Dina Garipova: "Return to my last life would be unfair"


- Dina, recently began the second season of the show, do you watch it? Probably looking at the contestants, remember yourself on this scene?

- Of course, I remember how to stand in their place a year ago. In general, the competition is very difficult. In every round, your difficulties: do not take care, take into account all the comments of the mentor and fulfill your competitive song as you want it to sound. Therefore, I want to wish current participants: believe in my strength and love my work, then everything will work out!

- When the next season begins someone, then about last year's stars are often forgotten. You communicate with the guys from the first "voice", what do they do?

- Remembering the experience of various programs, I can say that no one is forgotten if it does not cease to work. New faces appear - it's great! This means that there is always a choice to listen and who to listen. With the guys, I communicate, seeing the events mainly. They are engaged in recording new songs, all sorts of performances and projects. In general, life boys!

- Your victory has changed your life. Have you been ready for such a turn of events?

- Never guess how events are beingaker. I went to the project, realizing that life could change, but also could not imagine that everything would change so dramatically.

- This year you have a diploma in the faculty of journalism in Kazan University?

- Yes.

"You already know what the subject will you write a diploma?"

- While the topic in development.

- Why exactly Zhurfak?

"Because I was always interested to write." Still at school attended the meetings of Junks, where we learned to create materials. Then I realized that journalistic education would be interesting for me in the future.

Over the past six months, Dina is noticeably lost. But questions about diet answers that it does not hold anything, but just works much. Photo: Natalia Mushkina.

Over the past six months, Dina is noticeably lost. But questions about diet answers that it does not hold anything, but just works much. Photo: Natalia Mushkina.

- Theoretical knowledge help you now communicate with journalists?

- Definitely help! Once again, I was convinced that I was not mistaken with the choice of faculty. (Smiles).

- And in communication with famous musicians, at whose work did you grow?

"I grew in various music: this is the Orchestra of the Moria field, and Whitney Houston, and Sting, and Abba ... I loved the songs of Muslim Magomayev very much, Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Valley. I listened to many in different periods of your life. Interests changed - the preferences of music changed. One thing was united - it was real beautiful high-quality music.

- Dina, you now start a tour of the tour, how will you combine study and work?

- I am learning in absentia, so there is no special problems. In addition, my university with understanding refers to the events that happened to me give some delay as needed.

- Anyone from your loved ones will be accompanied or you already have a big girl and cope?

"I always went to all kinds of contests and performances alone." Also on the "voice" my natives arrived only closer to the semifinals, and before that they were hurting about the TV screens. Eurovision is an exceptional case when I wanted to feel the support of my native person nearby. Yes, and show Mom Sweden very much wanted.

- Before participating in the show you lived with your parents, now spend most of the time in the roads. What do you think you matured?

- I have grown pretty early in this regard, because from my childhood in the contests. Parents never went with me, except when I was six years old. Therefore, to live away from relatives for some time I got used to.

- And parents began to treat you differently as big?

- No matter how many years have been a person, for Mom he is her child, about which she will always worry about. Naturally, Mom understands that I am an adult and an independent person, and always respects and supports my opinion in some questions.

- Interested on the phone: did you eat today and have a cap on a cold day?

- Well, whose mother is not interested in her child?

- Dina, at the end of the summer everyone discussed how much you lost weight. How did you manage it?

- No recipe and secret. Just a lot of work, maybe it affected.

Dina Garipova is the youngest well-deserved artist of Tatarstan. With the President of the Republic of Rustam Minnikhanov. Photo: vk.com.

Dina Garipova is the youngest well-deserved artist of Tatarstan. With the President of the Republic of Rustam Minnikhanov. Photo: vk.com.

- Due to the influence of fashion for thinness? You always said that you prefer the style of the 50s, and then women with forms were valued.

- never sought to chase in anything. I try to live so that it is comfortable both inside and outside. Specially never tried to change.

- Dina, you are the youngest well-deserved artist, you are the winner of the popular show and the Eurovision finalist, you have a touring tour, you write down the album, you managed to lose weight - some such achievements would have enough for life. And what is the next step?

- try not to disappoint the audience and continue to do your favorite thing.

- Never regretted that they got into such a swing? Would you like to return to a quiet life?

- In order to achieve something in life, you need to work a lot, put a lot of strength in your dream. From six years I was engaged in vocals, participated in contests and festivals, I studied and study at the journalist at the university, two years after school taught vocals to children, worked on television, in newspapers, magazines ... I would not call it anything. Life was different - yes, but this does not mean that I was sitting without a case. I always tried to work on myself and look for my way. Return to my past life would be unfair, because then it would mean that I did everything in vain.

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