who owns telekinesis. For the role of the actor I had to brighten the hair and make a chemical twist

- Here, in the Crimea, there are a lot of fans around you. Tell us how do you have relationships with them?

- normally fold. Now, of course, no longer as before. Six years ago there was another time. Now what a reason to sleep under the windows when you can take a photo, look at social networks, what happens to me? And during the popularity of the series "Cadet", all my entrance was painted: I love, good, beautiful and so on ... The girls were attempted and spent the night under the windows. But I didn't lose my head for it.

- If you believe social networks, then you meet with a beautiful girl. She is not jealous of fans?

- I, honestly, would not want to discuss my personal life. But I do not have girls. Social networks lie. Personal life is not yet arranged, although it does not really worry me. Work takes all my time.

- What girl could have conquer your heart?

- Real. I generally love real people. I have a kind of taste, because I pay attention to the details. How a girl is silent, as he eats, as smiles, as embarrassed. Everything important. Of course, I love prominent girls, beautiful. But I don't like stupid people very much. As well as primitive behavior and unpleasant voice melody. I pay attention to all. In general, girls do not know what I am in household life. Let them think that I am such a chic guy. (Smiles.) But in everyday life I'm just unbearable. Yes, and at home does not happen.

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